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SOSI, short for Samordnet Opplegg for Stedfestet Informasjon (literally "Coördinated Approach for Spatial Information", but more commonly expanded in English to Systematic Organization of Spatial Information) is the Norwegian national standard for geographical information.[1]

The standard includes standardized definitions for geometry and topology, data quality, coördinate systems, and metadata.[1]

The open standard was developed by the Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Authority. It was was first published in 1987 (version 1.0). It is continuously being revised and further developed. The long term development points towards international standards (ISO 19100). This work is being done by ISO/TC211, currently chaired by Olaf Østensen with the Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Authority.

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Antti Jakobsson (2004). "Data Quality and Quality Management — Examples of Quality Evaluation Procedures and Quality Management in European National Mapping Agencies", in Wenzhong Shi, Peter F. Fisher, and Michael F. Goodchild: Spatial Data Quality. CRC Press, 226. ISBN 0415258359. 

[edit] Further reading

  • Morten Borrebæk and Olaf Østensen (1997). "Coördinated Approach for Spatial Information (SOSI) Norway", in Harold Moellering and Richard L. Hogan: Spatial Database Transfer Standards 2: Characteristics for Assessing Standards and Full Descriptions of the National and International Standards in the World. Elsevier. ISBN 0080424333. 

[edit] References

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