User talk:Spiridon MANOLIU

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Please, if you can, use french, spanish or romanian languages. My english is poor and when I must use it, I need a help from one of my friends... Thank you, --Spiridon MANOLIU (talk) 12:12, 19 February 2008 (UTC)


[edit] Re: Vlachs: were are they from ?

Well: if the Vlachs of later Middle Ages are not the result of the evolution of the Latin groups in early Middle Ages, were are they from ? From Dacia (opinion of the south-slavic and some romanian historians) ? But the german, hungarian and russian historians have another opinion: the ancestors of the Romanians came from the balkan area, their ancestors are the early latin groups from the Byzantine empire... Who's right ? Who's wrong ?

I didn't say that the Vlachs did not evolve from Latin groups in the Middle Ages. I simply said the exact relationship is not proven. You were suggesting adding some very specific statements that, as far as I am aware (and what you seem to be suggesting above), are only opinions. Although I think most scholars think that the Vlachs would either have evolved in the BE or in Dacia (or both) I have read some opinions that they may have come from Latin groups further west (don't know how serious those opinions are). --Mcorazao (talk) 23:46, 3 March 2008 (UTC)

It is a political incidence in history when some historians wrote a nomadic history about the Latin groups : germans, hungarians and russians historians support the south-north migration idea against the romanian arguments about their ancient history in Transylvania and east-Moldavia (Bessarabia), but south-slavic and greek historians support the north-south migration idea against the aromanian arguments about their ancient history in the Balkans; some romanian historians support this thesis because that's good for the romanian thesis about Transylvania... Oh, boy !

The answer is in the languages. Why are the Romanian and Aromanian languages so different ? (in Aromanian: no hungarian and very few slavic words, but many greek words from the early Middle Age; in Romanian: many slavic and hungarian words, and the greek words are all in their slavonic version).

I don't dispute your opinion (I think you are probably right) but this is original research (albeit "original" in the sense of your choosing to side with one segment of the scholars based on your own insight). So far as I know this has not been proven to the satisfaction of the general community of scholars. --Mcorazao (talk) 23:46, 3 March 2008 (UTC)

Mystery, mystery... if we refuse to consider that the early Latin groups in the lower Danube have a different evolution in the north and the south side, as the gallo-romanic groups who given a Langue d'Oïl in the north of France and a Lengua d'Oc in the south...

Not sure what the means but anyway ... --Mcorazao (talk) 23:46, 3 March 2008 (UTC)

[edit] More discussion on Vlachs

Hello, about Vlachs, the actual formulation about languages (with the right reference) is OK, isn't ? --Spiridon MANOLIU (talk) 09:18, 20 April 2008 (UTC)

I'm not sure what you are asking. Are you asking whether I think your theory about how the languages formed is correct?
--Mcorazao (talk) 06:04, 21 April 2008 (UTC) the article. I think YOUR theory is right, and I have not another theory.
In another side, I say and repeat: "Even without historic texts for proved it, the East-romanic languages (so, the Vlachs) can't come from another origin that the people's latin language spoken in the eastern side of the Roman empire. But we HAVE a prove: Theophanes and Simocattas attest in the VIth century than the autochtons of Haemos (today Balkans) speak latin... If we have doubts about THIS origin, logically we must suppose an Italian or Rhaetian origin for these poor Vlachs ! !"
Vishes, --Spiridon MANOLIU (talk) 17:18, 22 April 2008 (UTC)
I'm ok with what's there.
I honestly am not familiar with all of the theories out there and what proof there is. What you're saying makes sense. It is certainly true that there were always people speaking Latin in various parts of the East. In any event feel free to write down whatever you have references for.
--Mcorazao (talk) 17:32, 22 April 2008 (UTC)

[edit] A copyright issue

Mr. Manoliu, I'm sorry to inform you that images such as this one cannot automatically be considered copyright-free. For a reproduction of an original work of art to be publishable, you either have to own the copyrights to the original image or upload an image originally created by an author who died more than 70 years ago, or whose work is uncopyrighted for some other reason (because the author released it, because it is a public monument, etc.) These issues are detailed on the policy page on wikimedia commons, which is accessible during uploading, and which editors are asked to read before uploading. Believe me, I would normally consider those images a very valuable addition to wikipedia, however we cannot upload copyrighted material on commons, and we can only upload a very limited number of such material elsewhere. I don't think we can justify their use under the license you provided, unless you also own the copyright to the work of art itself. If you do, and I do not dispute that you may, please ask experienced editors on wikimedia commons to explain how you can register an emailed verifiable release of the original image or its reproduction into the public domain. Otherwise, all those images will be deleted sooner or later (and, yes, in case no such copyright info is provided, I myself think they should be deleted and will ask commons to do so). Thank you. Dahn (talk) 07:04, 8 May 2008 (UTC)

