Sorocaba (micro-region)

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State: São Paulo
Macro-region: São Paulo Macro-Metropolitan Meso-Region
Seat: Sorocaba
Boundaries: -
Area: 4,202.355 km²
Population: (2004)
Population density: /km²
IBGE code: -
Name of habitants: --->

The Sorocaba micro-region (Microrregião de Sorocaba) is a micro-region in the central part of São Paulo State, Brazil. The area is 4,202.355 km².

[edit] Municipalities

[edit] Economy

Many people travel to São Paulo to work during the week, particularly from the larger of the municipalities. Those who work in São Paulo can usually afford larger houses due to the lower cost of living outside of São Paulo. In the smaller towns such as Votoramtim there is a lot of agricultural employment.