From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
$charcats = file("char7");
foreach ($charcats as $pr_cat) {
$pr_cat = rtrim($pr_cat);
$searchfor = '/\{\{(WPMEXICO|WikiProject( |_)Mexico|ProjectMexico)/i';
replace_ban($pr_cat, $searchfor, "WikiProject Mexico|class=|importance=");
function replace_ban($pr_cat, $searchfor, $templatetoplace) {
echo "Running $templatetoplace on $pr_cat\r\n";
$logfile = "User:SQLBot/tagem.log";
#$logfile = "User:SQLBot/tagem.log/test";
$insert = '{{' . $templatetoplace . '}}';
$shell_insert = '{{' . $templatetoplace . '|nested=yes}}';
$replace = "
$shell_search = "/
$banshell = "/\{\{WikiProjectBannerShell( |\|)/i";
//End config
$in_cat = sxGetCat($pr_cat, "0");
$timenow = date("jMY H:i:s");
$log = "\r\n\r\n==Run initiated at $timenow==\r\n===Params===\r\n#Category: [[:Category:$pr_cat]]\r\n#Search string: <nowiki>$searchfor</nowiki>\r\n#Tagging with: <nowiki>$insert</nowiki>\r\n===Activity Log===\r\n";
$skipped = 0;
$changed = 0;
foreach($in_cat as $spage) {
$stopnow = sxGetPage('User:SQLBot/');
if($stopnow != "go") {
$sqloldtalk = sxGetPage('User talk:SQL');
$leprop = sxLastEdited('User:SQLBot/');
$whostoppedme = $leprop[user];
$whystopme = $leprop[editsum];
$sqlnewtalk = "\r\n==Help! I've been thwarted!==\r\nHey, as instructed, I need to tell you that [[User:$whostoppedme|$whostoppedme]] has stopped me from running, with an edit summary of $whystopme. ~~~~\r\n";
$sqlnewtalk = $sqloldtalk . $sqlnewtalk;
sxPutPage('User talk:SQL', 'Emergency! Bot stopped!', $sqlnewtalk, $null);
die("\r\nBot stopped by $whostoppedme\r\n");
$toch = 'Talk:' . $spage;
$oldtext = sxGetPage($toch);
if (preg_match($searchfor, $oldtext) != 1) {
if (preg_match($banshell, $oldtext) != 0) {
$newtext = preg_replace($shell_search, $replace, $oldtext, 1);
$shelled = " '''Shelled'''";
} else {
$newtext = $insert . "\r\n" . $oldtext;
$shelled = "";
$hitc = 0;
$done = "n";
while($done == "n") {
if($hitc >= 40) { die("Hit maxlag too many times, giving up.\r\n"); }
if (sxPutPage($toch, 'WikiProject tagging page using [[User:SQL/SxWiki|SxWiki]]', $newtext, $null)) {
#if ("o" == "o") {
$timenow = date("jMY H:i:s");
$log = $log . "* Changed [[$toch]] at ''$timenow''$shelled\t\n";
$done = "y";
echo ".";
} else {
$done = "n";
echo "Maxlag hit, sleeping.\r\n";
} else {
$timenow = date("jMY H:i:s");
#$log = $log . "* Skipped [[$toch]] at ''$timenow''\r\n";
echo "X";
echo "\r\n";
$oldlog = sxGetPage($logfile);
$timenow = date("jMY H:i:s");
$log = $log . "===Results===\r\n*Changed: $changed articles\r\n*Skipped: $skipped articles\r\n*Run ended at '''$timenow'''";
$newlog = $oldlog . $log;
while($postlog == false) {
if ($postlog == true) { die("\r\nComplete!\r\n"); }
$postlog =sxPutPage($logfile, 'Uploading log using [[User:SQL/SxWiki|SxWiki]]', $newlog, $null);
if ($postlog == false) { echo "Can't post log, Maxlag hit\r\n"; }