St. Gregory's Catholic School
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St. Gregory's Catholic School is a comprehensive school in the town Royal Tunbridge Wells in Kent, England. Founded in 1966, it is now a specialist school in Mathematics and Computing.
Often shortened to St. Gregs, the school consistently produces sound GCSE results and regularly appears in the (Times Educational Supplement|TES) Top 200 state schools league table. The school has been redeveloped numerous times in recent years, with the new Sixth Form block the most notable addition to the infrastructure of the school.
The Headteacher of St Gregs is Ms. Rosmerary Olivier.
St Gregs teaches a large number of subjects: Years 7 - 9 The following subjects are taught at Key Stage 3:
* Religious Education * Science * Maths * English * ICT * Physical Education * Modern Foreign Language (French or German) * Geography * History * Art * Music * Technology (which includes: Design & Technology, Food, Resistant Materials & Textiles)
Year 10 - 11 All students follow courses leading to GCSEs in the following subjects:
* Religious Education * Mathematics * English Literature * English Language * Science (double award or separate sciences) * ICT
Students then have a choice of subjects, leading to GCSEs:
* Art & Design * Business Studies * Drama * Geography * History * Music * Physical Education * French or German * Technology selected from: Electronic Products, Food, Graphic Design, Resistant Materials & Textile
Sixth Form A range of options are available in the Sixth Form, including A level GCE, Applied A levels and GNVQ (being replaced next year by B Tech qualifications).
Starting in September 2006, St Gregs began a yet another new system in which the school is divided into five areas of learning, with each A.O.L being led by an Assistant Headteacher and a Pastoral Leader N.E, E.S.U, E.P.D, C.C and C.P.D: N.E (Numeracy and Enterprise) is made up of Maths, ICT, Business, Economics. E.S.U (Environmental and Scientific Understanding) is made up of Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) Psychology, Geography. E.P.D (Ethos and Personal Development) is made up of RE, Citizenship, PHSE, History. C.C (Communication and Culture) is made up of English, MFL, Film Studies, Media Studies, Drama. C.P.D (Creative and Physical Design) is made up of Art, Music, PE, Technology. The G&T programme at the school has 200 students in it.
St Gregs has a strong relationship with Catholic primary schools in the surrounding area, most notably St Augustine's Catholic Primary School from whom a large number of students come from.