User:SPUI/NEC train numbers
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(table doesn't include Metroliners)
11-14-1971 late 1988 late 1992 11-10-1996 10-25-1998 10-25-1998 10-25-1998
- 12
- Fast Mail WAS-BOS late 1988
- WAS-BOS 11-10-1996
- daily Fast Mail WAS-BOS 10-25-1998
- daily WAS-? 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- 42
- Valley Forge PHL-NYP late 1988
- M-Sa PHL-NYP 10-31-2005
- 43
- Valley Forge NYP-PHL late 1988
- NYP-PHL 11-10-1996
- daily NYP-PHL 10-31-2005
- 44
- Big Apple PHL-NYP late 1988
- PHL-NYP 11-10-1996
- Su PHL-NYP 10-31-2005
- 45
- Susquehanna NYP-PHL late 1988
- 46
- Pennsylvanian NYP-PHL late 1988
- 47
- Pennsylvanian PHL-NYP late 1988
- 54
- SaSu WAS-SPG 10-31-2005
- 55
- SPG-WAS 11-10-1996
- daily SPG-WAS 10-25-1998
- M-F SPG-WAS 10-31-2005
- 56
- WAS-SPG 11-10-1996
- daily WAS-SPG 10-25-1998
- M-F WAS-SPG 10-31-2005
- 57
- Sa-Su SPG-WAS 10-31-2005
- 66
- Night Owl WAS-BOS late 1988
- WAS-BOS 11-10-1996
- Su-R evening Twilight Shoreliner NPN-BOS 10-25-1998
- daily NPN-BOS 10-31-2005
- 67
- Night Owl BOS-WAS late 1988
- BOS-WAS 11-10-1996
- daily Twilight Shoreliner BOS-NPN 10-25-1998
- daily BOS-NPN 10-31-2005
- 75
- WAS-NPN 11-10-1996
- 76
- F-Sa evening Twilight Shoreliner NPN-BOS 10-25-1998
- Su RVR-BOS 10-31-2005
- 78
- NPN-RVR 11-10-1996
- F James River NPN-RVR 10-25-1998
- F NPN-RVR 10-31-2005
- 79
- Carolinian NYP-RVR 11-10-1996
- NYP-RVR 10-25-1998
- NYP-WAS 10-31-2005
- 80
- Carolinian RVR-NYP 11-10-1996
- RVR-NYP 10-25-1998
- 82
- Sa RVR-BOS 10-31-2005
- 83
- F BOS-NPN 10-31-2005
- 84
- RVR-BOS 11-10-1996
- M-Sa Virginian RVR-BOS 10-25-1998
- M-F RVR-NYP 10-31-2005
- 85
- Virginian NYP-RVR late 1988
- BOS-RVR via SPG 11-10-1996
- daily Colonial NYP-RVR 10-25-1998
- M-F NYP-RVR 10-31-2005
- 86
- Virginian RVR-NYP late 1988
- RVR-BOS via SPG 11-10-1996
- daily Colonial RVR-NYP 10-25-1998
- M-F RVR-BOS 10-31-2005
- 87
- Su NYP-RVR 10-31-2005
- 88
- Sa RVR-BOS 10-31-2005
- 89
- Silver Palm NYP-RVR 11-10-1996
- 90
- Silver Palm RVR-NYP 11-10-1996
- 91
- Silver Star NYP-RVR 11-10-1996
- 92
- Silver Star RVR-NYP 11-10-1996
- 93
- BOS-RVR 11-10-1996
- M-R Virginian BOS-RVR 10-25-1998
- M-R BOS-RVR 10-31-2005
- 94
- Colonial NPN-BOS late 1988
- NPN-BOS 11-10-1996
- Su-F Old Dominion NPN-BOS 10-25-1998
- M-F NPN-BOS 10-31-2005
- 95
- Colonial BOS-NPN late 1988
- BOS-NPN 11-10-1996
- M-F Old Dominion BOS-NPN 10-25-1998
- M-F BOS-NPN 10-31-2005
- 96
- Tidewater NPN-NYP late 1988
- NPN-NYP 11-10-1996
- 97
- Silver Meteor NYP-RVR 11-10-1996
- 98
- Silver Meteor RVR-NYP 11-10-1996
- 99
- BOS-NPN 11-10-1996
- F-Su Virginian BOS-NPN 10-25-1998
- F-Su Acela Regional ?-WAS 1-31-2000
- SaSu BOS-NPN 10-31-2005
- 100
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 101
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 102
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 103
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 104
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 105
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 106
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 107
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 108
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 109
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 110
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 111
