Spanish exonyms

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Below is list of Spanish language exonyms for places in non-Spanish-speaking areas of the world :


[edit] Albania

[edit] Australia

[edit] Austria

[edit] Belgium- Bélgica

[edit] Towns

[edit] Regions

[edit] Bulgaria

[edit] Czech Republic- República Checa

[edit] Denmark- Dinamarca

[edit] Estonia

[edit] France- Francia

[edit] Towns

[edit] Regions

[edit] Germany- Alemania

[edit] Greece- Grecia

[edit] Ireland

[edit] Italy- Italia

[edit] Towns

[edit] Regions

[edit] Lithuania- Lituania

[edit] Luxembourg

[edit] Netherlands- Países Bajos

[edit] Poland- Polonia

[edit] Portugal

[edit] Romania- Rumania

[edit] Russia- Rusia

[edit] Serbia

[edit] Sweden- Suecia

[edit] Regions

[edit] Switzerland- Suiza

[edit] United Kingdom- El Reino Unido

[edit] See also