User:Squids and Chips

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This user is male.
This user is an ageless Immortal.
NP This user likes to waste time on Neopets.
en-us This user can speak American English.
Even though this person is so faking their California English, they're totally undetectable. I mean, you can't even tell.
This user is able to contribute with a basic level of British English.
zh-2 該用戶能以一般中文進行交流。
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
This user is interested in Taoism.
This user is a Jedi.
H2G2 This user also uses h2g2 along with Wikipedia.
This user wastes far too much time editing Wikipedia.
"As he trudged on, the boy's mind was full of the wonder of what he had seen. Not many people in the world have seen the nest of a Trumpeter Swan. Sam had found one on the lonely pond on this day in spring. He had seen the two great white birds with their long white necks and black bills. Nothing he had ever seen before in all his life had made him feel quite the way he felt, on that wild little pond, in the presence of those two enormous swans. They were so much bigger than any bird he had ever seen before. The nest was big, too—a mound of sticks and grasses. The female was sitting on eggs; the male glided slowly back and forth, guarding her." --E. B. White, The Trumpet of the Swan

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I do as I do and how I will. I have no primary interest in...

  • ...fighting vandalism, because it's not my primary concern and I'm confident there are enough users already fighting vandalism. Aside from that, it's the sneaky and persistent ones that waste time. It's like taking out the trash. It doesn't take long and it's not particularly appealing, but it needs to be done. I'll undo vandalism if I find it, but I won't go out of my way to look for it.
  • ...becoming an admin, but that's obvious, given my contributions. It's no big deal. I don't want the ability to delete and protect pages and block and unblock users. It'd be nice to be able to hist-merge pages but pages needing such attention don't appear that often.
  • ...joining WikiProjects, as I'm not fond of association by interest, which I don't like because of guilt by association. Simply put:
(B \to A) \land (C \to B) \land (D \to C) \Rightarrow D \to A
(X \to Z) \land (Y \to Z) \Rightarrow X \Leftrightarrow Y
is false. I'm not sure if that's even logically correct, but it's absurd if you think about it.
I would rather like to...
  • ...fix the roads because roads were made for travelling to a specific destination. Imagine going down a road to City A in Country A, but you end up in City A in Country B. I don't like links that don't bring me to the right place, so I'll fix them as I see them and I would like to fix them before I come to them.
    This is less of an issue, but imagine you want to go to Remote Area Z, except you can't get there because there are no roads leading there. At least you know where it is.
  • ...not care because that's a split infinitive. Any good person should know the rules when it comes to editing. It's the finer points that escape the grasp of the mind. All concerns concerning the policies should be secondary to improving the project.
    On the tangent of "apathy", contributions are editable and no offense should be taken unless offense is meant. Even so, no offense should be taken, as we should assume good faith but not blindly so. I find the phrase "assume good faith" to be demeaning and pointless in and of itself with respect to the fact that one should not state one is assuming good faith but assumed to be assumed to be assuming good faith. Either way, one should not assume and not take things so personally.


[edit] User subpages

User Sandbox
/Orphan pages
/Neopets 2