Souichiro Nagi

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Souichiro Kengo Nagi
Tenjho Tenge character

Souchiro Nagi, from the anime.
First appearance Volume 1, Page 18
Created by Oh! great
Voiced by Japanese
Sōichirō Hoshi
Steve Staley
Age 15
Nationality Japanese
Class 1st year student of Todo Academy
Known relatives Sōhaku Kago (Father)
Makiko Nagi (Mother)
Ichiyō Nagi (Ancestor)
Red Feather Power Dragon's Fist

Souichiro Nagi (凪 宗一郎 Nagi Sōichirō) is the main character in the manga and anime series Tenjho Tenge. He is a member of the Juken Club and the Knuckle Bombs.


[edit] Character outline

Souichiro is a brash, blonde, spikey haired teenager, who enjoys fighting. As a child, Souichiro was bullied and tormented because his family consists of demon exorcists, and were not well liked as a result. The apartment he shared with his mom was also covered in offensive messages. Souichiro started fighting early as a result, beating up those who tormented him. In elementary school, he met up with his best friend Bob Makihara[1], and they started calling themselves the Knuckle Bombs. The pair go to school beating up everyone they find until they have been proven the strongest. Upon arriving at Todo Academy, Souchiro quickly learns he is nowhere near as strong as he thought.

Souichiro fights using street fighting methods as opposed to real martial arts. He prides himself on being a thug and therefore he fights without honor, usually with cheap shots, etc... However, he does seem to draw line when it comes to hitting women. After training with Maya Natsume, he learns more martial arts moves including the Forged Needle attack. Throughout the Manga, it is shown that Souichiro and Aya Natsume have some sort of mental connection between them that calls to the other when they are in trouble. [2][3][4] [5]

Souichiro is a teen obsessed with fighting and takes a lot of pride in that. Ironically, he believes that fighting doesn't resolve anything.[6] Initially, he is believed to have an average, or below average intelligence. He is very cocky and gets angered easily, and always has wise cracks. He isn't very good with being around girls, because he had little contact with them up until high school because they thought he was creepy.[1] When he enrolled into Todo Academy, he fought Masataka Takayanagi resulting in him losing his first major fight. He falls in love with Maya Natsume, because she is similar to him. Through out the series, he repeatedly has shown he has trouble showing any affection towards people he cares about. Souichiro is slowly changing, and starting to become more intelligent and starting to build the charisma of the leader. For example, Souichiro actually gets Kagesada Sugano (almost solely referred to by his nickname asshat in the manga or scum in the anime) to once again become an active Juken Club member. Their initial encounter seems to inspire Kagesada to quit his typical cowardly behavior and fight.

Aya is in love with him, but he seems uninterested because he is in love with Maya, although later on in the series he shows signs of liking or possible love not reacting so drastically when Aya shows her affections and trying to protect her. Maya's feelings for Souichiro are unknown. Later on, Shizuru Kamura also develops a crush on Souichiro and views Maya as an enemy as a result. Souichiro also seems to be rather protective of his mother, even though it doesn't seem so initially. He plans to drop out and take over her work so she can finally retire after he competes in this years tournament.

[edit] Techniques & Abilities

Souichiro is a self-proclaimed thug, and has no real martial arts style. Later he does start to develop more skill and becomes a pretty formidable fighter. He advances very quickly picking up advanced moves such as Uraate in a matter of days, even without knowing what he is doing.

[edit] Techniques

Uraate (裏当て?)
Translation: "Backing"
CMX translation: "Reverse Striking"
This is fulcrum-based transference skill; an example of Ki transmission that teaches one to shift the point and force of impact by striking the dead center of an object. At expert-levels, a practitioner can transmit the force of impact wherever they please, as long as a medium exists to transmit their power through.
Ryukei Qigong Tashikou (龍形氣功鍛針功?)
CMX translation: "Dragon-Ki Qigong Forged Needle"
This technique is the greatest of secrets within the Takayanagi clan, passed down for generations. Shin Natsume 'stole' this technique while in the service of Dōgen Takayanagi. It is a technique which uses the fulcrum-based transference skill of Uraate to transmit the user's power through the air. This is achieved by collecting the rotational force of one's motion until it forms unto a needle, forged by their own ki. At that point, that collected atmospheric force would then be directed from the circular motion into a straight line (via punch), where it is sent barreling into the target. Maya taught Souichiro this technique, whom, in turn, was taught by Mitsuomi.
Ryukei Qigong Tashikou: Shiryū Enretsu Sen (龍形氣功鍛針功•四龍炎裂孅?)[7]
CMX translation: "Dragon-Ki Qigong Forged Needle: Four Flaming Raging Dragons' Massacre"
A Triple Forged Needle combi-attack, which incorporates his and Maya's Forged Needle with Mitsuomi's Twin King Dragon Flame Strike, producing an all-consuming, four-headed dragon of Ki.

