Sparse approximation

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Sparse approximation is the problem of finding a signal or vector estimate with sparseness property, that is having a small number of nonzero elements, that satisfies (approximately) a system of equations.

For example, consider a linear system of equations y = Ax, where A is a real M-by-N matrix and M < N. In general, this problem is ill-posed as there are infinitely many x that solve this system.

One way to enforce sparsity is to choose x such that as many components as possible are zero. In other words, we want to solve

 \min_x \|x\|_0, \text{ such that } y = A x,

where the objective function is defined by

 \|x\|_0 = \#\{ k : x_k = 0, \, k=1,\ldots,N \}

and # denotes the cardinality of the set. However, this problem is NP-complete because classical combinatorial optimization can be reduced to it.

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