Portal:Spaceflight/On This Day/20 May
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- 1965 - A Thor-Burner launches the OPS 8386 satellite.
- 1969 - A Voskhod rocket launches the Kosmos-282 satellite.
- 1970 - A Voskhod rocket launches the Kosmos-345 satellite.
- 1970 - A Thorad-Agena launches a CORONA satellite.
- 1972 - A Titan 24B fails to launch a KH-8 satellite.
- 1975 - A Titan IIIC launches two DSCS satellites.
- 1976 - A Voskhod rocket launches the Kosmos-819 satellite.
- 1978 - An Atlas-Centaur launches the Pioneer Venus Orbiter.
- 1980 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos-1181 satellite.
- 1982 - A Molniya-M launches the Kosmos-1367 satellite.
- 1992 - An ASLV launches the SROSS-C satellite.
- 1994 - A Proton-K launches a Gorizont satellite.
- 1995 - A Proton-K launches the Spektr module of Mir.
- 1997 - A Delta II launches the Thor 2 satellite.
- 1997 - A Zenit-2 fails to launch an unknown satellite.
- 1999 - A Proton-K launches a Nimiq satellite.
- 2001 - The Soyuz-FG makes its maiden flight, launching the Progress M1-6 spacecraft to resupply the International Space Station.
- 2004 - A Taurus rocket launches the ROCSAT-2 satellite.
- 2005 - A Delta II launches the NOAA-N satellite.