Spanish Peruvian

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Spanish Peruvian
Hispano Peruano

Notable Spanish
Saint Rose of Lima
Nicolas de Pierola
Mario Vargas Llosa
Claudio Pizarro
Luis Castañeda Lossio
Alan García
Flag of Spain Flag of Peru
Total population


Regions with significant populations
Lima, Arequipa, La Libertad, among others.
Spanish, Andalusian
Predominantly Roman Catholic
Related ethnic groups
Extremadurans, Andalusians, Valencians, Castilians

A Spanish Peruvian is a Peruvian citizen of Spanish descent. Among European Peruvians, the Spanish were the largest group of immigrants to settle in the country.


[edit] History

In 1532, the Spanish conquistadores arrived in Peru. As they began to conquer the country, there culture and influence spread throughout the nation. Not only did their ideology spread, their population did as well. Over the time period of the Peruvian colonial era, hundreds of thousands of Spanish immigrants flooded into Peruvian ports. These Spanish-born immigrants called Peninsulares, caused much friction between themselves and the locally-born Spanish criollos or creoles. The peninsulares had a distinctly higher social rank than the criollos even though there only difference was their place of birth. The peninsulares were given the highest governing positions, while the criollos, although much more wealthy then the mestizos and amerindians, did not receive all of the privleges given to the Spain-born Spanish. This would eventually lead to the independence movement in the early 19th Century. During the colonial period, the Spanish crown disallowed the immigration of other Europeans to Peru. For this reason, throughout the entire colonial period, up until independence, the European population in Peru was made up solely of Spaniards. Around the time of independence the rate of immigration was low and not many Europeans where entering the country. The nation was, in essence, in a state of chaos, for the reason that the government was still in the process of deciding on how it would rule the newly-independent country. At this time, many caudillos, or dictators, attempted to assume control of the nation. Some of these attempts, such as that of Simon Bolivar, where met with approval from the public, while others where not. Spanish immigration did not resume until the 1840s at the beginning of the Guano era, one of Peru's most prosperous time periods. During this era, immigration from Spain greatly increased and the economy was booming and standard of living was high. This era ended in 1866 with the Spanish-Peruvian War in which Peru emerged victorious. After the war, immigration decreased and the influx of immigrants remained steady until the 1930s. During the Spanish Civil War, thousands of Spaniards fled Spain to Peru. Over the course of General Francisco Franco's dictatorship many thousands more fled in fear of the regime. The Spanish republicans fled Franco's regime as well, seeking to escape retribution from the new government. World War II brought the end of Spanish immigration to Peru. Many Spanish Peruvians left the nation in 1960s and 1970s to flee from excessive poverty and dictatorship of Gen. Juan Velasco Alvarado and most of these moved to United States and Spain, while most of the rest to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and United Kingdom.

[edit] Origins and Passage

The regions from which most Spanish immigrants originated where that of Extremadura, Castilla and Andalucía. Most of the colonial immigrants however, originated from the regions of Castilla, Extremadura, Aragon, Valencia, La Mancha and Murcia among others. These immigrants generally departed from the ports of Cadiz or Sevilla and arrived in the ports of Callao, Mollendo and Pimentel. Many of these immigrants made a stopover in a Caribbean port before arriving in Peru. Before the development of the Panama Canal ships would forced to go around Cape Horn to reach Peruvian ports. Although not many, a few travelers made there way from Europe to Peru via the Amazon River. These immigrants would seek passage on the many commercial ships going to retrieve rubber in Peru to bring back to Europe. These immigrants would arrive at the river port of Iquitos. Almost all of them stayed there. These immigrants numbered no more than a few thousand.

[edit] Spanish Peruvian Identity

Both Spain and Peru share similar cultural aspects: language and religion. Although most Peruvians have Spanish blood from the colonial period, most of them consider themselves as simply “Peruvian,” since the criollos (Peruvian-born Spaniards) were not considered as Spaniards. Spaniards who were against the colonial era were Peruvians while those who opposed independence were known as Spaniards. Thus, Spanish-Peruvian identity is similar to be simply Peruvian and it is impossible to make separate Spanish culture, because Peruvian culture was mostly derived from Spanish culture which was the dominant influence in building Peru.

[edit] Spanish Peruvian institutions and associations

  • Fondo de Cooperación Hispano Peruano
  • Centro Hispano-Peruano
  • Cooperacion Hispano Peruano
  • Federación de Asociaciones de Peruanos en España
  • Embajada De España en Peru
  • Centro Cultural Hispano Americano
  • Asociación Hispano-Peruano
  • Asociación de Genealogía Hispana
  • Enlace Hispano Americano de Salud
  • Asociacion de medicos Hispano-Peruanos