STET (fanzine)

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STET is a science fiction fanzine, which has been published intermittently by the married couple Leah Zeldes Smith and Dick Smith since the early 1990s. It has been nominated for the Hugo Award several times.

Notable for the mimeograph reproduction and long lettercol of most issues, STET achieved its highest acclaim for the 2000 issue, a parody of The Old Farmer's Almanac full of extensive reference material on science fiction fandom.

The fanzine was named partly because Leah Zeldes Smith, a journalist and editor by trade, had an abiding acquaintance with the proofreader's term "stet"; partly in affectionate tribute to historic typographically titled fanzines such as Hyphen and Slant; and partly in punning reference to the GeSTETner machines most issues were printed on.