User talk:Spoonman

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you really don't get to decide what is acceptable sources or not. The fact is that sources must be given. Stop bitching about what sources are there...especially if your going to delete it all.

by the way, take a look at the wikidictionary for the word sarcasm...then take a look at my user page.

then apply those rules to yourself...and you'll just realize you did exactly what i was sarcastically criticizing. (Gibby 03:48, 18 January 2006 (UTC))

Gibby, who are you and what are you talking about? This seems a very old coment and I can't find a talk page for user Gibby. I've looked through my contributions and am completely perplexed. Please enlighten me. Spoonman 21:39, 28 June 2007 (UTC)

Am I the only one who finds this "flag ban" concept to be utterly offensive? If they wanted to prevent any "racial" (I totally object to this description) tensions, then banning the NATIONAL flag might just be the worst thing you could do after banning particular ethno-religious groups from attending. Sorry I just had to get that off my chest, this "race-riots" myth has gone way to far in this country. 23:44, 25 January 2007 (UTC)

What exactly was a myth: that it happened at all or that they were chanting "go home leb", used the motto "bash a wog day" and were throwing rocks & bottles at, beating and forming 'stomp circles' around anyone they could lay their hands on who looked like they were from the Indian Subcontinent or the Middle East? -- User:LamontCranston 01:17, 22 June 2007 (UTC)
LamontCranston, I think you are looking for a different spoonman. Perhaps Spoonman 13:01, 25 June 2007 (UTC)
.au...d'oh! My mistake. Bah!

[edit] Response to Conflict of interest - editing own page

Hi Spoonman

Firstly please accept my apologies if you feel the article goes against "conflict of interest" policies of Wikipedia, I have edited the article a number of times following similar comments to ensure the article is neutral.

The article is meant to be purely informational and I am not treating this as a spamming exercise.

The words and style of the article has been based on the other similar articles on this subject matter (screen writing software).

Please refer to the Final Draft article you will find similar words have been used:

-- Final Draft is a screenwriting software program designed for writing screenplays, teleplays and Stageplays. It supports both Mac OS X and Windows, and is considered one of two industry standards for screenwriting, the other being Movie Magic Screenwriter. Final Draft has templates for standard film and television script formats, and provides shortcuts for writing slug lines, transitions, dialogue, and action. It also keeps an in-memory list of characters and locations, allowing writers to use tab-completion to speed up their writing. --

The DreamaScript article reads as:

-- DreamaScript is screenplay software aimed at new and professional writers. DreamaScript can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. DreamaScript is considered to be an industry standard for screenwriting. Developed in conjunction with IBM and Lotus Notes using corporate standard software. --

I notice that the Final Draft article has been updated since I used it as a template and now states other industry standards, and I think this is a good idea. I can make the updates following any discussion we have.

The remaining article follows pretty much the same format, style and content of other similar articles on this subject matter.

If you have any suggestions on how the article can be updated please respond to this and I will ensure these updates are applied in the interest of following the guidelines of wikipedia.

I look forward to your response.

This discussion continues on the Talk:DreamaScript page.