St. Xavier's Institution

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St Xavier's Institution
Motto Labor Omnia Vincit
"Labor Conquers All"
Established 1787
Type Government Non-Boarding all-boys secondary School
Affiliations Malaysia Ministry Of Education
Headmaster Reverend Brother Paul Ho
Founder Jean-Baptiste de la Salle
Students 1500
Grades Standard 1 - Standard 6
Form 1 - Form 6
Location Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
Campus Farquhar St.
Colours Green and gold
Abbreviation SXI

St Xavier's Institution is a well-known boys' school in George Town, Penang, Malaysia, named after Saint Francis Xavier, the pioneering Christian missionary and co-founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuit Order). It admits girls only for Form 6.

Widely known as SXI. The students of St Xavier's Institution are called Xaverians. SXI is famous for its high achievement in academic, sports and other activities for secondary school levels in Malaysia. It is considered one of the best non-residential schools in Malaysia, and its students have achieved national and international honors in various sports such as bowling and squash, and in other extra-curricular activities like in marching band competitions and parliamentary debating. The Xaverian, an annual publication, is arguably one of the best school magazines in Penang, and possibly in Malaysia.[citation needed]

The current building of St Xavier's Institution
The current building of St Xavier's Institution


[edit] History

SXI had humble beginnings in 1787 as a Malay language medium school in a hut in a jungle clearing.

In 1825, as an English medium school, it was named St. Francis Xavier's Free School. On April 20, 1825, the De La Salle Brothers took over the management of the school and its 80 pupils. In 1857 it was relocated in a building of 30x50 metres on Farquhar Street.

During the period, Penang Island was plagued with sanitary issues. The town itself was unsanitary and the mortality rate was high. Despite these conditions, SXI was progressive. It entered its pupils for government scholarships , the prestigious Queen's Scholarships, and from 1892, for the Cambridge exams. The building was enlarged, and in 1900 the enrolment rate rose up to over 400 pupils.

During the 1900s, Penang rose up to be a major shipping port, due to the rise of tin mining and rubber industry. Strict health regulations, the invention of motorcar, the need for rubber tyres and electricity, all these brought prosperity to Penang. SXI had over 1000 pupils and hygiene was a compulsory subject. Morning and afternoon sessions was implemented. The boarding department was flourishing, the school has a spacious playing field and a cadet CORP was formed. But in December 1941, during the Japanese occupation, SXI was bombed. It ceased to function during the Japanese occupation years.

After the war, SXI was housed in huts on the school field pending the completion of the new building. The secondary had "forms" and the primary schools had "standards". SXI had its own laboratories and workshops and a systematic canteen replaced the hawker system. School uniform was compulsory, elaborate prefect and monitor system was established while school games and athletics were more organized. SXI had a Form-6 system, and Bahasa Melayu became the medium of instruction.

The original building was destroyed in World War Two when the allied nations bombed the school which has been used as the navy headquarters for the Imperial Army of Japan. The current building was completed in 1952.

Apart from the main building at Farquhar Street, the branch primary school, SRK St Xaviers Cawangan is situated in Jalan Brother James, Penang.Other than that,the main primary school,SRK St Xaviers is located at Jalan Sekolah La Salle,Air Itam,Penang.

[edit] La Sallian Brothers

The school has traditionally been headed by the brother of the La Sallian order, with a Brother Director (like a headmaster) and a Brother Supervisor (like a deputy headmaster). In recent years, the Brother Supervisor was replaced with two assistant principles, whom are non-brothers.

The current Principal for SXI is Reverend Brother Paul Ho, with Brother Charles Levin as the Brother Director. Currently there are 3 brothers still staying in SXI. Bro. Paul is the last of the Xaverian Brothers principals in the school and after his retirement at the end of 2008, an as-yet-unnamed principal, almost assuredly a non-Brother will take over.

[edit] Affliation

Statue of St John Baptist De La Salle
Statue of St John Baptist De La Salle

SXI is affiliated to other La Sallian Educational Institutions such as:

[edit] Students

As the norm in Malaysian boys secondary schools, girls are enrolled only in the lower and upper sixth forms while Form 1-5 is strictly boys' school. The students of St Xavier's are fondly known as Xaverians.