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- M-F NYP-WAS 10-31-2005
- 112
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 113
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 114
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 115
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 116
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 117
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 118
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 119
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 120
- Metroliner (Morning Executive) WAS-NYP 11-14-1971
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 121
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 122
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 123
- Metroliner (Morning Executive) NHV-WAS 11-14-1971
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 124
- Metroliner (Evening Executive) WAS-NHV 11-14-1971
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 125
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-14-1971; 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- M-F NYP-WAS 10-31-2005
- 126
- Metroliner (Evening Executive) WAS-NHV 11-14-1971
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 127
- Metroliner NYP-PHL 11-14-1971
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- M-F NYP-WAS 10-31-2005
- 129
- M-F NYP-WAS 10-31-2005
- 130
- Free State WAS-NYP 11-14-1971
- M-F Acela Regional WAS-BOS 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- M-F WAS-NYP 10-31-2005
- 131
- Congressional NYP-WAS 11-14-1971
- M-F Acela Regional ?-WAS 1-31-2000
- SaSu NYP-WAS 10-31-2005
- 132
- Nightcap WAS-NYP 11-14-1971
- daily Acela Regional WAS-BOS 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- 133
- Free State NYP-WAS 11-14-1971
- daily Acela Regional ?-WAS 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- F NYP-WAS 10-31-2005
- 134
- SaSu Acela Regional WAS-BOS 7-9-2000
- F WAS-NYP 10-31-2005
- 135
- Nightcap NYP-WAS 11-14-1971
- Potomac NYP-WAS late 1988
- SaSu Acela Regional ?-WAS 7-9-2000
- SaSu BOS-WAS 10-31-2005
- 136
- F WAS-SPG 10-31-2005
- 137
- Embassy NYP-WAS late 1988
- M-F BOS-WAS 10-31-2005
- 138
- Verrazano WAS-NYP late 1988
- M-F WAS-NYP 10-31-2005
- 140
- Bay State WAS-BOS 11-14-1971
- Potomac WAS-SPG late 1988
- SaSu WAS-SPG 10-31-2005
- 141
- Connecticut Yankee SPG-NYP 11-14-1971
- Bankers SPG-WAS late 1988
- SPG-WAS 11-10-1996
- M-F Bankers SPG-WAS 10-25-1998
- M-F ?-WAS 1-31-2000
- M-F SPG-WAS 10-31-2005
- 142
- Charter Oak WAS-SPG 11-14-1971
- WAS-SPG 11-10-1996
- daily Bay State WAS-BOS via SPG 10-25-1998
- daily WAS-BOS via SPG 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- 143
- Charter Oak SPG-WAS 11-14-1971
- Connecticut Yankee SPG-WAS late 1988
- SPG-WAS 11-10-1996
- SaSu Nutmeg State SPG-WAS 10-25-1998
- SaSu ?-WAS 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- SaSu SPG-WAS 10-31-2005
- 144
- Connecticut Yankee WAS-SPG 11-14-1971
- 145
- Bay State BOS-WAS 11-14-1971
- SPG-WAS 11-10-1996
- daily Bay State BOS-WAS via SPG 10-25-1998
- daily ?-WAS 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- SaSu SPG-WAS 10-31-2005
- 146
- Sa WAS-SPG 10-31-2005
- 148
- Connecticut Yankee WAS-SPG late 1988
- WAS-SPG 11-10-1996
- daily Bankers WAS-SPG 10-25-1998