[edit] Demon Exorcist Form (Magabarai)

Demon Exorcist Souichiro.
Demon Exorcist Souichiro.

The Magabarai blood that runs through Souichiro's veins allows him to tune into the Red Wing Resonance of anyone of the Red Wing blood lineage. Souichiro, when using his family’s power can transform, turning his hair black (as well as making his hair no longer spike upward) and his fists black as ki enters into him and exits through his dragon gates, activating his chakra thusly. In this form, the limitless amount of ki flowing through him greatly strengthens his supernatural abilities. However, Souichiro was inexperienced with this phenomenon and the resulting surge of ki forced tremendous strain of his body, and in some cases, was on the verge of being consumed by his own dragon; with the possibility of going mad or dying. Only while in Sohaku's custody, was he able to freely access his chakra, without the assistance of the Red Wing Resonance Effect. According to his mother, if the Nagi spirit is disturbed then they can’t use this power. [8]

[edit] Dragon's Fist

Each of the six Red Wing families possesses a unique chakra, or dragon gate. The Nagi family possess the Dragon's Fist (龍拳?). These fists have the ability to collect, store and utilize an inexhaustible supply of ki obtained by "eating" the ki and abilities of others. It is this most unusual and powerful ability of the Red Wing families that Souhaku, Souichiro's father, wants so badly. As he plans to gather all the powers and abilities in one entity his son, Souichiro, and then take all that power onto himself.

Looping Red Earth Dragon's Gate
The first chakra and true nature of Souichiro's ki: "earth ki". When his gate opens, Souichiro can harness the earth's electrical fields and generate electricity. However, this works as long as his legs are connected to the earth. If no contact is made between the ground and his legs, his power remains idle. The full form of the Red Earth Dragon's chakra is unleashed as the "Thunderous Lighting Rapid Strike" ("Red Emperor Dragon - Lightning Arrow Step" in the CMX translation). [9]
Looping Orange Water Dragon's Gate
The second chakra, with power over "water ki". Using his Dragon Fist, Souichiro inadvertently sealed Tessen Ishiyumi's dragon within him. But with this chakra, as long as there is contact with water, Souichiro can manipulate it using his ki. After consuming Tessen's Water Dragon, Souichiro acquired the ability to fashion Water Chakra H2O Bullets as strong as steel using its chakra; and using Ishiyumi Style Archery, he can fire them at deadly velocities. Souichiro, however, tends to substitute water with his own blood to fashion his bullets.
Dragon's Claw
The unique "Red Feather Power" of the Shyukyou family -- A branch of the Kabane family. The chakra of the Dragon's Claws narrowly focuses one's ki into razor-thin blades as its passes through their fingertips; effectively transforming them into nigh-impossibly sharp spears. Souichiro was likely able to steal the Dragon Claws from their wielder, Mataza Tsumuji, using his Dragon's Fists. He has yet to actually use this power however.
Looping Green Wind Dragon's Gate: Imperial Deer Legs
This is the prized technique of the Kamura clan. It utilizes the chakra of Looping Green Wind Dragon to release a burst amounts of their ki to their legs, briefly boosting their strength. It's this ability which enables those practitioners of the Kamura's 1,000 Tatami Mat Leaping Imperial Deer Legs Style (「間合千畳」叡鹿脚?) to make their extraordinary leaps; even in a single bound. Souichiro collects this ability from Shizuru Kamura. He was unaware of this ability until the Election Tournament, where he jumps up a wall to an opposing team. Although he still couldn't understand how he had gotten there. [10]

[edit] Synopsis

[edit] Anime and OVAs

[edit] Story Setup Arc

Souichiro and Bob arrive at Todo Academy and proceed to pick a fight with anyone in the general vicinity. Soon they are confronted by Maya Natsume and Masataka Takayanagi. Maya puts Souichiro through a window and he falls into the shower room and meets Aya Natsume. Aya immediately falls in love with him, much to Souichiro's surprise and disapproval. Aya declares Souichiro will be her husband; Souichiro is not enthusiastic of the idea and spends most of the day running from her. He proceeds to pick a fight with Masataka, who easily beats Souichiro until Souichiro uses a cheap shot. Enraged by the fact the girl he loves, Aya, likes Souichiro instead and the fact he has been hit with a cheap attack, Masataka no longer holds back. Souichiro is beaten badly and the final punch just misses his head (most likely an intentional miss), shattering the concrete wall behind him.

