Stefan Askenase

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Stefan Askenase (Lemberg, July 10, 1896 - Cologne, October 18, 1985) was a Polish-born Belgian classical pianist and pedagogue.

[edit] Biography

He studied with Thoedor Pollak in Lemberg and Emil von Sauer, a pupil of Liszt, at the Vienna Academy of Music. In 1919 he made his debut in Vienna, and subsequently toured throughout the world. He also taught at the Rotterdam Conservatory of Music between 1937 to 1940 and the Brussels Conservatory of Music between 1954 to 1961. In 1950 he became a naturalized Belgian citizen. He recorded extensively the works of Chopin for the Deutsche Grammophon label in the 1950s and 1960s. His pupils included Martha Argerich, Andrzej Czajkowski and Mitsuko Uchida.

[edit] References

  • Slonimsky, Nicolas; Laura Diane Kuhn; Dennis McIntire (1997). Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Classical Musicians. New York: Schirmer Books. ISBN 9780028712710. 
  • Stefan Askenase - biography (HTML). Biblioteka Narodowa, Poland. Retrieved on 2007-12-23.