- daily WAS-NHV? 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- M-F WAS-SPG 10-31-2005
- 150
- Yankee Clipper NYP-BOS 11-14-1971
- F Big Apple PHL-NYP 10-25-1998
- SaSu WAS-BOS 10-31-2005
- 151
- Yankee Clipper BOS-NYP 11-14-1971
- Su Liberty Bell NYP-PHL 10-25-1998
- Su ?-PHL 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- M-F NYP-WAS 10-31-2005
- 152
- SaSu WAS-NYP 10-31-2005
- 153
- SaSu NYP-WAS 10-31-2005
- 154
- Su WAS-NYP 10-31-2005
- 155
- SaSu NYP-WAS 10-31-2005
- 156
- SaSu WAS-NYP 10-31-2005
- 157
- SaSu NYP-WAS 10-31-2005
- 158
- SaSu WAS-NYP 10-31-2005
- 159
- M-F Capitol Sunrise PHL-WAS 10-25-1998
- M-F PHL-WAS 1-31-2000
- SaSu NYP-WAS 10-31-2005
- 160
- East Wind NYP-BOS 11-14-1971
- SaSu WAS-BOS 10-31-2005
- 161
- East Wind BOS-NYP 11-14-1971
- Patriot BOS-WAS late 1988
- SaSu BOS-WAS 10-31-2005
- 162
- Narragansett NYP-BOS 11-14-1971
- SaSu WAS-BOS 10-31-2005
- 163
- Narragansett BOS-NYP 11-14-1971
- BOS-WAS 11-10-1996
- Su-F Minute Man BOS-WAS 10-25-1998
- daily ?-WAS 1-31-2000
- SaSu BOS-WAS 10-31-2005
- 164
- WAS-BOS 11-10-1996
- Su Narragansett WAS-BOS 10-25-1998
- Su WAS-BOS 7-9-2000
- SaSu WAS-BOS 10-31-2005
- 165
- Patriot BOS-NYP 11-14-1971
- SaSu BOS-WAS 10-31-2005
- 166
- Su WAS-BOS 10-31-2005
- 167
- Mount Vernon BOS-WAS late 1988
- BOS-WAS 11-10-1996
- Su Narragansett BOS-WAS 10-25-1998
- Su ?-WAS 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- SaSu BOS-WAS 10-31-2005
- 168
- Narragansett WAS-BOS late 1988
- SaSu WAS-BOS 10-31-2005
- 169
- Senator BOS-WAS late 1988
- Su-R Evening Metrolpolitan BOS-PHL 10-25-1998
- Su-R ?-PHL 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- SaSu BOS-WAS 10-31-2005
- 170
- Bunker Hill WAS-BOS 11-14-1971
- Yankee Clipper WAS-BOS late 1988
- WAS-BOS 11-10-1996
- daily Patriot WAS-BOS 10-25-1998
- M-F WAS-BOS 10-31-2005
- 171
- Southern Crescent BOS-WAS 11-14-1971
- NYP-WAS 11-10-1996
- daily Mayflower BOS-WAS 10-25-1998
- M-F BOS-WAS 10-31-2005
- 172
- Southern Crescent WAS-BOS 11-14-1971
- WAS-BOS 11-10-1996
- daily Mayflower WAS-BOS 10-25-1998
- daily WAS-BOS 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- M-F WAS-BOS 10-31-2005
- 173
- Colonial BOS-WAS 11-14-1971
- Yankee Clipper BOS-WAS late 1988
- BOS-WAS 11-10-1996
- daily Yankee Clipper BOS-WAS 10-25-1998
- daily ?-WAS 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- M-F BOS-WAS 10-31-2005
- 174
- Colonial WAS-BOS 11-14-1971
- Minute Man WAS-BOS late 1988
- WAS-BOS 11-10-1996
- daily Yankee Clipper WAS-BOS 10-25-1998
- daily WAS-BOS 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- M-F WAS-BOS 10-31-2005
- 175
- Senator BOS-WAS 11-14-1971
- Minute Man BOS-WAS late 1988
- BOS-WAS 11-10-1996
- daily Patriot BOS-WAS 10-25-1998
- daily ?-WAS 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- M-F BOS-WAS 10-31-2005
- 176
- Patriot WAS-BOS 11-14-1971
- Senator WAS-BOS late 1988
- WAS-BOS 11-10-1996
- daily Merchants Limited WAS-BOS 10-25-1998
- M-F WAS-BOS 10-31-2005
- 177
- Merchants Limited BOS-WAS 11-14-1971
- Merchants Limited BOS-WAS late 1988
- BOS-WAS 11-10-1996
- daily Senator BOS-WAS 10-25-1998
- M-F BOS-WAS 10-31-2005
- 178
- Senator WAS-BOS 11-14-1971
- Merchants Limited WAS-BOS late 1988
- WAS-BOS 11-10-1996
- daily Concord WAS-BOS via SPG 10-25-1998
- Su-F WAS-BOS via SPG 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000?
