User talk:Southpark

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Hello, welcome to the english wikipedia. Do you intend on translating Braunbuch into english? Maximus Rex 02:16, 1 May 2004 (UTC)

yes, soon !

Es tut ja meinem Ego ganz gut, dass ich so gewürdigt werde, aber findest Du dass nicht selbst etwas peinlich. Außerdem - benennen nach einer "US-faschistischen Comicserie"... ne, ne, ne. (It's great for my Ego to be honoured in this way, but don't you think it's a bit ridiculous? And that you choose your name after a "US-fascist Comic-Strip"... *wondering*. -- Zeitgeist 10:44, 1 May 2004 (UTC)

You have to take the consequences about ekkenekepen.

There was no reason at all to do so.