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importScript('Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/Force edit summary alternative'); // CHECK THAT I'VE REMEMBERED TO SIGN TALK PAGES AND IF SURE DO IT AUTOMATIC: // *** aut. signing / (automatische Unterschrift) *** [[User:Olliminatore/signing.js]] // created 23.04.2006 by [[User:Olliminatore]] // updated 23.04.2006 by [[:en:User:Ilmari Karonen]] // current version 1.56 13.03.2007 // Interwiki <noinclude>[[de:User:Olliminatore/signing.js]]</noinclude> //<pre><nowiki> String.prototype.trim = function(){return this.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,"")}; if (typeof usersignature == 'undefined') usersignature = ' --\~\~\~\~\n'; if (typeof regpages == 'undefined') { // list of all none talk pages var regpages = [ ':Village pump', ':Articles for deletion', ':Requests for ', ':Reference desk', ':Deletion review', ':Templates for deletion', '.*noticeboard.*', ':checkuser', ':arbitration', ':feedback', ':page protection', 'mediation)', ':Bot requests', ':Help desk', ':Editor review', ':Adminship survey', ':Cleanup', ':Miscellany for deletion', ':New contributors\' help page', ':Media copyright questions' ]; } // regarded pages type encoded if (wgCanonicalNamespace.match(/talk$/i)) var regpages = ""; for (p in regpages) if (wgPageName.indexOf(regpages[p]) != -1){regpages=false; break} if (!regpages) addOnloadHook(function(){ if (!(window.editform = document.forms['editform'])) return; // Add a new checkbox to the Wiki editOptions. sigBox = document.createElement("input"); sigBox.setAttribute('type','checkbox'); sigBox.setAttribute('name','wpSigning'); sigBox.setAttribute('id','wpSigning'); sigBox.setAttribute('checked','checked'); sigBox.defaultChecked=true; neuB = document.createElement("label"); neuB.appendChild(sigBox); neuB.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Sign")); neuB.setAttribute('for','wpSigning'); neuB.setAttribute('title','Sign this edit automatic.'); function setSigBox() { // switch enable box if (editform.wpMinoredit.checked) sigBox.setAttribute('disabled','disabled'); else sigBox.removeAttribute('disabled'); }; var txtarea=editform.elements['wpTextbox1']; var txtOld=txtarea.value.trim(); // txtOld_l=txtOld.length var txtOldEnd=txtOld.slice(-24); var sig = /~{3}/g; if (!tNode){ //editform.insertBefore(neuB, editform.elements['wpWatchthis']); // maybe FIXME: raised an NS_DOM_ERR! var tNode = editform.elements['wpMinoredit'].parentNode; // DOM workaround!? tNode.divs = tNode.getElementsByTagName("DIV"); tNode.divs = tNode.divs.item(tNode.divs.length-1); // last div tNode.insertBefore(neuB, tNode.divs); setSigBox(); } function doSign(event){ if(editform.onsubmit==''){ // only once! removeEvent(editform.wpSave,"click",doSign); removeEvent(editform.wpPreview,"click",doSign); } if(editform.onsubmit=='') removeEvent(editform.wpSave,"click",doSign); // only once! if(editform.wpMinoredit.checked || !sigBox.checked) return; txtarea.focus(); var cOld = txtOld.match(/<nowiki>.*?~{3}.*?<\/nowiki>/g); // exception for nowiki if (cOld) cOld = cOld.length; cNew = txtarea.value.match(sig); if (cNew) cNew = cNew.length; if (cNew > cOld){ // if there are a sign, check for true var cNew2 = txtarea.value.match(/\{\{subst\:unsig.*?~{3}\}\}/); // exception for Template:unsigned cNew -= (cNew2)?cNew2.length:0; } if(cNew <= cOld){ // if nothing then search a set position txt=txtarea.value.trim(); txtEnd=txt.slice(-24); if(txtOldEnd!=txtEnd) return txtarea.value = txt + usersignature; // aut. underwrite else { // post between pos = getCaretPos(txtarea); pos = txt.indexOf('\n', pos); // go to the post-end txtEnds = txt.substr(pos,24).replace(/(^\s*)/,""); // after txtpEnds = txt.slice(pos-18,pos); // before oldp = txtOld.indexOf(txtEnds); if(oldp!=-1 && oldp < pos - 3 && txtOld.indexOf(txtpEnds+RegExp.$1+txtEnds)==-1) // if some added return txtarea.value = txt.slice(0,pos).trim() + usersignature + txt.slice(pos+1); } // FIXME: then the edit-end is not found!? } else if(!sig.test(txtOld) || cOld < cNew) return; if (event) event=(window.Event)? event.srcElement; if ( == 'wpPreview') return; // not for preview return editform.onsubmit=new Function("editform.onsubmit='';" +"return confirm('No signing was found. Continue anyway?')"); //warn if saving without signature }; addEvent(editform.wpSave,"click", doSign); addEvent(editform.wpPreview,"click", doSign); addEvent(editform.wpMinoredit,"click", setSigBox); }); function getCaretPos(txtObj){ if (txtObj.setSelectionRange) return txtObj.selectionStart; // NS like else if(!document.selection) return 0; // not IE like var c="\001", pos=0; var range=document.selection.createRange(); var