Steinberg Cubase

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Cubase 4
Developed by Steinberg
OS Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows
Genre Digital music workstation
License Proprietary

Cubase is a computer program for music production. The program offers recording, producing and mixing of sounds in order to make music production for distribution on CDs or the internet. Most of the facilities in recording studios are now available for computer owners using Cubase or other similar products.

In order to illustrate this: If you have say guitar, piano, bass and vocal all played by the same person, Cubase can record a track with each instrument and mix the different instruments and sounds into a coherent production. This technique is known as overdubbing. The sound quality is pretty close to what a professional recording studio can offer.

Cubase is a series of MIDI, music sequencer and digital audio editing computer applications (commonly known as a DAW - Digital Audio Workstation), created by the German firm Steinberg. Its first version, which ran on the Atari ST computer, was released in 1989.


[edit] Operation

Cubase creates projects which allow the operator to edit MIDI files, raw audio tracks, and other associated information like lyrics, and to present them in a range of formats including musical scores, editing console, event lists, etc. The operator can also mix the various tracks down into a stereo .wav file ready to be burned onto a CD in Red Book format or .mp3 burnt to CD or DVD as files or to be published on the web.

While MIDI is a fairly ubiquitous standard for representation of digital music, there is no broadly accepted standard for the interchange of complete projects containing both MIDI and audio between Cubase and other competing recording/editing software (e.g. Logic Pro, Pro Tools, Digital Performer, or Cakewalk), so while actual pure recorded audio information can be exchanged, it is hard to import a whole project (with specific edits, instrument information and automation) in its native format from Cubase to another application and vice versa. The cross-platform OMFI format (which is supported by Cubase SX) resolves this issue to some extent.

[edit] Origins

Steinberg's Cubase (at first briefly known as 'Cubit') started life on the Atari ST in 1989, as the successor Sequencer to Steinberg's professional sequencer Pro-24 - it was a complete software re-write. Cubase's most obvious benefit over Pro 24 was its vastly superior arrange page — in fact, Cubase's arrange page is now widely regarded as the first sequencer to 'get it right', and its paradigm was later wisely incorporated into virtually all the major sequencers (for example, Logic).

However, as the Atari market slowly diminished, Cubase was ported to the Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows platforms and subsequent versions introduced features for recording raw audio (Circa late 1992). This porting re-invigorated the Mac sequencer developers, and as time passed, they began to gradually catch-up with their European challengers.

The original Cubase used its own operating system called MROS (MIDI Real-time Operating System) which ran on top of the computer's own operating system. MROS did not initially work well on Windows 3.0, which was not intended for real-time applications. However, modern operating systems are designed to support multimedia applications, so modern versions of Cubase no longer use MROS.

The release of Cubase in 1993 on the Atari Falcon was a breakthrough in DSP software technology as realtime manipulation of audio was possible without the assistance of additional processor cards, as was the case with the more costly Pro Tools and other similar systems.

[edit] Versions

[edit] Cubase 1.0 Atari

Cubase for Atari on a monochrome monitor
Cubase for Atari on a monochrome monitor

April 1989 -- Originally called Cubit, but changed to Cubase due to copyright reasons, this was the much awaited successor to Pro-24. Cubase for Atari was MIDI only and ran on the Atari 520ST and Atari 1040ST. Although it would run on a colour screen, the best resolution was obtained by using the SM 124 monochrome monitor which gave, for its time, an impressive resolution of 640x400

The main innovation of Cubase for the Atari was the graphic arrange page. The Arrange Page, since copied by just about every other similar product, allowed for the graphic representation of the composition using a vertical list of tracks and a horizontal timeline.

1990 -- Cubase 1.0 is released for the Apple Macintosh

[edit] Cubase 2.0 Atari

April 1990

[edit] Cubase Audio

1991 - Macintosh

1993 - Release on the Atari Falcon 030. This version brings DSP built-in effects with 8-tracks audio playback. It was an incredible solution for the price at this time. Later versions enable 16-tracks mode.

[edit] Cubase 3.0 Atari


[edit] Cubase for Windows


[edit] Cubase Score for Windows

1993 Cubase Score is released for Windows offering Key, List, Logical, Drum, and, of course, score editing and printing facilities. A GM/GS Editor is also included.

[edit] Cubase 2.8 for Windows

Cubase V2.8 - Windows
Cubase V2.8 - Windows


The Arrange Window was redesigned.

Features included the Interactive Phrase Synthesizer, CueTrax and StyleTrax: the "virtual Band".

[edit] Cubase Audio 1.6 Windows


Cubase Audio 1.6 supported the hard disk recording functions of Session8 and Yamaha's CBX D3/D5 Cubase Audio supported Digidesign's new AudioMedia III PCI card. Used in conjunction with AudioMedia III Cubase Audio gave 8 audio tracks, EQ and automation.

[edit] Cubase Audio 3.0 TDM for Macintosh


Cubase Audio 3.0 TDM had up to 16 Audio Tracks with TDM Support for up to 48 Physical Audio Tracks.