[edit] Boards Of Disciplinarians

The Board of Disciplinarians or BOD mainly consists of 4 sub boards which are Board of Prefects, Board of Traffic Wardens, Board of Break Monitors and Board of Class Monitors. These boards are created to assist the smooth running of the school discipline. The Board of Librarians are however not included under the Board of Disciplinarians although having a badge and is often mistaken as a member of the main board.

[edit] Board of Prefects

The Board of Prefects or commonly known as BOP is the main board of the Board of Disciplinarians and is the elite board among the other sub boards in the school. In order to enter the Board of Prefects, oneself has to be a disciplinarian in their current board. The BOP is however leaded by the disciplinary council which is also considered the EXCOs of the Board of Prefects who work directly under the advise of discipline teachers. The disciplinary council positions are as follows: Head Prefect, Deputy Head Prefect, Lady Head Prefect, Honourary Treasurer, Chairman of BOTW, Chairman of BOBM, Chairman of BOCM.

The 7 Disciplinary Counctil members which were mentioned above will be the one to decide to promote and confirm prefects be it to Junior to Senior and Probationary Junior to Junior Prefects. The disciplinary council will be the one alongside teacher advisors to decide the recruitment of new prefects.

[edit] Board of Traffic Wardens

The Board of Traffic Wardens of commonly known as BOTW is a sub board of the BOD. This board only accept students who are Form 4 or higher. Member of this board are required to help to ensure a smooth flow of discipline as well as ensure a smooth running of traffic in and out the school compound. BOTW is lead by the Chairman which is a member of the Disciplinary Council. Elected EXCOs are required to assist the Chairman for the smooth running of the boards administration. The Chairman is helped by the Vice Chairman, Social Secretary, Treasurer and EXCO. EXCOs of the respective boards have the right to promote Junior Traffic Wardens to Senior Traffic Warden after going through interviews, etc. in a Combined General Boards Meeting.

[edit] Board of Break Monitors

Board of Break Monitors or commonly known as BOBM is a sub board of the BOD. This board accepts lower secondary students as well since the recess break time for both lower and upper secondary students are different. Member of this board are required to help to ensure a smooth flow of discipline in the canteen. BOBM is lead by the Chairman which is a member of the Disciplinary Council. Elected EXCOs are required to assist the Chairman for the smooth running of the boards administration. The Chairman is helped by the Vice Chairman, Social Secretary, Treasurer and Lower Secondary Head. EXCOs of the respective boards have the right to promote Junior Break Monitors to Senior Break Monitors after going through interviews, etc. in a Combined General Boards Meeting.

[edit] Board of Class Monitors

Board of Class Monitors or commonly known as BOCM is a sub board of the BOD. This boards has members in every form. A class will have 3 BOCM members being the Class Monitors, Assistant Class Monitor and the Class Treasurer. This board is unarguably the biggest board in the BOD. Member of this board are required to help the teachers in maintaining the class discipline. BOCM is lead by the Chairman which is a member of the Disciplinary Council. Elected EXCOs are required to assist the Chairman for the smooth running of the boards administration. The Chairman is helped by the Vice Chairman, Social Secretary, Secretary and Treasurer. EXCOs of the respective boards have the right to promote Junior Class Monitors to Senior Class Monitors and the class would have to re-nominate a student in the class to replace the position of the ex-Class Monitors.

[edit] Board of Librarians

This board is commonly known as the BOL. This is a non-disciplinary board which has its own system and is separated from the Board of Disciplinarians. There are times when the BOD would combine with the BOL for camps organizations and for inauguration celebration purposes. This board ensures a smooth running of the books in the library. BOL is lead by a Chief Librian and is helped by its EXCOs which are the Deputy Chief Librarian I and II, Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor. They too, have a senior-junior position in their boards.

[edit] Uniform

The traditional uniform was a white shirt, white trousers with a green tie (similar to the uniform of St Joseph's Insitutition in Singapore). In the 1970s, the federal government imposed national school uniforms as opposed to uniforms distinct to each school. Therefore, Xaverians wear the common navy green long pants and white shirt as found in other secondary schools in Malaysia. But the green tie which is a symbol of the institution stayed on.

