St. Peter's College, Agra

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St. Peter's College
St. Peter's College, Agra
Palma non sine pulvere (Latin) (There is no success without hard work.)
Wazirpura Road, Agra,
Uttar Pradesh

Coordinates 27°11′54″N 78°00′45″E / 27.19821, 78.01250
School board ISC (Class XII), ICSE (Class X)
Principal Rev. Fr. John Ferreira
Vice principal Rev. Fr. Robert Palatty
Staff 90+
Students 2800
Houses St. Pauls' (Red)
St. Francis' (Blue)
St. Lawrence (Green)
St. Peter's (Yellow)
Type All boy college
Grades 1-12
Medium of Language English
Campus Urban
Campus size 50 Acres approx.
Hours in school day 6 Hours
Athletics Cricket, Football, Track, Swimming, Basketball
Publication School Magazine
Newspaper The Peterian Chimes [1]
Founded 1846

St. Peter’s College, Agra is a Minority Anglo-Indian Christian Institution granted Minority Rights under Article 30 of the Indian Constitution. It is located in to the east of Paliwal Park and opposite the commercial district of Sanjay Place. The campus is approximately 50 acres and is one of the largest school campuses in Agra[citation needed]. The school is accredited under the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education board for grade 10th and under the Indian School Certificate board for Grade 12. The school professes to follow a ten-point vision programme [2] and has been a prominent educational institution in Agra. In the 2006 ISC exams, Satyam Saxena, a student of the school ranked 1st in the country with 98.25% marks. [3]


[edit] Significant dates in history of St. Peter's College

  • 1841 : St. Peter's established.
  • 1846 : St. Peter's moved to existing building; date taken as founding year of St. Peter's.
  • 1870 : St. Peter's affiliated to Calcutta University. First Entrance Examination conducted. Title of College added.
  • 1946 : St. Peter's College celebrates 100 years of its existence.
  • 1963 : New block built. Presently hosts the middle section.
  • 1963 : St. Peter's College adopts Indian Certificate of Secondary Education system.
  • 1966 : Head of institution changed from Rector to Principal.
  • 1977 : St. Peter's College adopt the Indian School Certificate for Grade 12.
  • 1984 : Boarding facility discontinued. St. Peter's College becomes full time day-scholar system of education.
  • 1996 : St. Peter's College celebrates sesquicentennial anniversary for completing 150 years of existence.
  • 2003 : Significant construction changes. 33 rooms, administrative block and Multipurpose hall constructed.
  • 2006 : St. Peter's College celebrates post contenniel anniversary for completing 160 years of existence. [4]

[edit] Principals and Vice-Principals of St. Peter's College

Since its inception, the head of the College was known as the Rector it the College was a boarding school. Thereafter when the College was opened for day-scholars only, the name of the Head was changed to Principal, a nomenclature which continues till date. The Principal is the whole-and-sole incharge for its running. He is assisted by a Vice Principal who generally looks after the affairs of the middle section (i.e. class 6 - 8) and a Head Mistress who generally looks after the primary section (i.e. class 1 - 5). The Rectors, Principals and Vice-Principals of St. Peter's College have been as under; [5] [6]


No. Name Tenure
01 Father Mermet 1841 - 1851
02 Father Bonaventure 1852
03 Father Barry 1852
04 Father Lewic OC 1853 - 1954
05 Father Keegan 1855
06 Father Gaetani 1856 - 1857
07 Father Macken 1857 - 1858
08 Father Lewic OC 1858 - 1862
09 Brother Bothain 1862
10 Brother Gregory 1863
11 Father Symphorian OC 1863 - 1882
12 Father O'Dea OC 1883
13 Father Genesius OC 1883 - 1889
14 Father Radhael OC 1890 - 1893
15 Father Joseph Carroli OC 1893 - 1894
16 Father Englebert OC 1895 - 1897
17 Father Radhael OC 1897 - 1904
18 Father Christopher OC 1904 - 1906
19 Father Norman DD 1906 - 1921
20 Father Hyacinth OC 1921 - 1925
21 Father John OC 1925 - 1926
22 Father Hyacinth OC 1926 - 1934
23 Father Leo OC 1934
24  ??? 1934 - 1941
25 Father Pius Lyons OC 1941 - 1947
26 Father Hyacinth OC 1947 - 1951
27 Father Antony OFM 1952 - 1956
28 Father Radhael OFM 1957 - 1962
29 Father Lawrance OFM 1962 - 1967


No. Name Tenure
01 Father Columban OFM 1966 - 1976
02 Father Alexander OFM 1976 - 1978
03 Father Jerome D'Souza OFM 1978 - 1983
04 Father Sebastian Panthaladi 1983 - 1986
05 Father Jose Maliekal 1986 - 1987
06 Father George Paul 1987 - 1995
07 Father Dennis D'Souza 1995 - 2001
08 Father Mathew K. 2001 - 2007
09 Father John Ferreira 2007 - incumbent