Cubase Audio 3.0 TDM contained all the new features of Cubase Score 2.0. It also had OMS II Support and MovieManager Support.

[edit] Cubase Audio XT 3.0


[edit] Cubase Score 3.0


[edit] Cubase VST3.0 Macintosh

1996 Up to 32 tracks of Digital Audio. Up to 128 realtime EQs.Professional Effects Rack with 4 multi-effect processors. Plug in Interface for external Plug-ins, allowing external audio technology to be integrated into the Cubase environment. Professional Score Printing, up to 60 staves per page, 8-voice Polyphony. Had a bug limiting memory in the host system to 64mb on the PowerMac. Was eventually resolved with a patch.

[edit] Cubase VST3.5 Windows

1997 -- Windows Cubase VST provided up to 32 tracks of digital audio, 128 Equalizers in real time, a fully equipped effects rack with four multi-effects processors, a master section and an open PlugIn interface for additional real time effects and mastering tools. VST for Windows also supported Active Movie compatible PlugIns.

[edit] Cubase VST3.5.5

1998 Other new features include:

Updated implementation of the DirectX PlugIns which allows you to organize the list of installed PlugIns according to personal preferences. Support for Recycle Export Files (.REX-files). This allows the use of 'recycled' sample loops right in VST audio tracks without using a dedicated hardware sampler. VST Audio Engine can now be disabled while VST is running (from within the Audio-System Menu) or by launching the program while holding the Shift key, this is also used in schools

[edit] Cubase VST24 3.6

1998 96 tracks, Submixers, ReWire, 8 FX sends and eight Aux. VST/24 3.6 supports the entire functionality of Yamaha's DSP Factory card

[edit] Cubase VST24 3.7


[edit] Cubase VST24 4.0 Macintosh

1998 Macintosh only.

Cubase VST24 4.0 now offers 96 tracks of 24 bit, 96 kHz digital audio with Digidesign Pro Tools 24(TM) digital audio hardware systems.

[edit] Cubase VST24 4.1 Macintosh

Cubase V4.1 - Mac
Cubase V4.1 - Mac

1999 Macintosh only. Introduced VST 2.0, ASIO 2.0, DSP Factory support, TDM support and more. In addition, the Cubase VST/24 Mixer/EQ section included an extension with 5 new real-time processing modules - Compressor, Limiter, Auto Gate, Auto Limit and Soft Clip. A number of VST elements could also now be controlled remotely via external devices such as the Yamaha 01-V.

[edit] Cubase VST32 5.0


[edit] Cubase VST32 5.1

2001 Was available individually and as part of a Producer's Pack featuring Recycle loop editor and Rebirth virtual instrument (non-VST format), programs developed by Propellerheads but distributed by Steinberg. The Propellerheads products came on Mac & PC compatible CDs, but the disc and serial hasp for Cubase were PC-only.

[edit] Cubase SX1.0/Cubase SL1.0


Cubase SX1.0 was released as the next generation after Cubase VST. It was based upon a contemporary sister program, Nuendo V1.0, and was a total rewrite over the previous versions of Cubase. Although bringing vast improvements in both stability and feature quality, there were many features from Cubase VST that didn't make it into the new version, much to the annoyance of users upgrading from previous versions.

One notable improvement of Cubase SX was its sound. The sound of Cubase VST was considered inferior to its competitors and Cubase SX corrected this with its inheritance of Nuendo's audio engine.

Cubase SX1 was also blessed with responsiveness, having a bare minimum of intrusive copy protection code. Notably the copy protection code was embedded in the Key Editor where users could move MIDI Notes. The cracked version of SX1 was identifiable by its tendency to crash if a user moved notes in the Key Editor. One of the caveats of Cubase SX1 was the loss of the Dynamic Events, a major feature of Cubase VST.

[edit] Cubase SX2.0/Cubase SL2.0


Cubase SX2.0 was hailed by many as a huge leap in functionality. One of the most innovative features was called Timewarp. This allowed users to record music either as midi and/or Audio in freetime, without click or metronome, and then move the bars and beats grid to the music, automatically creating a tempo track. The Timewarp tool actually allowed the user to move the gridlines.

Cubase SX2.0 also saw the introduction of Full PDC (Plugin Delay Compensation). Many plugins, particularly those which run on DSP Cards such as UAD-1 or Powercore cannot process their audio within a 1 sample time period and therefore introduce extra latency into the system. Unchecked this will cause some audio channels to end up out of sync with others. PDC is basically an internal algorithm that checks all the various latencies introduced by such plugins and creates audio delay buffers to allow the audio from all channels to synchronize.

[edit] Cubase SX3.0

Cubase SX3.0 - Windows
Cubase SX3.0 - Windows


One of the major features to arrive with Cubase SX3.0 was Audiowarp. Audiowarp allowed Audio to remain in sync with the project even after changing its tempo. It also allowed the user to apply 'tempo anchors' to an imported audio file in order that it would sync to the tempo of the project regardless of the original tempo.

