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starburstcrazy, also know as Sara Beard is just a pretty awesome kid.....teenager. shes soo cool that ice is jealous.

Sara Beard so totaly be wirshiped or something!

 Sara grew up in a small town. She lived with her mom and dad, 

Michael and Susie. There dog roxy was one of the best dogs of all time. At the age of 4 Saras mom found out that she had canser. (Susie). They spent lots of long night back and forth from the hosipital which was more then an hour away.

Sara's mother was sick alot. 
 When Sara was 7 they moved to a new home, which is where they 

live now. She lives acrosse from her school so she gets to walk home YEEPPYEEYYY!! sike. Shortly after them moveing, when Sara was about 10 her mother died. This was a very sad and tough time for Sara and her Father. but they moved on.

 Shortly after her mom 

passed away Sara's dog Roxy died too. Sara and her dad got a new puppy named Kyle

 biggggg mistackkeeee. kyle is this insane dog with no commoncence! 

he cant understand anything and one year he knocked over the chrismas tree. let me tell 'ya folks, it was pretty funny. Even no

everyone hated kyle, Sara still grew to love him. 

They played and played all day everyday. like penutbuter and jelly.

 In school Sara learned to play the guitar. 

and got one the next chrismas. she's a very smart young girl. although her grades didnt prove much, but she was. street smart. she took care of her self. no one told her what

to do, how to do it, what to say, or nothing. her house was 

silent. after her mom passed away she learned to cook and clean. she washed her own clothes and found everything she needed to know in life out on her own.

One thing Sara love VERY much was skateboarding. Oh Sara loved skateboarding. that was her favorite thing to do. she skated with her dog, to friends house and manyy more. Music too. Sara could NOT LIVE without music in her life. Her favorite band is bowling for soup. But realy, she liked any music.

 And lastly of Sara Beards life, is her aweosme, sexiieyy, beautiful

and super amasing "note passing buddy"-Rachael. Now Rachael is a complicated person. She cant seem to EVER have all her bones together. Sara tells her to drink her milk, but rachael doesnt listen and makes up excuess. Rachaels favorite anmial of all time is the one and only duck. only ones who quack I dont think i said this but Sara likes cows. skateboarding cows of corse. Sara and Rachael are unstopably. peanutbutter jelly time peanutbutter jelly time, god why do i have that song in my head!!?? anyhoo, Sara and Rachael just HAVE to talk! And read the simsions. its just what they need to do. Even no rachaels a geek and has no life cuz hes reads too much Sara still freakin loves her. Rachael, Sara there both soo ACE.

Sara also has a super duper tight chap stick buddy names Ali...Yay!!!!!!!!! computers is fun!!