Vice - Principals

No. Name Tenure
01 Father Ivan 1966 - 1972
02 Father Thomas KC 1972 - 1976
03 Father Jerome D'Souza 1976 - 1978
04 Father Jose Maliekal 1978 - 1983
05 Father George Paul 1983 - 1986
06 Father Dennis D'Souza 1986 - 1988
07 Father Joe Thykattil 1988 - 1990
08 Father Simon Lopez 1990 - 1996
09 Father Andrew Correia 1996 - 1999
10 Father John Elias 1999
11 Father Paul Mathew 1999 - 2005
12 Father Robert Palatty 2005 - incumbent

[edit] Recent Principals

In the last two decades, the School has seen four Principals: Fr. George Paul (1990-1996), Fr. Dennis D'Souza (1996-2001), Fr. Mathew K. (2001-2007) and Fr. John Ferreira (2007-incumbent). While the School attained lots of local popularity under Fr. George Paul by swapping across most of the district and State level sports championships, Fr. Dennis D'Souza is accredited for the expansion of the school by the constructing a new cycle stand and building the swimming pool in the school and also giving shape to a number of new ideas which were built upon by his successors. It was also during his reign that the School completed 150 years of its existence (1996) and celebrated its sesqui centenary functions. It was a grandest event ever witnessed by the School with the programme running for over two months and organizing a number of State level championships, including a Carnival and a Science Exhibition which was inaugurated by then Union Minister for Science and Technology, Government of India.

Under Fr. Mathew K., the school saw the development of the new Junior wing, the replacement of the cycle stand with an auditorium. And the construction of a new, bigger cycle stand in place of the field across from the middle-school wing, informally called the C Field. The School also witnessed highly increased alumni relations, for example an alum of the school in the Defence Ministry donated a fighter jet and a tank to the school. The jet found its way to the center of the new cycle stand while the tank stands at the entry of the school. The school also went tech-savvy by teaching its students computers from the primary classes all the way to the 12th grade whereas earlier it was only compulsory between classes 5 - 10 and optional for those in classes 11 and 12. The current school website also went live under Fr. Mathew as with the school newspaper. [7]

Fr. John Ferreira, after taking over from Fr. Mathew was quick with changes. Fr. Ferreria's focus on the health of students lead him to introduce full yoga sessions for the entire school during the daily assembly and nutrious food in the school canteens.

[edit] Activities

The College promotes various co-curricular and extracurricular activities. As an entire year engagement, it conducts election in the starting days of each academic session wherein the electees are invited to form a parliament type governance system with the Principal as the nominal head of the Parliament with the entire activities carried out by the elected students. The functionaries work in various official capacities such as the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Speaker of Assembly, various Ministerial positions,etc. [8] [9]

On the co-curricular front, the College organizes and participates in a number of activities. [10] [11] Other than the occasional participations, the College also organizes each year a Cultural Week which takes place starts in late August and culminates in mid-September. It involves all the sections of the College (i.e. Primary: Class 1 - 5, Middle: Class 6 - 8; and Senior: Class 9 - 12) at their respective and also overall levels. Participants are judged by external evaluators and the winners are lauded for their efforts in various ways. A number of competitions take place in this week. Some of these are activities take the form of Debates,Quizzes, Elocution, Essay-writing, Paper-presentations,Plays and performances, Dancing, Singing, etc.

On the extra-curricular front, the entire student section of the College is grouped into four Houses; namely, St. Francis, St. Lawrance, St. Pauls, and St. Peters. These houses are constituted for the purpose of promoting and conducting intra-College co-curricular and extra-curricular competitions. Each of the House is headed by a House Captain whereas the Houses are together represented by the College Captain, who is on a position analogous to the Prime Minster in the student Parliament. While the House Captains represent the Houses internally in the intra-College sports competitions, the College Captain, along with the Captains of the various individual sports teams, represent the College in inter-College competitions at district, state and national levels. [12] The College has it own Cricket [13], Basketball [14], Football [15] , Hockey [16], Lawn Tennis [17], Table Tennis [18], Badminton [19], Handball [20], Volleyball [21], Dance Troupe [22], and Tug of war [23] teams.

The month of October (and sometimes November) is devoted to Sports and outdoor field activity which involves a number of intra-College tournaments. The month begins with the trials and selections and culminates on what is termed as the Sports' Day, which is usually attended and addressed by a current or former national level sporting figure. Kapil Dev, Milkha Singh, Kiran Bedi have been the few dignatories who have attended the Sports' Day in the previous years. [24] The College also organizes various inter-Collegiate events. The most popular of these is the "Archbishop Athaide Memorial Football Tournament" which is now being organised for more than 40 years. Other tournaments include those on basketball, cricket, tennis, swimming, skating, athletics, etc.

[edit] Gallery

[edit] References

[edit] External links