From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
//from and en:User:Zocky/AutoComplete.js
String.prototype.parseJSON = function () {
try { return !(/[^,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]/.test( this.replace(/"(\\.|[^"\\])*"/g, ))) && eval('(' + this + ')'); } catch (e) { return false; }
function ac$query(cb,what) {
if (ac$query.arguments.length>1 && ac$x) { var i=2; var url="/w/query.php?format=json&what="+what; while (i < ac$query.arguments.length) { url=url+"&"+ac$query.arguments[i] + "=" + ac$query.arguments[i+1]; i+=2; } ac$x.onreadystatechange=function() { try { if (ac$x.readyState==4) return ac$x.status==200 ? cb(ac$x.responseText.parseJSON()) : cb(false); } catch (e) { } }; ac$"GET",url,true); ac$x.setRequestHeader('Accept','text/*'); ac$x.send(null); } else return false;
// helper functions function ac$$e(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function ac$$c(name,id) { var el=document.createElement(name);; return el }; function ac$$ia(node,newnode) { return node.parentNode.insertBefore(newnode,node.nextSibling); } function ac$$uc(s) { return s.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+s.substring(1) };
function ac$inputKeyDown(e) {
if (e.which==40 && ac$"visible") { ac$b.focus();
// ac$b.selectedIndex=0; // ac$s.value=ac$b.options[0].value;
} else { try {clearTimeout(ac$t)} catch (e) {}; ac$t=setTimeout("ac$timeOut()",500) }
function ac$boxKeyPress(e) {
if (e.which==13) { ac$s.value=ac$b.options[ac$b.selectedIndex].value; ac$"hidden"; ac$b.selectedIndex=-1; ac$s.focus(); } else if (e.which==27) { ac$"hidden"; ac$b.selectedIndex=-1; ac$s.focus(); } else if (e.which) { ac$s.value+=String.fromCharCode(e.which); ac$s.focus(); ac$b.selectedIndex=-1; ac$s.selectionStart=ac$s.selectionEnd=ac$s.value.length; try {clearTimeout(ac$t)} catch (e) {}; ac$t=setTimeout("ac$timeOut()",500) } e.preventDefault();
function ac$boxClick(e) {
ac$s.value=ac$b.options[ac$b.selectedIndex].value; ac$"hidden"; ac$b.selectedIndex=-1; ac$s.focus();
function ac$blur(e) {
try { if ($b) { if (ac$"hidden") ac$b.blur() } else if (!=ac$s &&!=document &&!=window) { ac$"hidden"; ac$b.selectedIndex=-1; } } catch (e) { return; }
function ac$timeOut() {
if (ac$s.value.length>0) { try {ac$x.abort()} catch(e){}; cb=function(obj) { ac$b.innerHTML=; for (var i in obj.meta.namespaces) { try { var ns=obj.meta.namespaces[i]['*']; ac$n[ns]=i; if ( ac$s.value.toUpperCase() == ns.substring (0,ac$s.value.length).toUpperCase() ) { ac$b.innerHTML+='<option style="font-weight:bold">' + ns + ':</option>'; } } catch(e) {} } for (var i in obj.pages) { if ( ac$s.value.toUpperCase() == obj.pages[i].title.substring (0,ac$s.value.length).toUpperCase() ) ac$b.innerHTML+= ( obj.pages[i].redirect!="" ? '<option>' : '<option style="color:silver">' ) + obj.pages[i].title + '</option>'; }
// ac$b.size= ac$b.options.length<8 ? ac$b.options.length : 8;
ac$b.options.length || (ac$b.innerHTML='<option value="'+ac$s.value+'" style="color:silver">(nie znaleziono)</option>'); ac$"visible"; }; var ns=ac$s.value.match(/^.*?(?=:)/); if (ns in ac$n) { var apns = ac$n[ns]; var apfrom = ac$s.value.replace(/^.*?:/,); } else { var apns=0; var apfrom=ac$s.value; } ac$query(cb,"allpages|namespaces","apfrom",ac$$uc(apfrom.replace(/ /g,'_')),"aplimit","50","apnamespace",apns); } else { ac$"hidden"; }
// initialization
var ac$s; var ac$b; var ac$t; var ac$n=[]; var ac$x = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest()
: window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : false;
function ac$init() {
ac$s=ac$$e("searchInput"); if(ac$s) { ac$b=ac$$c('select','autocompletebox'); ac$b.size=8; ac$"hidden"; ac$$ia(ac$s,ac$b); ac$s.setAttribute('autocomplete','off'); ac$s.addEventListener('keydown',ac$inputKeyDown,false); ac$b.addEventListener('keypress',ac$boxKeyPress,false); ac$b.addEventListener('click',ac$boxClick,false); document.addEventListener('focus',ac$blur,false); }