Sources Chrétiennes

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Sources Chrétiennes (French "Christian sources") is a bilingual collection of patristic texts founded in Lyon in 1943 by the Jesuits Jean Daniélou, Claude Mondésert, and Henri de Lubac.

The collection is edited by the Institut des Sources Chrétiennes (current director: Bernard Meunier) and published in Paris by Les Éditions du Cerf.

Over 500 works by Greek, Latin and occasionally Syriac authors have been published. Other oriental Christian (e.g. Armenian) writers have been published only in translation. An early decision was made not to exclude subsequently condemned authors (such as Origen). Clement of Alexandria, John Chrysostom, and the Cappadocians (Basil of Caesarea and Gregory of Nazianzus especially) are strongly represented, but a section is also devoted to Western spiritual writers such as Bernard of Clairvaux.

A parallel collection devoted to the works of Philo of Alexandria has developed as well.

The bilingual edition policy launched by 'Sources Chrétiennes' has been followed recently by the German language series 'Fontes Christiani' , published initially by Herder of Freiburg but now by Brepols of Turnhout, Belgium.

Many of the texts published bilingually by 'Sources Chrétiennes' have appeared recently in Italian translation.

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