Soul Signs

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SOUL SIGNS. An Elemental Guide to Your Spiritual Destiny
Author Rosemary Altea
Country United States
Language English
Genre(s) Spirituality, psychology
Publisher Rodale
Publication date June 2004
Media type Print (Paperback)
Pages 304 pp
ISBN ISBN 1579549489

Soul Signs is a book written by Rosemary Altea (self proclaimed medium, bestselling author and internationally known spiritual healer, featured on Oprah, Larry King Live, Vanity Fair, People, and The New York Times), published by Rodale, and translated in numerous languages. In Soul Signs she offers a method in order to understand and to interpret the psychology of persons[1]. During an interview with Larry King Live, she defined this book actually fascinating [2].

According to Altea, characterial nature of individuals depends on spiritual innate elements, and not only on genetic or cultural-social factors.

There are five fundamental signs, five energy groups in which she classifies the identities of the souls: Fire, Earth, Air, Water, and Sulphur. Altea's soul signs are however different from astrological signs.

The Fire signs are emotionally driven; they are passionate, creative, challenging, often uncompromising and willful.

The Earth signs are driven by planning and strategizing; athoritative, resolute, they are often resourceful and naturally inclined to take action; also pragmatic, realist and rational.

The Air signs are passive or passive-aggressive. The Air energy group is often calm and gentle, but acts through frustration and oppression.

The Water signs are driven by evaluation and compromise; they like fairness and harmony, adapting themselves to situations and valuing everything objective.

The Sulphur signs belong to a destructive dark group; this is the only sign who isn't created by God. The Sulphur energy group is driven by evil and by a desire to give pain anywhere.

Each sign (except Suplphur) is subdivided into three kinds of energy: introvert, central, and extrovert. Fire group is respective composed from Retrospective, Dreaming, and Bright Star souls; Earth group from Hunter, Visionary, and Warrior souls; Air group from Traveller, Prophet, and New Born souls; Water group from Seeker, Pacemaker, and Old souls. So there are twelve signs, more the Sulphur one: thirteen in total. Through a test, Altea supplies explanations and methods to help readers recognize their soul sign, and their ways of relating to other souls.

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Altea's website". Retrieved on 2007-10-05. 
  2. ^ "Larry King Live: Rosemary Altea discusses Soul Signs", CNN, December 2002. Retrieved on 2007-10-05. 

[edit] External links


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