Special member functions

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Special member functions[1] in C++ are functions which the compiler will automatically generate if they are used, but not declared explicitly by the programmer. The special member functions are:

In these cases the compiler generated versions of these functions perform a memberwise operation. For example the compiler generated destructor will destroy each sub-object (base class or member) of the object.

[edit] Example

The following example depicts two classes: Explicit for which all special member functions are explicitly declared and Implicit for which none are declared.

class Explicit {
    friend class Implicit;
    string msg;
     Explicit(void) : msg("")
         cout << "Default constructor " << msg << endl;
     Explicit(const string& value) : msg(value)
         cout << "Non-default constructor " << msg << endl;
     Explicit(const Explicit& other) : msg(other.msg)
         cout << "Copy constructor " << msg << endl;
     Explicit& operator=(const Explicit& other)
         cout << "Copy assignment operator " << msg << endl;
         if (this != &other)
             msg = other.msg;
         return *this;
         cout << "Destructor " << msg << endl;
class Implicit : public Explicit {
    int i;
    void* p;
    Explicit member;
     void Spew(void) { cout << "Implicit(" << msg << ", " << member.msg << ")" << endl; };

In this case the class Implicit has not explicitly defined the destructor and the compiler will create a destructor equivalently to this:

// Sub-objects are destroyed in the opposite order to their construction
    member.~Explicit(); // destroy member
    (void)p;           // do nothing for p, void* has no destructor
    (void)i;           // do nothing for i, int has no destructor
    ~Explicit();        // call the base class's destructor

[edit] References

  1. ^ ISO/IEC (1998). International Standard ISO/IEC 14882: Programming languages—C++ = Languages de programmation—C++, 1, ISO/IEC, §12. OCLC 71718919.