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Städelschule , Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste is a contemporary fine arts academy in Frankfurt, Germany.Image:stadel.jpg



[edit] History

The Städelschule dates back to a foundation of the Frankfurt merchant Johann Friedrich Städel in 1817. With his bequest he made it possible to set up the ‘Städelsches Kunstinstitut’. This allowed the founding of a school for people interested in art and for talented young students and public access to his collection of art was made possible. His institute concerned an assessment of traditional and contemporary art as well as the development of entirely new practices. Over the years two different institutions developed: the Städelmuseum"Städel" and the Städelschule.

The Städelschule is an international academy; this applies to both teachers and students. 40% of the student body come from abroad. The exhibition space Portikus has also added to this international reputation[1]. Since 1987 Portikus has been part of the Städelschule. Artists from all over the world exhibit there and the students at the academy profit from this in a variety of ways. Over the years Portikus has developed into a leading center for experimental art in Germany. At the same time, the art scene in Frankfurt am Main has been enriched by over one hundred exhibitions.[2][3]

Text by Pamela Lee, Okwui Enwezor, Niklas Maak, Jan Verwoert. PUBLISHED BY: Walther Känig FORMAT: Paperback, 6.5 x 9 in. / 376 pgs / 31 color / 110 b&w.

The Frankfurt am Main Städelschule, and its gallery Portikus, form a leading international center for experimental contemporary art. The Städelschule was founded in 1817 by Johann Friedrich Städel for the purpose of introducing students to his prodigous art collection. This publication is authored by contemporary Städelschule professors and visiting lecturers, including Pamela Lee, Niklas Maak, Jan Verwoert and Okwui Enwezor, who discuss what teaching art means in the context of a contemporary academy, and at what point the art market should be introduced in a student's education. It serves as an example of the kind of discourse available to Städelschule students, as there is always in residence an impressive international cast of artworld practitioners. This volume is not only functional, however; it also includes a series of new photographs, produced especially for this project, - Wolfgang Tillmans.[5][6]

  • In 1925 Max Beckmann became a professor at the Städel Institute in Frankfurt. He married for the second time; his wife, Mathilde von Kaulbach, was the daughter of the famous Munich portrait painter. In 1928 there was an elaborate retrospective of Beckmann's work in Mannheim. Other exhibitions were held throughout Germany, with the National Gallery in Berlin dedicating a room to his paintings. During the late 1920s and early 1930s Beckmann's art took on a more mellow quality under the influence of contemporary French painting - Beckmann had a studio in Paris and spent the winters there. Without losing any of its symbolic and poetic quality, his work became more distinctly esthetic under the influence of painters like Henri Matisse. When the Nazis came to power in 1933, they dismissed Beckmann from his position at the Städel and listed him as a "degenerate" artist, including him in the Degenerate art exhibition of 1937[7]. He moved to Berlin, where he lived until 1937. His greatest achievements of this period were large-scale triptychs like the Departure (1932-1935), the first in a series that he continued to execute for the rest of his life. This triptych is a poetic and allegorical comment on man's inhumanity to man, an oblique but still poignant reference to the physical and psychological tortures of the era and the ultimate liberation and triumph of the human spirit. The Beckmanns fled to Amsterdam, where they preferred to remain unnoticed and maintained contact with very few people. Beckmann's diary for this period is filled with references to the lack of heat, proper food, and light and to endless air raids. He continued to paint, and the great Blind Man's Buff triptych (1945) is one of the most elaborate and complex works of a period in which Beckmann did five of these magnificent and powerful poetic compositions. Blind Man's Buff appears to be an allegory of the relationship between man and woman and the gods who control their lives.[8]