txt=range.text, dul=range.duplicate(); dul.moveToElementText(txtObj); range.text=txt+c; pos=(dul.text.indexOf(c)); range.moveStart('character',-1); range.text=""; return pos; }; /* add/removeEvent Original idea by John Resig Tweaked by Scott Andrew LePera, Dean Edwards and Peter-Paul Koch Fixed for IE by Tino Zijdel (crisp) @date 2005-10 */ function addEvent(obj,type,fn){if(obj.addEventListener){obj.addEventListener(type,fn,false)}else if(obj.attachEvent){var eProp=type+fn;obj["e"+eProp]=fn;obj[eProp]=function(){obj["e"+eProp](window.event)};obj.attachEvent("on"+type,obj[eProp])}else{obj['on'+type]=fn}}; function removeEvent(obj,type,fn){if(obj.removeEventListener){obj.removeEventListener(type,fn,false)}else if(obj.detachEvent){var eProp=type+fn;obj.detachEvent("on"+type,obj[eProp]);obj['e'+eProp]=null;obj[eProp]=null}else{obj['on'+type]=null}}; // *** end *** </nowiki></pre> /* Watchlist notifier ([[User:Ais523/watchlistnotifier.js]]); displays a message every time a watched page changes. */ //<pre><nowiki> var wmwpajax; // From [[WP:US]] mainpage (wpajax renamed to wmwpajax) wmwpajax={ download:function(bundle) { // mandatory: bundle.url // optional: bundle.onSuccess (xmlhttprequest, bundle) // optional: bundle.onFailure (xmlhttprequest, bundle) // optional: bundle.otherStuff OK too, passed to onSuccess and onFailure var x = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : false; if (x) { x.onreadystatechange=function() { x.readyState==4 && wmwpajax.downloadComplete(x,bundle); };"GET",bundle.url,true); x.send(null); } return x; }, downloadComplete:function(x,bundle) { x.status==200 && ( bundle.onSuccess && bundle.onSuccess(x,bundle) || true ) || ( bundle.onFailure && bundle.onFailure(x,bundle) || alert(x.statusText+': '+bundle.url)); } }; // Example: // function dlComplete(xmlreq, data) { // alert(data.message + xmlreq.responseText); // } //{url:'', // onSuccess: dlComplete, message: "Here's what we got:\n\n" }); // End of [[WP:US]] quote function wmWatchEditFound(xmlreq, data) { var watchrev, watchsum, watchrevold, watchpage, junk; watchrev=xmlreq.responseText.split('timestamp="')[1].split('"')[0]; if(wgPageName == "Special:Watchlist") document.cookie="ais523wmwatchrev="+watchrev+".; path=/"; else { watchsum=xmlreq.responseText.split('comment="')[1].split('"')[0]; watchpage=xmlreq.responseText.split('title="')[1].split('"')[0]; try { watchrevold=document.cookie.split('ais523wmwatchrev=')[1].split('.')[0]; } catch(junk) {watchrevold=0;} watchsum=watchsum.split('<').join('<').split('>').join('>'); watchpage=watchpage.split('<').join('<').split('>').join('>'); if(watchrev!=watchrevold) document.getElementById('contentSub').innerHTML+= "<div class='watchlistnotify'>\""+watchpage+'" changed: "'+watchsum+'".</div>'; } } addOnloadHook(function() { /* Find the top item in the watchlist, and its edit summary. We only need one item, so set the limit to 1 to ease the load on the server. */ //if(location.href.indexOf("/wiki/")!=-1){url:''+ 'wldir=older&format=xml&wlprop=comment|timestamp|title', onSuccess: wmWatchEditFound}); }); // </nowiki></pre> // [[Category:Wikipedia scripts]] // Adding google addOnloadHook(function () { if (wgCanonicalNamespace == "Special") return; // no links for special pages var title = wgTitle; if (wgCanonicalNamespace != "") title = title.replace(/^.*\//, ""); // subpage name only var query = encodeURIComponent('"'+title+'" -Wikipedia' ); addPortletLink('p-tb', ''+query, 'Google search', 't-googlesearch', 'Search Google for "'+title+'"', 'G'); addPortletLink('p-tb', ''+query, 'Yahoo! search', 't-yahoosearch', 'Search Yahoo! for "'+title+'"', 'Y'); }); // // removed for testing // importScript('User:VoA/monobook.js'); //[[Category:Wikipedians who use RC script]] // TWINKLE importScript('User:AzaToth/morebits.js'); importScript('User:AzaToth/twinklediff.js'); importScript('User:AzaToth/twinklearv.js'); importScript('User:AzaToth/twinklewarn.js'); importScript('User:AzaToth/twinklefluff.js'); TwinkleConfig = { revertMaxRevisions : 50, userTalkPageMode : 'tab', showSharedIPNotice : true, openTalkPage : [ 'agf', 'norm', 'vand' ], openTalkPageOnAutoRevert : false, openAOLAnonTalkPage : false, summaryAd : " using [[WP:TWINKLE|TW]]", deletionSummaryAd : " using [[WP:TWINKLE|TW]]", protectionSummaryAd : " using [[WP:TWINKLE|TW]]", watchSpeedyPages : [ 'g3', 'g5', 'g10', 'g11', 'g12' ], watchProdPages : true, openUserTalkPageOnSpeedyDelete : [ 'g1', 'g2', 'g10', 'g11', 'g12', 'a1', 'a7', 'i3', 'i4', 'i5', 'i6', 'i7', 'u3', 't1' ], watchRevertedPages : [ 'agf', 'norm', 'vand', 'torev' ], markRevertedPagesAsMinor : [ 'agf', 'norm', 'vand', 'torev' ], deleteTalkPageOnDelete : false, watchWarnings : true, markAIVReportAsMinor : false, markSpeedyPagesAsMinor : true, offerReasonOnNormalRevert : true, orphanBacklinksOnSpeedyDelete : {orphan:true, exclude:['g6']} };