Souichiro claims he will never lose again after that, but his actions have caught the attention of the Executive Council. An enforcer named Tsutomu Ryuuzaki comes to handle the two new students, Souichiro and Bob. Ryuuzaki torches Bob's motorcycle, and goes after Bob's girlfriend Chiaki (in the anime, he merely assaults Chiaki; in the manga, he actually rapes her). Bob and Souichiro show up and are both beaten. The two decide to join the Juken Club, that Maya, Masataka, and Aya are members of in hopes they can get stronger and get revenge. Souchiro manages to improve at an astounding rate, performing techniques that should take years to master in a matter of days.

Not long afterward the Executive Council attacks the Juken Club at a bowling alley. Souichiro fights Kōji Sagara(Saga Mask), and defeats him. He later encounters Mitsuomi Takayanagi, the Executive Council president; he somehow manages to keep getting up despite being hit with the Takayanagi family secret technique, but the fight is interrupted by Bunshichi Tawara. Following the incident, Bob and Souichiro find out the history behind the Juken Club, Maya, and Mitsuomi.

A rivalry is set up between Mitsuomi and Souichiro, as they both seem to love Maya. In the process of preparing to fight Mitsuomi at the schools tournament, Souichiro awakens his demon exorcist-self, his hair is no longer spiked up and turns black. Souichiro has an unlimited amount of ki in this form. Neither the anime nor the OVAs have proceeded farther than this.

[edit] Manga

The manga is far more graphic than the anime, although this is edited out of the CMX version. The manga has a large quantity of nudity and sex related material, not present in the anime. It is also contains more blood, and shows more graphic techniques than the anime. The manga also goes into more depth on the dragon's gates that allow Souichiro to use his demon exorcist powers and Aya and Shin Natsume's Dragon eyes.

The manga has proceed much farther than the anime or OVAs. After awakening his demon exorcist-self, Souichiro learns the Takayanagi family is traditionally supported by the 12 founding families as represented on the family's crest, the Rising Phoenix. The families are further split into Red Feathers and White Feathers. The setup was disturbed by Mitsuomi's takeover, a new alliance has formed called 'F'.

[edit] F arc

While F is supposed to obey Mitsuomi's orders, they attack Souichiro and the other members of the Juken Club despite Mitsuomi's orders to wait for the tournament. In an interesting turn of events, it is revealed Souchiro has the ability to steal the special techniques of others after fighting them. These people subsequently lose the ability to do their techniques afterward. He does this with his Dragon's Fist which "eats" the other persons dragon.

The first of these opponents is Tessen Ishiyumi. At the end of this fight, Souichiro "loses" his left leg to his own dragon, but steals Tessen's powers. Afterward Souichiro meets Shinichirō Kurei, the Juken Club's vice president, and learns there is another member of the group (although he is inactive). Souichiro goes to meet the member, Kagesada Sugano (asshat), and after a conflict he convinces Kagesada to become an active member again.

Later he encounters Mataza Tsumuji, on Mataza's quest to find a computer chip hidden with the Enmi Family (Enmi is one of the 36 branch families) Scroll. He defeats Mataza, but loses control of his dragon thanks to Mataza tainting him with his hatred. His mother, Makiko Nagi sucks away all his power saving him, but loses her only remaining arm in the process.

[edit] Sohaku Arc

Soon it is discovered that someone else is controlling F besides Mitsuomi, Souichiro's estranged father Sōhaku Kago. Souichiro is kidnapped and forced to fight various other people including other members of the 12 Founding Families, and 36 Branch Families and steal their powers. He is known to have fought Katsumi Kabuto and Shizuru Kamura, but there appears to have been other fights before them.

Tessen returns looking to reclaim his powers that Souichiro stole from him. As they are about to kill each other Maya and Mitsuomi stop the two of them. Afterwards, they all head out to take on Souichiro's father together. Even though he leaves himself open to attack Souichiro can't bring himself to kill his father. The fight is short-lived, however as Mitsuomi quickly beheads Sohaku. Through Aya's flashbacks to ancient times we learn Sohaku has power over death, and has the ability to store his consciousness in his right eye. Later Noriko Shindayuu Inue is shown poking out Souichiro's right eye, and it is implied that Sohaku's eye is implanted.

Souchiro's new look.
Souchiro's new look.

[edit] Tournament Arc

In chapter 98 the story suddenly jumps back to the present timeline. Souchiro has cut off the majority of his hair (for reasons unknown), and is now wearing an eyepatch. He mentions he doesn't recall much about what happened to him. Near the end of this chapter one of Aya's dragon eyes activates, and shows Souichiro morphing into Sohaku. After Sohaku warns her not to tell anyone his consciousness is inside of Souichiro, Aya snaps out of it and everything returns to normal. Sohaku, for unclear reasons, has elected to wait before attempting to fully take over Souichiro's body.