[edit] To Dahn

Nu ţin neapǎrat ca în articolul francez despre Jules Perahim sǎ figureze tabloul "România", dar ar fi pǎcat (pentru Wikipedia) sǎ nu figureze niciunul, când ele figureazǎ pretudindeni, mai ales în siturile, publice, ale celor care le vând. Idealul ar fi sǎ ṣtiu sǎ creez acele legǎturi, ca aceea pe care mi-aţi fǎcut-o în mesajul Dumneavoastrǎ, astfel încât, dacǎ cititorul nu poate vedea imaginile în Wiki din pricina problemelor de copyright, sǎ poatǎ ajunge la ele mǎcar prin legǎturi... Din pǎcate, nu stǎpânesc încǎ aceastǎ tehnicǎ, iar pe de altǎ parte, astfel de legǎturi nu ar însemna oare cǎ facem reclamǎ celor care vând operele respective? --Spiridon MANOLIU (talk) 15:09, 12 May 2008 (UTC)

Draga Spiridon Manoliu, Cu parere de rau nu am cartea lui Iurie Colesnic. Nu stii unde as putea s-o cumpar? Daca e nevoie de informatii mai personale, ca sa nu le punem pe WP, eu am emailul activat. Dc76\talk 16:30, 16 May 2008 (UTC)

Eu ma refeream la prezenta pe commons, si la folosirea tablourilor in orice articol. Mi-e teama ca aceasta nu ar putea fi justificata in sine, desi exista posibilitatea de licenta "fair use" pentru (de regula) o singura imagine (intotdeauna) intr-un singur articol de pe o anumita wikipedie. Daca acele tablouri sunt postate pe internet, se pot face trimiteri catre ele in legaturile externe ale unui articol, dar, din nefericire, nu si daca siturile in cauza sunt comerciale (au ca obiect vanzarea tablourilor), pentru ca ar fi considerate "spam" si publicitate. Dahn (talk) 13:23, 17 May 2008 (UTC)

Va rog sa scuzati intarzierea cu care raspund. Va multumesc pentru urarile de bine (mi-e teama ca nu vorbesc romanes dincolo de cateva cuvinte, dar am putut intelege mesajul dvs - poate ar trebui sa precizez ca, in ciuda faptului ca m-am inscris la proiectul despre romi, nu apartin comunitatii rome). In rest, daca am inteles bine, pot cere stergerea imaginilor de pe commons? Dahn (talk) 10:45, 25 May 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Join the new Moldovan Wines project !

Hello, maybe you will be interested in development of the Moldovan Wine articles. If yes, I am pleased to invite you to join it on the Project:MoldovanWines project page. Best regards, --serhio talk 10:52, 19 May 2008 (UTC)

Cnacuba and Multumesc for the invitation about the wines, but... I'm not competent... a trebuit chiar sa renunt la alcool din pricina ficatului care nu prea mai lucreaza... et je ne voudrais pas illustrer le "Principe de Peter" !  ;-) --Spiridon MANOLIU (talk) 18:38, 19 May 2008 (UTC)

Mersi pentru oferta de copiere. Lasati-ma/lasa-ma sa incerc sa o mai caut. Stiu ca au aparut vreo 5 volume! Poate vorbiti/vorbesti despre o carte mai veche care ulterior a fost dezvoltata de Iurie Colesnic in mai multe volume... Daca e 1992, asa pare. Daca dupa o vreme nu reusesc va/iti spun si te rog sa faci copia (ideal ar fi sa o poti scana; in orice caz, e fizic de lucru cel putin o ora in ambele cazuri).
Am fost la memorialul de la Sighet asta vara. De fapt nu am prevazut sa trec pe acolo, am decis in ziua dinainte si nici nu stiam la ce sa ma astept. Prin urmare nu am profitat la maxim. Am stat cateva ore in muzeu. Dar, nu am incarcat bateriile aparatului de fotografiat si dupa 20 de poze s-au terminat. In plus, trebuie sa mai si ai pricepere la facut poze - abia cand vezi ca iese una din 3 cum vroiai, iti dai seama ca nu e chiar elementar. In ultima vreme nu am avut timp de wikipedia, plus e si mult de lucru si nu stiu de ce sa ma apuc in primul rand. Daca vrei putem discut si prin email: te duci la pagina mea si in acel moment cauti in colonita din dreapta "E-mail this user". Referitor la Xasha, si mie mi se pare ca nu a venit cu ganduri bune pe WP - are idee fixa cu "moldovenii diferiti de romani" si o promoveaza. Nu stiu cine e, dar daca are parintii in sistem si a beneficiat ca e fiul lor si nu ca e el (banuiesc), il inteleg - loialitate pana la moarte. Acum trebuie sa plec, toate cele bune, Dc76\talk 20:00, 21 May 2008 (UTC)