St. John's Medical College

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St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences

Motto: He Shall Live Because of Me
Established: 1963
Type: Private minority institution
Dean: Dr. Prem Pais
Undergraduates: 300
Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Campus: Urban
Athletics: Football, Basketball, Cricket, Hockey,
Mascot: Al

St. John's Medical College is one of India's premier medical institutions. It is part of the St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences run by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India. It was established in 1963 and is situated in Bangalore, India.

The college annually accepts 60 students for the MBBS undergraduate course based on a national entrance exam. It also accepts over 30 postgraduate students to a number of medical specialities.

The college culfest Autumn Muse is one of the oldest in South India.


The Catholic church in India had long felt the need of adding a Medical College to the many educational and social welfare institutions through which, over the years, it has served the country. However, the complexities such a venture involved, delayed its active consideration until the proposal was pursed by the Catholic Bishop's Conference of India. At the request of the C.B.C.I. the late Archbishop of Madras, the Most Rev. Louis Mathias, SDB, prepared and presented a report in 1954, in which he reviewed the total requirement of the project. In 1956, Archbishop Mathias, with the aid of medical and financial experts, submitted a comprehensive scheme to the conference and in September 1960, the C.B.C.I. took the decision to establish a Medical College, with an attached hospital at Bangalore.

His Holiness Pope John XXIII agreed to the college being called after his Patron, St. John the Baptist, as a mark of his personal interest in the project, and of his approval of its aims and ideals. The college was, accordingly, named "St. John's Medical College and opened in temporary premises at Bangalore in July 1963.

In the course of their Joint Pastoral issued in connection with the XXXVIII International Eucharistic Congress, held in Bombay in 1964, the Catholic Bishops of India announced their choice of the College Project as the Chief Memorial of the Congress. This choice received the warm approval of His Holiness, Pope Paul VI, which was conveyed by him in a special message addressed to His Eminence, Valerian Cardinal Gracias, the then President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India and President of the CBCI Society for Medical Education. His Holiness has also established a scholarship in the College in his own name, to be awarded, each year, to the best all round student completing the MBES course.

The Corner Stone of the Project was blessed by His Holiness Pope Paul VI, at Bombay during the principal function of the Eucharistic Congress, held on December 3, 1964, at which he officiated. It was laid at the Project site on July 27, 1965 by His Excellency Shri V.V. Giri, the then Governor of Karnataka, and later, President of India. On the completion of the buildings, the College was dedicated to the cause of Medical Education, Research and Care, on September 29, 1968, at a ceremony presided over by the late President of India, His Excellency, Dr. Zakir Hussain.

Prior to the completion of these buildings, the College was located in the premises of St. Mary's Industrial School and Orphanage, which were made available by His Grace Archbishop Thomas Pothacamury of Bangalore for the teaching of pre clinical and para clinical subjects.

St. Martha's Hospital conducted by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd Congregation was affiliated to the College for Clinical Teaching. The Hospital was extended and suitably equipped for the purpose. This hospital provided a practical example of the spirit of service and sacrifice, which the College strives to make its own and carry beyond itself, to the homes of the patients and the community, both in the urban and in the rural areas. The affiliation of this Hospital to the College has been discontinued from 1983.

Campus: In June 1968, five years after its establishment, the College moved to its permanent campus on a 140 acres site situated in the periphery of the city of Bangalore. During the first phase of construction, the following were completed: the teaching centre (housing the preclinical and para clinical departments and lecture theatres); four blocks of students' hostel; and some residences for the teaching staff.

St. John's Medical College Hospital: The construction work of the second phase consisting of a 800 bed hospital, Nurses' hostel and residences of Staff was started in April 197 1. The out patient departments were opened on December 8, 1975. Thereafter, the in patient departments were opened gradually. With the third phase of construction completed in 1987, the campus has all the required facilities including a beautiful auditorium, with 1100 seats, from 1996, as a memorial of the Silver Jubilee of this Institution. At present St. John's Medical College Hospital has 1200 in patient beds, distributed among the Departments of General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, Dental Surgery, Genito Urinary Surgery, ENT diseases, Nephrology, Orthopedics, Intensive Care, Cardiac Care, Cardiology, Neurology, Neuro Surgery, Gastroenterology, Radiology, Radio immuno Assay and Hemo Dialysis. This is the teaching hospital of our College. C.T. Scan and Radio Therapy are now made available in the campus.

The College offursing is situated in the College & Hospital Sector. Started as a School of Nursing on July 1, 1980, it was raised to the stdtus of a College of Nursing on September 25, 1989 and conducts courses in General Nursing & Midwifery, Basic B.Sc., Post Certificate B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Nursing Courses in Medical Surgery, Community Health" Paediatrics and Obst. and Gynae.

In December 1994, the Institution was re named as ST. JOHN'S NATIONAL ACADEMY OF HEALTH SCIENCES and five Institutes placed under it:

I) St. John's Medical College;

2) St. John's College of Nursing;

3) St. John's Institute of Health Management and Para Medical Studies;

4) St. John's Medical College Hospital;

5) St. John's Institute of Population, Health and Research


 Rev.Dr.Thomas Kalam : Director 
Dr. Prem Pais : Dean, sjmc 
Fr. M.A. Sebastian : Associate Director, sjmch 
Fr. Joseph Mascarenhas : Associate Director, Finance  
Dr. Ragini Macaden : Vice Dean, sjmc (till 17.01.06)  
Dr. Arun Kilpadi : Vice Dean, sjmc (from 18.01.06)  
Dr. Karuna R.Kumar : Addl.Vice Dean, sjmc (from 18.01.06)  
Dr. Sandhya T. Avadhany : Addl.Vice Dean, sjmc (from 18.01.06)  
Dr. Mary Ollapally : Chief of Medical Services  
Mrs. Madonna Britto : Principal, College of Nursing  
Ms. Mildred Rani : Vice Principal, College of Nursing (till 30.07.05)  
Sr. Suma Kuttickal : Addl.Vice Principal, College of Nursing  
Dr. Marjorie A. Correa : Professor, Pathology (till 22.06.06)  
Dr.H.Srinivasa : Prof.& Head, Microbiology (from 23.06.06)  
Dr.Girija Singh : Prof. & Head, Medicine  
Dr. N.D. John Vincent : Associate Medical Superintendent, sjmch  
Dr. Prakash Appaya : Addl.Associate Med.Supdt., sjmch  
Sr. Ria Pakkallil : Nursing Superintendent (till 30.05.06)  
Sr. Mary Devasia : Nursing Superintendent (from 01.06.06)  
Dr. Anura V. Kurpad : Dean, Instt. of Population Health & Clinical Research  
Dr. Anita R. Bijoor : Assoc.Prof., Biochemistry  

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