During training, Maya asks each of the members what they fight for which causes Souichiro to examine what has happened to him up to that point. He confesses to Aya that his mother was still doing the work of the Demon Exorcist and that he would like to take up her mission so she could finally quit. He admits that the tournament will most likely be his last act as a student. After leaving a saddened Aya, Souichiro runs into Saga Mask, who has come for their rematch. Souichiro tells him that he will die if they fight but Saga Mask proceeds to say this is the next step in his goal of reaching the pros. However, before he can finish, Souichiro moves up to him and strikes him in the stomach in an instant. The strike is so powerful that it explodes Saga Mask's entrails out his back all over the ground. In stunned shock, Saga Mask asks a gloomy Souichiro who he is and if he is 'human'. Though this action is most likely an illusion created by Souichiro's intent to kill Saga Mask. Most likely this was done in order to prove the point to Saga Mask that Souichiro was far stronger than he was.

After Masataka wins the first round of the tournament for them, Souichiro is pestered by their next round opponents. They stand on a high ledge and throw rocks at him, greatly annoying him. The others try to plan out what to do, but Souichiro just jumps his way up and hits them with the Forged Iron Needle Attack wiping them all out at once. When Bob asks how he got up there, he comments that he doesn't know.

In the 3rd round Souichiro starts to step up as the Advance Guard but Kagesada (asshat) Steps up and takes that role for himself. Souichiro starts to argue but is stopped by Masataka. Souichiro is shocked to see Kagesada can actually handle it. Once the newly enhanced captain of the Jujutsu Club arrives the tide turns against Kagesada, Souichiro and Bob try to get the judge to stop the fight to no avail. Kagesada insists they not interfere, seemingly inspired by his first encounter with Souichiro. Even when Kagesada's arm is broken by his opponent, Souichiro still has to sit on the sidelines realizing he can do nothing else he merely cheers Kagesada on.

During Aya's conflict with Hirohiko Myouun Kabane and Nokimi Mayutsubo, it's implied that if Souichiro fought another person with special powers (such as a person controlled by Nokimi) he would likely be overtaken by his dragon again. This is what Sohaku is waiting for as he plans to use this as his chance to take over Souichiro's body.

Souichiro reveals his right eye to Masataka.
Souichiro reveals his right eye to Masataka.

Souichiro actually ends up interrupting Aya's fight with Hirohiko after Kagesada's fight ends in a double KO, wining the round for the Juken Club. Afterward the Juken Club prepares to go home at the end of the day. Masataka hesitantly decides to go with Souichiro to eat given he has nothing better to do, yet refuses to pay. Realizing they need to eat so they will be at their peak for the tournament, yet both of them are broke, Souichiro intimidates a waiter into giving them free food. Souichiro thinks back to their fight back in the lunch room, and thinks that his first real fight in the school was against the strongest person in the school. Given Masataka's modest nature he doesn't get what Souichiro means. Souichiro comments that the intimidation from fighting Masataka gave him goosebumps. He also indicates the person inside his eye (Sohaku) is even more intimidated, as he removes his eyepatch for a second. (Given his claim of memory loss after the beheading of Sohaku, this is actually the first time Souichiro indicates he knows Sohaku is inside him, and that the eye is not his own.) Souichiro even says that he thinks everyone except Masataka uses their power as a "turtle shell" to hide their cowardice. The talk of the past has Masataka thinking back to what Bunshichi told him about not being in the wheel of fate, and says he'll make a place for himself as he stands up. Instead, Souichiro tells Masataka to sit down. Since he is trapped inside the wheel, he thinks Masataka should break it up from the outside and free him. Souichiro then follows Masataka to the Takayanagi Clan residence. He tries to forcibly get in to reach the top floor where Masataka and Mitsuomi are fighting, but he is met by heavy resistance made of Mitsuomi's private army and Hirohiko's younger sister. Hirohiko helps him by having the men stand down.

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 10 tankōbon (Chapter 61, Page 116-117).
  2. ^ "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 2 tankōbon (Chapter 11, Page 135).
  3. ^ "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 8 tankōbon (Chapter 47, Page 60).
  4. ^ "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; (Chapter 78, Page 32).
  5. ^ "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; (Chapter 79, Page 22).
  6. ^ "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 3 tankōbon (Chapter 15, Page 72).
  7. ^ "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 14 tankōbon (Chapter 82, Pages 28-29).
  8. ^ "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 2 tankōbon (Chapter 11, Page 136).
  9. ^ "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 9 tankōbon (Chapter 54, Page 94-95).
  10. ^ "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; (Chapter 101, Page 11-12).