Stanisław Zaremba (mathematician)

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Stanisław Zaremba (October 3, 1863November 23, 1942) was a Polish mathematician. His research in differential equations, applied mathematics, classical analysis, particularly on harmonic analysis, was widely recognized. He was a mathematician who contributed to the success of the Polish School of Mathematics through his teaching and organizational skills as well as through his research. Zaremba wrote a number of university textbooks and monographies.

He was a professor of the Jagiellonian University (since 1900), member of Academy of Learning (since 1903), co-founder and president of the Polish Mathematical Society (1919).


[edit] Biography

Zaremba was born on October 3, 1863 in Romanówka, Ukraine and was first educated as an engineer. He went to Paris for graduate school and received his degree from the Sorbonne in 1889. He stayed in France until 1900, when he joined the faculty at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. His years in France enabled him to establish a strong bridge between Polish mathematicians and those in France.

He died on November 23, 1942 in Kraków.

[edit] Works

  • —. (1907). Zarys pierwszych zasad teoryi liczb całkowitych (in Polish). Kraków: Akademia Umiejętności. OCLC 69628334. 
  • —. (1909). Pogląd na historyę rozwoju i stan obecny teoryi równań fizyki w czterech odczytach (in Polish). Warsaw: Druk. J. Sikorskiego. OCLC 69346520. 
  • —. (1909). Teorya wyznaczników i równań liniowych (in Polish). Kraków: Kółko Matematyczno-Fizyczne Uczniów Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. OCLC 69616537. 
  • —. (1912). Arytmetyka teoretyczna (in Polish). Kraków: Akademia Umiejętności. OCLC 69511091. 
  • —. (1914). Ogólne zasady analizy matematycznej. Cz. 2: Rachunek całkowy (in Polish). Kraków: Kółko Matematyczno-Fizyczne Uczniów Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. 
  • —. (1915). Wstęp do analizy. Cz. 1: Pojęcie dowodu matematycznego oraz inne wiadomości pomocnicze (in Polish). Warsaw: skł. gł. w Księgarni Gebethnera i Wolffa. OCLC 69586726. 
  • —. (1918). Wstęp do analizy. Cz. 2: Teorya liczb rzeczywistych (in Polish). Warsaw: skł. gł. w Księgarni Gebethnera i Wolffa. OCLC 69586727. 
  • —. (1933). Zarys mechaniki teoretycznej. Tom 1: Wiadomości pomocnicze i kinematyka (in Polish). Kraków: Akademia Umiejętności. OCLC 69538136. 

[edit] See also

[edit] References

NAME Zaremba, Stanisław
SHORT DESCRIPTION Polish mathematician
DATE OF BIRTH October 3, 1863
PLACE OF BIRTH Romanówka, Ukraine
DATE OF DEATH November 23, 1942
PLACE OF DEATH Kraków, Poland