Square (astrological aspect)

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In astrology, a square is an astrological aspect is formed when two planets or other heavenly bodies form a 90 degree angle to each other. For example, if the Sun is posited in 10 degrees Aquarius and Neptune is posited in 10 degrees Scorpio then those two bodies are said to square each other.

The square tends to bring much tension into the life of the native. He may be presented with a problem and may endeavour to work towards resolving the problems in an attempt to relieve the frustration that he may feel. It is for that reason that, although considered malefic, a square aspect is considered to give individuals the impetus to achieve great things in their life.

The allowable orb for a square aspect is 8 degrees. Therefore, two planets can form a square if they are anywhere from 82 degrees to 98 degrees apart.

One special aspect, which is formed when four planets are placed 90 degrees apart across the zodiac is the grand square. An example of a grand square would be the Sun being posited in 10 degrees Aquarius, Neptune placed in 10 degrees Scorpio, the Moon placed in 10 degrees Leo and Mercury posited in 10 degrees Taurus. Such an aspect would look like a huge square across the horoscope.

[edit] See also