Stanley Ray Bond

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Stanley Ray Bond
Died June 24, 1972
Walpole, Massachusetts
Status deceased

Stanley Ray Bond (died June 24, 1972) was a former convict who enrolled at Brandeis University in Boston, Massachusetts, United States and was arrested for an anti-war bank robbery in Boston during the Vietnam War. During the robbery a Boston Police Department officer was shot and killed, with Bond and several accomplices captured following the robbery. Bond then died in prison awaiting trial when a bomb he built to use for an escape detonated.


[edit] Brandeis

In February of 1970 Stanley Bond enrolled at Brandeis University as part of a government sponsored program for ex-convicts out on parole.[1] While in prison Bond had become friends with the Boston Strangler, Albert DeSalvo, and on the outside he became involved with the National Student Strike Force.[1] This organization advocated strikes across the country by students as a protest to the Vietnam War.[1] While involved with these anti-war protests Bond met Susan Saxe and Katherine Ann Power, becoming involved with Power romantically.[1]

[edit] Robbery and death

These three along with two ex-cons then made plans to rob a bank in order to finance the activities of the Black Panthers.[2] First the group burglarized and torched a Massachusetts National Guard armory on September 20, 1970, stealing ammunition.[1] Then on September 23, 1970 Bond, Sax, Power, William Gilday, and Robert Valeri robbed a Brighton, Massachusetts bank of $26,000.[2] During the holdup, Gilday shot police officer Walter A. Schroeder in the back and killed him.[1][2]

Bond, Gilday, and Valeri were all captured soon after the robbery, while Saxe remained at large for five years and Power until 1993.[2] On June 24, 1972, Stanley Bond died at Walpole State Prison. His remains were interred at Los Angeles National Cemetery in California on July 2, 1972.[3] Bond died when a bomb that he was making for an escape attempt exploded prematurely.[2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d e f Wilson, Bradford P. (October 1993). Dubious Sympathies. On Principle. Retrieved on 2007-06-14.
  2. ^ a b c d e Carlson, Margaret (September 27, 1993). "Return of the Fugitive". Time. 
  3. ^ Gravesite of Stanley Ray Bond. Anarchist Black Cross Federation. Retrieved on February 29, 2008.

[edit] External links