[edit] Portikus

Director: Prof. Dr. Daniel Birnbaum Curator: Melanie Ohnemus

Address: Alte Brücke 2 / Maininsel, D-60594 Frankfurt am Main Portikus

Portikus is an exhibition hall for contemporary art in Frankfurt am Main. Its name derives from the surviving portico of the public library from 1825 that was destroyed during World War II. In 1987, the vestige of this classical building once again fulfilled its architectural function as a facade when the Frankfurt-based architects Marie-Theres Deutsch and Klaus Dreißigacker built a simple but precise white cube: the Portikus gallery. Due to the reconstruction of the former public library in 2003, after 16 years and more than 100 exhibitions, Portikus moved into the ground floor of the historical building known as the Leinwandhaus. Now the time has come for the institution’s third phase. In April 2006 Portikus moved to a new space, designed by Frankfurt architect Christoph Mäckler. The new building is located on a small island in the river Main at the very centre of the city. Portikus is part of the art academy - Städelschule. This link facilitates an intensive exchange between the invited artists and the students of the art academy.[9] [10]

[edit] Teachers


Prof. Dr. Daniel Birnbaum


Prof. Ben van Berkel, Architecture

Prof. Dr. Daniel Birnbaum, Philosophy

Prof. Dr. Isabelle Graw, Art Theory

Prof. Michael Krebber, Painting

Prof. Mark Leckey, Film

Prof. Christa Näher, Painting

Prof. Tobias Rehberger, Sculpture

Prof. Willem de Rooij, Fine Art

Prof. Simon Starling, Fine Art

Luc Tuymans, Max Beckmann Professorship 2007

Guest Professors:

Johan Bettum, Architecture

Dipl.-Ing. Sigurdur Gunnarsson, Architecture

Prof. Mark Wigley, Architecture

Professor at Large:

Prof. Martha Rosler, Fine Art

Prof. Wolfgang Tillmans, Fine Art

[edit] Notable Alumni

  • Donald Baechler, artist US-American (study 1978/79
  • Thomas Draschan, video artist Austrian (study of 1992 to 1998)
  • Ottmar Hörl, artist German (study of 1975 to 1979)
  • Marko Lehanka, sculptor German (study of 1985 to 1990)
  • Walter Neuhäusser, architect German (conclusion 1954)
  • Friedrich Schierholz, (1840–1894) German sculptor
  • Franz Erhard Walther, German sculptor and draft artist (study of 1959 to 1961)
  • Heinrich Will, (1895–1943) (1895–1943) German painter (study of 1920 to 1925), before the Volksgerichtshof to the death convicts
  • Thomas Zipp
  • Henning Bohl
  • Matias Faldbakken
  • Max Dudler
  • Marie-Louise Von Motesiczky
  • Detlef Karsten
  • Stefan Müller
  • Mandla Reuter
  • Shannon Bool
  • Michele Horrigan
  • Thilo Heinzmann
  • El Hasan Róza
  • Anja Czioska
  • Tue Greenfort
  • Karl Kels
  • Tobias Rehberger
  • Pernille Kapper Williams
  • Carmen Gheorghe
  • Alexander Wolff
  • Michaela Meise
  • Christopher Diehl
  • Boris Banozic
  • Dagmar Reinhardt
  • Sergej Jensen
  • Dennis Loesch
  • Maria Loboda
  • Hermelinde Hergenhahn
  • Zaneta Vangeli
  • Jochem Hendricks
  • Amy Cutler
  • Michael Beutler
  • Nora Schultz
  • Kerstin Cmelka
  • Gardar Eide Einarsson
  • Karla Black

[edit] Notable Professors (Past & Present)

[edit] References

  1. ^ Saatchi online
  2. ^ Städelschule
  3. ^ "Study in Germany"
  4. ^ Throbbing Gristle performing at Städelschule
  5. ^ Kunst Lehren-Teaching Art
  6. ^ Belzer, Heike/ Birnbaum, Daniel (Hg.): kunst lehren teaching art  −  Städelschule Frankfurt/Main, Publishing house: Walther König, Köln 2007, 376 S., ISBN 978-3-86560-339-5. The volume gives an insight with a multitude of Einzelbeiträgen into essential aspects of an art university business. The texts (dt./engl.) are supplemented through s/w-receptions as well as a color photo supplement of Wolfgang Tillmanns.
  7. ^ Beckmann Biography
  8. ^ Beckmann at Stadel
  9. ^ Städelschule
  10. ^ Portikus

[edit] External links
