SStB - Gutenberg

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The SStB - Gutenburg was a steam locomotive of the Southern National Railway (SStB) of Austria-Hungary.

The train was the last one ordered by the SStB. It was supplied by Georg Sigl in Vienna in 1857, and was the first locomotive he produced. The name Gutenberg refers to Johann Gutenburg and results from the fact that Sigl originally built printing machines.

The locomotive was built in 1858 during the course of the privatization of Austrian national railroads to the Southern Road Society, which assigned it the number 291 and the row number 12 (starting from 1864 17). It was retired from service in 1880.

[edit] References

  • Dietrich, Herbert. Die Südbahn und ihre Vorläufer. Vienna: Bohman, 1994. ISBN 3-7002-0871-5
  • Pawlik, Hans Peter, and Josef Otto Slezak. Südbahn-Lokomotiven. Vienna: Slezak, 1987. ISBN 3-85416-102-6