South Kivu

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Province du Sud-Kivu
Image:None Image:None
(Provincial flag) (Provincial Seal)
Map of the Dem. Rep. of the Congo highlighting the Province of Sud-Kivu
Country Democratic Republic of the CongoDemocratic Republic of the Congo
Capital Bukavu
Largest city Bukavu
National language Swahili
Land area¹ 65.070 km²
Governor Louis Léonce Cirimwami Muderhwa


(est. )

Demonym none
Official Website [ Province du Sud-Kivu]
Territorial Organisation - Cities

Sud-Kivu (Kivu-Sud, South Kivu) is a province of the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Its provincial capital is Bukavu.


[edit] Geography

It borders the provinces of Nord-Kivu to the north, Maniema to the west, and Katanga to the south. To the east it borders the countries of Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania.

[edit] Politics

Célestin Cibalonza has been Governor of the province and Léon Mumate Nyamatomwa vice-governor since 24 January 2007.[1]

[edit] Human rights

Sud-Kivu, along with Nord-Kivu, has been the center of the conflict resulting from the Second Congo War. The UN estimates that in 2005, approximately 45,000 women were raped in South Kivu.[2] It forms the new Congolese military (FARDC's) 10th Military Region, whose undisciplined former factional fighters are responsible for many continuing human rights abuses, due to a continuing culture of impunity for military personnel, bad conditions, lack of pay, and lack of training.[3]

In July 2007, United Nations human rights expert Yakin Erturk called the situation in South Kivu the worst she has ever seen in four years as the global body's special investigator for violence against women. Sexual violence throughout Congo is "rampant," she said, blaming rebel groups, the armed forces and national police. Her statement included that "Frequently women are shot or stabbed in their genital organs, after they are raped. Women, who survived months of enslavement, told me that their tormentors had forced them to eat excrement or the human flesh of murdered relatives." [4]

[edit] References

[edit] Further reading

Sud-Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Bukavu (capital) || Communes : Bagira, Ibanda, Kadutu, Kasha
Territorial districts
  • Province not divided into districts
    • Territories : Fizi, Idjwi, Kabare, Kalehe, Mwenga, Shabunda, Uvira, Walungu