- M-F WAS-BOS 10-31-2005
- 179
- Mount Vernon BOS-WAS late 1988
- BOS-WAS 11-10-1996
- FSa Evening Metropolitan BOS-WAS 10-25-1998
- FSa ?-WAS 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- M-R BOS-NYP 10-31-2005
- 180
- Merchants Limited PHL-BOS 11-14-1971
- The First State WAS-NYP late 1988
- WAS-NYP 11-10-1996
- M-F Wall Street WAS-NYP 10-25-1998
- M-F WAS-? 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- M-F WAS-NYP 10-31-2005
- 181
- Valley Forge BOS-PHL 11-14-1971
- Garden State Special NYP-WAS late 1988
- NYP-WAS 11-10-1996
- daily Congressional NYP-WAS 10-25-1998
- daily ?-WAS 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- M-F NYP-WAS 10-31-2005
- 182
- PHL-NYP 11-14-1971
- Congressional WAS-NYP late 1988
- WAS-NYP 11-10-1996
- daily New Yorker WAS-NYP 10-25-1998
- daily WAS-? 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- SaSu WAS-NYP 10-31-2005
- 183
- Independence NYP-WAS late 1988
- Foggy Bottom NYP-WAS 10-25-1998
- Sa ?-WAS 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- M-F NYP-WAS 10-31-2005
- 184
- M-F WAS-NYP 10-31-2005
- 185
- Congressional NYP-WAS late 1988
- Mount Vernon NYP-WAS 10-25-1998
- daily ?-WAS 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- M-F NYP-WAS 10-31-2005
- 186
- Garden State Special WAS-NYP late 1988
- WAS-BOS 11-10-1996
- Su Times Square WAS-NYP 10-25-1998
- M-F WAS-NYP 10-31-2005
- 187
- Jeffersonian NYP-WAS late 1988
- NYP-WAS 11-10-1996
- daily Capitol Hill NYP-WAS 10-25-1998
- daily ?-WAS 1-31-2000
- Su-F ?-WAS 7-9-2000
- M-F NYP-WAS 10-31-2005
- 188
- Embassy WAS-NYP late 1988
- M-F WAS-NYP 10-31-2005
- 189
- Su Georgetown NYP-WAS 10-25-1998
- Su ?-WAS 1-31-2000
- SaSu ?-WAS 7-9-2000
- 190
- WAS-NYP 11-10-1996
- Su-F Congressional WAS-NYP 10-25-1998
- daily WAS-? 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- M-F WAS-BOS 10-31-2005
- 191
- NYP-WAS 11-10-1996
- Sa Potomac BOS-WAS 10-25-1998
- Sa ?-WAS 7-9-2000
- 192
- M-R? WAS-? 7-9-2000
- SaSu WAS-NYP 10-31-2005
- 193
- BOS-WAS 11-10-1996
- M-F NYP-WAS 10-31-2005
- 194
- NPN-NYP 11-10-1996
- Sa Gotham Limited NPN-NYP 10-25-1998
- SaSu NPN-BOS 10-31-2005
- 195
- NYP-RVR 11-10-1996
- Su Tidewater NYP-RVR 10-25-1998
- SaSu BOS-RVR 10-31-2005
- 196
- WAS-NYP 11-10-1996
- M-F WAS-? 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- M-R WAS-NYP 10-31-2005
- 197
- Benjamin Franklin BOS-PHL late 1988
- Embassy NYP-WAS 10-25-1998
- M-F ?-WAS 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- 198
- Benjamin Franklin PHL-BOS late 1988
- daily Bowery WAS-NYP 10-25-1998
- daily WAS-? 1-31-2000, 7-9-2000
- daily WAS-NYP 10-31-2005
- 199
- NYP-WAS 11-10-1996
- M-F ?-WAS 1-31-2000
- Sa NYP-WAS 10-31-2005
- 200
- PHL-NYP 11-14-1971
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 201
- NYP-PHL 11-14-1971
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-10-1996; 10-25-1998
- 202
- PHL-NYP 11-14-1971
- 204
- PHL-NYP 11-14-1971
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner WAS-NYP 10-25-1998
- 205
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner NYP-WAS 10-25-1998
- 206
- PHL-NYP 11-14-1971
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner WAS-NYP 10-25-1998
- 207
- NYP-PHL 11-14-1971
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner NYP-WAS 10-25-1998
- 208
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner WAS-NYP 10-25-1998
- 209
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner NYP-WAS 10-25-1998
- 210
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner WAS-NYP 10-25-1998
- 211
- NYP-PHL 11-14-1971
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner NYP-WAS 10-25-1998
