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/* <li> element Filter Script, version [0.1.1] Should currently work on all known skins (with a #contentSub or #topbar) */ var rightsLogOnly = (document.location.href.indexOf('type=rights')==-1 && document.location.href.indexOf('Log/rights')==-1) ? false : true if(wgCanonicalSpecialPageName == 'Log' || wgCanonicalSpecialPageName == 'Linksearch' || wgCanonicalSpecialPageName == 'Contributions' || queryString('lifilter')) addOnloadHook(filterLiButton) function filterLiButton() { if(document.getElementById('p-cactions')) { addPortletLink('p-cactions','javascript:filterLiForm()','Filter','ca-rxfilter','Open interactive log entry regex filter thingy'); if(window.AutoLoadLogsFilter || queryString('lifilter')) filterLiForm(); } else { filterLiForm(); //not a portlet skin, so add the filter anyway. } } function filterLiForm() { var instructions = (rightsLogOnly) ? 'Regex filter the space-delimited list of rights.' : 'Regex filter the plain text representation of this list.' //generate the form try { document.getElementById('ca-rxfilter').style.display = 'none' } catch(e) {} var obj = (document.getElementById('contentSub')) ? document.getElementById('contentSub') : document.getElementById('topbar') if(!obj) return; var rf = document.createElement('div'); rf.setAttribute('id','rfform'); = 'black'; var fs = document.createElement('fieldset'); var is = document.createElement('p'); is.appendChild(document.createTextNode(instructions)); fs.appendChild(is); var lg = document.createElement('legend'); lg.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Filter <li> list (javascript)')); fs.appendChild(lg); if(rightsLogOnly) { var sel = document.createElement('select'); sel.setAttribute('id','rfselect'); var op1 = document.createElement('option'); op1.appendChild(document.createTextNode('added rights')); sel.appendChild(op1); var op2 = document.createElement('option'); op2.appendChild(document.createTextNode('removed rights')); sel.appendChild(op2); var op3 = document.createElement('option'); op3.appendChild(document.createTextNode('added OR removed')); sel.appendChild(op3); var op4 = document.createElement('option'); op4.appendChild(document.createTextNode('added/removed/static')); sel.appendChild(op4); fs.appendChild(sel); } var lab1 = document.createElement('label'); lab1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' Regex string: ')); lab1.setAttribute('for','rfinput1'); fs.appendChild(lab1); fs.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); var inp1 = document.createElement('input'); inp1.setAttribute('id','rfinput1'); inp1.setAttribute('name','rfinput1'); inp1.setAttribute('type','text'); fs.appendChild(inp1); var chk1 = document.createElement('input'); chk1.setAttribute('id','rfinput2'); chk1.setAttribute('name','rfinput2'); chk1.setAttribute('type','checkbox'); fs.appendChild(chk1); var lab2 = document.createElement('label'); lab2.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Invert ')); lab2.setAttribute('for','rfinput2'); fs.appendChild(lab2); var sub1 = document.createElement('input'); sub1.setAttribute('type','button'); sub1.setAttribute('value','filter'); addClickHandler(sub1,function() { filterLi(false) }); sub1.setAttribute('onclick',''); fs.appendChild(sub1) fs.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); var sub2 = document.createElement('input'); sub2.setAttribute('type','button'); sub2.setAttribute('value','hilight'); addClickHandler(sub2,function() { filterLi(true) }); fs.appendChild(sub2) rf.appendChild(fs); obj.appendChild(rf); } function filterLi(hilight) { //grab options from form if(rightsLogOnly) var type = document.getElementById('rfselect').selectedIndex; var invert = document.getElementById('rfinput2').checked; var srch = document.getElementById('rfinput1').value; var rx = new RegExp(srch,'ig'); //grab the list of all <li> in the content var bod = (document.getElementById('bodyContent')) ? document.getElementById('bodyContent') : document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] var lis = bod.getElementsByTagName('li'); if(lis.length==0) return; //iterate var rightrx = /^.*?User\:.*? from (.*?) to (.*?) \u200E.*?$/i //the regex used to grab the Special:Log/rights changes for(var i=0;i<lis.length;i++) { if(rightsLogOnly) { //Special:Log/rights var oldr = gettext(lis[i]).replace(rightrx,'$1').replace(/\, /g,' '); var newr = gettext(lis[i]).replace(rightrx,'$2').replace(/\, /g,' '); var oldrl = oldr.split(' '); var newrl = newr.split(' '); for (var j=0;j<oldrl.length;j++) { for (var k=0;k<newrl.length;k++) { if(oldrl[j]==newrl[k]) { oldrl[j] = ''; newrl[k] = ''; } } } var remr = oldrl.join(' '); var addr = newrl.join(' '); switch(type) { case 0: var look = addr; break; case 1: var look = remr; break; case 2: var look = remr + ' ' + addr; break; case 3: var look = oldr + ' ' + newr; break; } } else { //Any other list of <li> objects var look = gettext(lis[i]); } lis[i].style.display = ''; lis[i].style.backgroundColor = ''; if ((!=-1 && !invert) || ( && invert)) { if(hilight) lis[i].style.backgroundColor = '#ffff99'; } else { if(!hilight) lis[i].style.display = 'none'; } } } function gettext(object) { if (object.nodeType == 3) return object.nodeValue; var txt = []; var i=0; while(object.childNodes[i]) { txt[txt.length] = gettext(object.childNodes[i]); i++; } return txt.join(''); } function queryString(p) { var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)'); var matches; if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) { try { return decodeURI(matches[1]); } catch (e) { } } return null; }