Stefan Żeromski
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Stefan Żeromski (['stεfan žε'romski] ; Strawczyn, October 14, 1864 – November 20, 1925, Warsaw) was a Polish novelist and dramatist.
In 1892–96 he worked as a librarian—the last two years, the librarian—at the Polish National Museum in Rapperswil, Switzerland.
In recognition of his literary achievements, he was granted the privilege of using an apartment at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. He was short-listed for the Nobel Prize in literature.[1]
[edit] Works
- Approach of Spring (Przedwiośnie)
- The Labors of Sisyphus (Syzyfowe prace), about 19th- and 20th-century Tsarist efforts to Russify the Russian-occupied part of Poland.
- Ashes (Popioły, 1902 – 03)
- The Faithful River (Wierna rzeka, 1912)
- Ravens and Crows Will Peck Us to Pieces (Rozdziobią nas kruki, wrony)
- Homeless People (Ludzie bezdomni, 1899)
- A Story of Sin (Dzieje grzechu)
- Elegy for a Hetman (Duma o hetmanie)
- Sułkowski
- The Rose (Róża)
- The Charm of Life (Uroda życia)
- Struggles with Satan (Walka z szatanem)
- Wind from the Sea (Wiatr od morza)
- The Little Quail Ran Away From Me (Uciekła mi przepióreczka)
[edit] Bibliography
- Irena Kwiatkowska-Siemieńska, Stefan Żeromski. La nature dans son expériences et sa pensée (Stefan Żeromski: Nature in His Experiences and Thought), Préface de Jean Fabre, Professeur à la Sorbonne (Preface by Jean Fabre, Professor at the Sorbonne), Paris, Nizet, 1964 (256 pp.).