- 212
- PHL-NYP 11-14-1971
- 213
- NYP-PHL 11-14-1971
- 214
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner WAS-NYP 10-25-1998
- 215
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner NYP-WAS 10-25-1998
- 216
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner WAS-NYP 10-25-1998
- 217
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner NYP-WAS 10-25-1998
- 218
- PHL-NYP 11-14-1971
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner WAS-NYP 10-25-1998
- 219
- NYP-PHL 11-14-1971
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner NYP-WAS 10-25-1998
- 220
- PHL-NYP 11-14-1971
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner WAS-NYP 10-25-1998
- 221
- NYP-PHL 11-14-1971
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner NYP-WAS 10-25-1998
- 222
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner WAS-NYP 10-25-1998
- 223
- NYP-PHL 11-14-1971
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner NYP-WAS 10-25-1998
- 224
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner WAS-NYP 10-25-1998
- 225
- NYP-PHL 11-14-1971
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner NYP-WAS 10-25-1998
- 226
- Metroliner WAS-NYP 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner WAS-NYP 10-25-1998
- 227
- NYP-PHL 11-14-1971
- Metroliner NYP-WAS 11-10-1996
- Weekend Metroliner NYP-WAS 10-25-1998
- 231
- NYP-PHL 11-14-1971
- 234
- PHL-NYP 11-14-1971
- 235
- NYP-PHL 11-14-1971
- 254
- PHL-NYP 11-14-1971
- 256
- PHL-NYP 11-14-1971
- 263
- NYP-PHL 11-14-1971
- 272
- PHL-NYP 11-14-1971
- 280
- PHL-NYP 11-14-1971
- 282
- PHL-NYP 11-14-1971
- 298
- PHL-NYP 11-14-1971
- 400
- NHV-HFD 11-14-1971
- 401
- HFD-NHV 11-14-1971
- SaSu SPG-WAS 10-31-2005
- 402
- NHV-SPG 11-14-1971
- 403
- SPG-NHV 11-14-1971
- 404
- NHV-SPG 11-14-1971
- 405
- SPG-NHV 11-14-1971
- SaSu SPG-WAS 10-31-2005
- 406
- NHV-SPG 11-14-1971
- Su WAS-SPG 10-31-2005
- 407
- SPG-NHV 11-14-1971
- 408
- NHV-HFD 11-14-1971
- 409
- HFD-NHV 11-14-1971
- 410
- NHV-SPG 11-14-1971
- 412
- 450
- SaSu WAS-SPG 10-31-2005
- 454
- M-F WAS-SPG 10-31-2005
- 460
- SaSu WAS-SPG 10-31-2005
- 461
- Nathan Hale SPG-WAS late 1988
- 463
- SaSu SPG-WAS 10-31-2005
- 464
- SaSu WAS-SPG 10-31-2005
- 466
- Su WAS-SPG 10-31-2005
- 467
- Mount Vernon SPG-WAS late 1988
- SaSu SPG-WAS 10-31-2005
- 470
- Yankee Clipper WAS-SPG late 1988
- M-F WAS-SPG 10-31-2005
- 471
- daily Mayflower SPG-WAS 10-25-1998
- M-F SPG-WAS 10-31-2005
- 472
- daily Mayflower WAS-SPG 10-25-1998
- 473
- Yankee Clipper SPG-WAS late 1988
- M-F SPG-WAS 10-31-2005
- 474
- M-F WAS-SPG 10-31-2005
- 475
- Minute Man SPG-WAS late 1988
- SPG-WAS 11-10-1996
- daily Patriot SPG-WAS 10-25-1998
- M-F SPG-WAS 10-31-2005
- 476
- WAS-SPG 11-10-1996
- daily Merchants Limited WAS-SPG 10-25-1998
- M-F WAS-SPG 10-31-2005
- 477
- Merchants Limited SPG-WAS late 1988
- SPG-WAS 11-10-1996
- daily Senator SPG-WAS 10-25-1998
- M-F SPG-WAS 10-31-2005
- 478
- Merchants Limited WAS-SPG late 1988
- 479
- Mount Vernon SPG-WAS late 1988
- 488
- Sa WAS-SPG 10-31-2005
- 490
- M-F WAS-SPG 10-31-2005
- 493
- M-F SPG-WAS 10-31-2005
- 494
- Colonial NPN-SPG late 1988
- M-F WAS-SPG 10-31-2005
- 495
- Colonial SPG-NPN late 1988
- M-F SPG-WAS 10-31-2005
- 497
- Benjamin Franklin SPG-PHL late 1988
- Su SPG-WAS 10-31-2005
- 498
- Benjamin Franklin PHL-SPG late 1988
- 642
- Bankers WAS-BOS via SPG late 1988
- 647
- Charter Oak BOS-WAS via SPG late 1988
- 671
- Bay State BOS-WAS via SPG late 1988
- 674
- Bay State WAS-BOS via SPG late 1988
- 866
- Executive Sleeper WAS-NYP late 1988
- 867
- Executive Sleeper NYP-WAS late 1988
- 2186
- WAS-BOS 11-10-1996