Stalker (Gundam)

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Stalker is a fictional character from the television show G Gundam. His English voice actor is Steve Olson, and his Japanese seiyu is Yosuke Akimoto.

[edit] Appearance

Stalker always appears in his trademark crimson tuxedo. He wears a black patch over his right eye. Whenever he is announcing at the beginning of an episode of G Gundam, he appears with a microphone and removes his tuxedo jacket and eye patch, proving that he only wears the patch for dramatic effect.

[edit] Role in the Series

Stalker appears at the beginning of each episode of G Gundam from the second episode onwards to provide information about the plot of the episode, as well as to provide information about the universe of G Gundam in general. He always ends his pre-show commentary with the phrase, "Gundam Fight! Ready! Go!"

He appears to exist outside the standard continuity of the series, instead serving as a removed narrator to the events of the story which he often comments on. There were two occasion where fourth wall was broken. One, was where Domon asked him if he's seen "this man" and hands him the picture and the other was when all the characters screamed in the background saying "Gundam Fight! Ready! Go!" along with him. These moments occurred in the pilot and finale respectively.

Stalker also narrates the preview for the following episode which appears at each episode's ending, always opening his commentary with his characteristic quote, "Everybody, it's the moment you've been waiting for!"

[edit] External links