[edit] School motto

Labor Omnia Vincit (Latin) which means Labour Conquers All.

[edit] School Colour

As with other La Salle schools, the official colour for the school is darkest green

[edit] School Anthem - Alma Mater

All through our college a voice is resounding,
Promptly respond to your duty's sweet call,
Hearken you all for the trumpet is sounding,
Your mater's proclaiming her watchwords to all

Forward her children dear,
Ever with hearts sincere,
Render with joy to your mater her due,
All that is vile reject,
Heaven will e'er protect,
Sons of St Xavier's valiant and true,

Labour will conquer your motto still bearing,
Forward with courage in ways that are just,
True to your standard, be doing and daring,
As faithful Xaverians in Heaven your trust

Forward her children dear,
Ever with hearts sincere,
Render with joy to your mater her due,
All that is vile reject,
Heaven will e'er protect,
Sons of St Xavier's valiant and true!

Apart from from the anthem "Alma Mater" above, When the Saints Go Marching In is the other unofficial anthem of the school and is also played in many of the school's functions.

[edit] Current address

Saint Xavier's Institution, Farquhar Street, 10200 Georgetown Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.

SRK St.Xavier's Institution Jalan La Salle Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

SRK St Xavier's Institution Cawangan Jalan Brother James, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.

[edit] Notable alumni

Notable people who have studied in St. Xavier's including:

  • Kapitan Chung Thye Phin, son of Kapitan Chung Keng Quee and last Kapitan China of Perak
  • Y.M. Tuan Syed Safi ibni al-Marhum Syed Alawi Jamal ul-Lail, Raja of Perlis Indra Kayangan (1897 - 1904)
  • H.H. Raja Tuan Syed Alwi ibni Al-Marhum Raja Syed Safi Jamal ul-Lail, Raja of Perlis Indra Kayangan (1904 - 1943)
  • H.H. Raja Tuan Syed Hamza ibni al-Marhum Syed Safi Jamal ul-Lail, Raja of Perlis Indra Kayangan (1943 - 1945)
  • Datuk Mohamed Sopiee Sheikh Ibrahim, teacher, scoutmaster at SXI and a past President of the Old Xaverians' Association
  • the late Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee, the first Chief Minister of Penang
  • Composer Jimmy Boey
  • The Star journalist Datuk Khor Cheang Kee
  • Dato' Ng Poh Tip, former Editor-in-chief of the Star Publications
  • Wong Sulong, former Editor-in-chief of the Star Publications
  • Michael Aeria, Group Chief Editor for the Star PUblications
  • Wong Chun Wai, Deputy Group Chief Editor for the Star Publications
  • Tan Sri Dato' Seri Nor Mohamad Yaakaop, Finance Minister II, Malaysia
  • Deputy Heritage Minister Datuk Wong Kam Hoong
  • DAP leader Karpal Singh.
  • Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Ani bin Arope, former Chairman of Tenaga Nasional Berhad
  • Professor Dr. Tarcissius Chin, former CEO of Malaysian Institute of Management
  • Professor Lee Hoong Phun, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Law, Monash University, Australia (Sir John Latham Professor of Law)
  • Kelantan-born marine tycoon Datuk Nik Sapeia Nik Yusof reputed to own the largest fleet of deep-sea trawlers in the region
  • Datuk James Frederick Augustin (1898 - 1985), headmaster of Sultan Abdul Hamid College and Ibrahim School (now known as Sekolah Menengah Ibrahim) in Sungai Petani, assistant superintendent of education for Kedah and Perlis until (1953 - 1958), Federal Legislative Council member, appointed by Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman as the government's special representative to Pope John XXIII's coronation and later, his funeral in 1958, and Pope Paul VI's coronation in 1963
  • Cartoonist and satirist Reggie Lee
  • Tan Sri Karnail Singh Nijhar (K.S. Nijhar), Member of the Malaysian Parliament representing the Subang constituency and also one of the three vice-presidents of the Malaysian Indian Congress
  • Kedah-born Tun Haji Abdul Daim bin Zainuddin, Minister of Finance

[edit] External links