State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic

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The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) and its many subsidiaries are responsible for the production of oil and natural gas in Azerbaijan, for operation of the country's two refineries, for running the country's pipeline system, and for managing the country's oil and natural gas imports and exports. While government ministries handle exploration and production agreements with foreign companies, SOCAR is party to all of the international consortia developing new oil and gas projects in Azerbaijan.

The company was established in September 1992 with the merger of Azerbaijan's two state oil companies, Azerineft and Azneftkimiya.

In 1994 the company signed the "Contract of the Century" related to extraction of oil from the Caspian Sea. SOCAR has a 25% stake in the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline.

Appointed to head SOCAR in January 2006 was Rovnag Abdullayev, former head of the Baku Oil Refinery and a member of the newly elected Azerbaijani parliament. He replaced veteran SOCAR head Natig Aliyev, who had been named Azerbaijan's Minister of Industry and Energy.

In 2005 SOCAR produced above 14 million tones of oil (150,000 bbls/d), mostly from Shallow Water Guneshli field.

State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) is one of the largest oil companies in the world. Using the oil reserves based on the indivisible state policy, to improve the management structure of the oil industry, to provide development of the petroleum energy complex for this purpose under the order of the president of Azerbaijan republic on the basis of the State Concern and Azerneftkimiya the State Oil Company of Republic was established. Generally at different times the unifying of the oil industry in itself Azerneft depending on specifics of the unified and managed enterprise has been carrying different names (Azerbaijan SSR peoples Commissars, USSR supreme people economic Soviet, the Heavy industry Ministry, the Soviet for Azerbaijan people economy) Azerneft committee, Azerneftkombinat ( afterwards Azerneft, Azerneft zavodlar, and Azernaftgayirma) Azernaftchikarma. On the basis of Azerneft Azerbaijan oil industry Ministry (1954-1959), Azerbaijan oil exploring ministry was created. In August 1970 it was named Azerneft again. Azerneft was to manage the oil industry of Azerbaijan, to rebuild the collapsed production of oil and oil related products and was the company to do the above mentioned. Since the creation of SOCAR there were many changes that were made to its structure. So according to the President of Azerbaijan Republic decree as of January 10th 1994 to improve the structure in accordance with the 50th decree in the state oil structure on land and on sea Oil and Gas exploration production unions were created. In accordance with improving SOCAR's structure January 24th 2003 844 number order has been issued uniting the on the sea and on the soil oil gas production unions Azneft production union has been created. SOCAR on the entire territory of Republic and in those terms oil and gas field search and exploration, oil, gas, and preparation of the gas condensate, production and transportation as well as from the products that they are made from is busy with delivering them to the internal and foreign markets. It performs a lot of scientific research and project research. There are 57 oil deposits 18 of them are in the Azerbaijan sector of the Caspian, the rest are on land. Generally the Caspian basin has 30 billion tons of oil, 18-20 trillion cubic meters of gas, which comprises 15 percent of the world carbon-hydrogen resources. The oil deposit that belongs to Azerbaijan 3-5 billion tons of oil, 5 trillion cubic meters of gas the oil production in Azerbaijan is expected to increase rapidly. According to the prognosis Azeri Chirag Guneshli project oil production highest dynamic stage is expected to fall on 2010. The oil production in this year is expected to increase to 54,9 million tons. According to the Shah Deniz project the production in 2010 will be 2,1 million tons of condensate. At this point at SOCAR employs 58 945, out of which 50 doctors of science 392 have degree of candidate of science 17500 engineers technician and specialists are doing this work. SOCAR is to satisfy the republic's internal demand for the oil and oil products, and has the capability of exporting everything above this demand. In order to provide this SOCAR is capable of corresponding production strength, well developed service sector and large scientific and technical potential. SOCAR has capability of resolving land and sea oil field exploration, utilization and renovation business and has the high level of specialists, technical and work personnel to do the job.

The fill-in about administrative building of SOCAR

The building where machinery of SOCAR is located is one of the majestic and beautiful old constructions of Baku. Many interesting facts about construction of that building has been collected in the book The architecture and town-planning in Azerbaijan at the end of XIX - beginning of XX centuries by S.S. Fatullayev: The Sadovaya street beginning at Azneft square was completing the central part of city. The constructions have been stretching to Bayil. In time the architecture view of square were changing. These changes were quickened in 1890 by construction of three-storey house on the project of architect P. Stern from Tiflis at Kakarev sector of the square. On 25th of May the project of building was approved. Construction of building began at the end of month. The front of building constructed according to the French Renaissance style has faced to the west part of embankment. Faced to Azneft square and consisted of convenient apartments this building has played a great role at projection structure of the city. The inside glassed-in balconies has looked into the yard. Other interesting facts have been described in The progress of Azerbaijani architecture magazine in English. The article says that this building belonged to famous millionaire Mir Tagy Babayev: The owner of construction Mir Tagy Babayev's first profession hasn't relate to oil sphere. He was talented and famous khanende (singer) who madly loved folk music especially mugam. His destiny changed in one night. Mir Tagy would have sung at one of the well-known families' wedding ceremony that day. One of the relatives of fiance who was an admirer of singer's creation has gave him a lot. The oil carrier of Mir Tagy Babayev began after that. In 1912 he bought 3 large oil rich plots and began to produce oil. 70 persons were working at his office. 150 000 barrels of oil were producing from his 18 wells. Mir Tagy Babayev has bought that building at the cost of oil profits. After establishing of Soviet power in Azerbaijan Bolsheviks confiscated all his mansions. Mir Tagy Babayev was obliged to immigrate to France. One source says he was living in France failed till his dead. By other information he was living in France thanks to selling of jewelry brought from Baku. In Soviet Period this building has been given to Azneft's disposal. After Azerbaijan had achieved independence (in 1991) the SOCAR machinery was placed here. Damage controls were carried out in building recently.

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