SPEAR System
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The S.P.E.A.R. System is a close quarter protection system primarily used by military and law enforcement personnel in North America & Europe. S.P.E.A.R. is an acronym for Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response, and describes both a primary tactic and a basic principle, i.e. emotional learning via stimulation of the Amygdala. [1]
The S.P.E.A.R. System has been incorporated into many local, state and regional training academies all over the United States. It has also recently been adopted into the United Kingdom Police Service's Personal Safety Training Manual, becoming the only generic system to become so adopted (Police Review 150307). The SPEAR system is also open to civilians via the Personal Defense Readiness Program.
The system was developed by Tony Blauer, in Montreal, Canada, and started life in 1988 following observations resulting from blocking drills. Mr Blauer, known as Coach Blauer within the system, began teaching the system to the Law Enforcement & military communities in 1993.[2]
The S.P.E.A.R. System defines itself as the study of human movement as it relates to violence, fear and aggression, and not as a martial art or style. [3]The System is intended to cater for the Startle/Flinch response occurring during ambush type attacks. [4]By way of Operant & Classical Conditioning this naturalistic movement is converted into a combative response. [5]
Blauer Tactical Systems - [http:www.tonyblauer.com]
Bio of Tony Blauer [6]