Steffan Halperin

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Steffan Liam J Halperin (born 12th August, 1985. The drummer of London based 'nu-rave' band, Klaxons and is a later addition to the band, having only been officially announced as a member in January 2007, via NME. However, the elusive character rarely features in the band's promotional videos nor interviews; However he appears in the early 'Atlantis To Interzone' video and makes a brief appearance in the band's recent 2007 'Gravity's Rainbow' video.

Originally the band's live drummer, his inclusion as a full band member in January follows his work drumming on the studio version of their track Atlantis to Interzone (all other tracks on Klaxons' debut album, Myths of the Near Future, featured percussion by James Ford, of Simian Mobile Disco, who also produced the album).

During concerts the band are known to introduce him before playing "Totem On The Timeline", referring to him as "the bellringer" (one of his nicknames, alongside "the colourful swan" which he was given after fellow band member Jamie Reynolds was watching him play and said that he had "the majesty of a swan") or by a variation of his name (e.g., Steffano). "Bellringer" was in fact a derivative of "Hellbringer," a nickname given to him in reference to his unquenchable thirst for debauchery and outlandish clothing. He recently landed a sponsorship with Yamaha drums, due to the success of "Myths Of The Near Future."