Audiowarp was largely successful, but had a major flaw in that it didn't work with variable tempo projects. This was because the tempo map it copied to the Audio file when musical mode was enabled was derived from the fixed tempo setting of the project rather than the tempo track.

Nonetheless Audiowarp was an important addition to the musical features of Cubase and despite the caveats, having the ability to change the tempo of a musical piece and have the audio tracks follow this new tempo was an important facility in music production.

[edit] Cubase SX3.1


[edit] Cubase 4.0

Cubase 4.0.3 - Windows
Cubase 4.0.3 - Windows


Cubase 4.0 marked the end of the SX nametag, although the SE nametag is still in existence. It also marked the end of DX Plugin Support. Whatever technical or economic reason Steinberg had for dropping the use of DX Plugins in Cubase 4 it had a big impact on customer satisfaction. In addition, there was no prior announcement before release to allow users to plan ahead. It was up to a user on the Cubase forums to announce that DX Plugins were no longer supported in the program, causing an outcry.

Cubase 4.0 brought a GUI change. In general the GUI was darker than the previous version, Cubase SX3, and on the whole was warmly welcomed, although some elements are considered by many users to be a little too dark on some monitors.

With this version the Plset system was changed. The FXP (Preset) and FXB (Bank) files were discontinued along with the drop-down menu XML presets. They were replaced by a preset system that integrates in a new feature, the Media Bay, which allows deeper categorisation and management of presets at the expense of ergonomics/speed.

[edit] Cubase 4.1


Cubase 4.1 was released on October 23rd 2007. Apart from a host of bugfixes, V4.1 added some new features, including Sidechaining, Free Group Routing, Project Logical Editor, and Recording from Sum Objects. Existing Features were also improved including the Play Order Track and the Audiowarp which is now integrated into the Audio Sample editor

[edit] Notes

Cubase has existed in three main incarnations - initially Cubase, which featured only MIDI, and which was available on the Atari ST, Macintosh and Windows.

After a brief period with audio integration, the next version, Cubase VST, featured fully-integrated audio recording and mixing along with effects, added VST support, a standard for audio plug-ins which has led to a plethora of third-party effects, both freeware and commercial. Cubase VST was only for Macintosh and Windows - Atari support had been effectively dropped by this time, despite such hardware still being a mainstay in many studios.[citation needed] Cubase VST was offering a tremendous amount of power to the home user,[citation needed] but computer hardware took some time to catch up. By the time it did, VST's audio editing capability was found to be lacking when compared with competitors such as Pro Tools DAE and Digital Performer MAS.[citation needed]

To address this, a totally new version of the program, Cubase SX (based on Steinberg's flagship post-production software Nuendo) was introduced, which dramatically altered the way the program ran. This version had a steep learning curve for users of older Cubase versions. However, once the new methods of working were learned, the improvements in handling of audio and automation made for a more professional sequencer and audio editor.[citation needed]

A notable improvement with the introduction of Cubase SX was the advanced audio editing, especially the ability to 'undo' audio edits. Early versions of Cubase VST did not have this capability. Cubase SX also featured real-time time-stretching and adjustment of audio tempo, much like Sonic Foundry's ground-breaking ACID.

In September 2006 Steinberg announced Cubase 4 - the successor to Cubase SX3. Notable new features include 'control room', a feature designed to ease the creation of monitor mixes, and a new set of VST3 plug-ins and instruments.

There also exists a lighter economic alternative by Steinberg named Cubasis.

[edit] Copy protection

Almost all versions of Cubase use dongles for copy protection. Dongles are flexible in that they allow free license transfer between host machines.

The Atari versions used the cartridge port for this purpose. Parallel port dongles were employed as copy protection up until Cubase VST5.1.

Cubase SX V1.0 introduced the use of cross-platform USB dongles combined with a system of code encryption licensed from Syncrosoft. This protection has been successively broken for all versions of Cubase up to Cubase SX3.1. However, the copy protection for Cubase SX3 did manage to survive unbroken for 9 months after its public release, and the copy protection for Cubase 4 has managed to avoid being cracked since its public release in October 2006.

The varying degrees of success of the Cubase Copy Protection system has also taken its toll on some legitimate users. Part of the protection system process is to send out messages to the dongle not just on loading the program and projects, but also on many user functions. Many users have complained of the program being unresponsive as after initiating a certain function, such as re-routing an Audio Track they have to wait some time before the program is released back to them.

The original USB Dongles (supplied with SX1.0), which were physically longer than the newer versions, were known to take longer to process the copy protection code and thus cause the program to be more unresponsive. Subsequently Steinberg placed a page on their site explaining this for the benefit of the users.

[edit] VST Instruments

Cubase VST 2.0 in 1999 introduced a virtual instrument interface for software synthesizers known as VSTi. This made it possible for third-party software programmers to create and sell virtual instruments for Cubase. This technology has become the de facto standard for other DAW software when integrating software based instruments on the Macintosh and Windows platforms. A new version of VST, VST3, has been introduced with Steinberg's latest Cubase 4 product.

[edit] External links