Sophia Blackmore Class

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The Sophia Blackmore Class is the answer of Methodist Girls' School to the Ministry of Education's Gifted Education Programme. The SBC seeks to address the needs of a group of pupils who have a different pace and learning profile. The SBC curriculum is modelled after the Gifted Education Programme (GEP) in consultation with renowned educators, like Sandra Kaplan, in the field of gifted and talented education.

SBC pupils stand to benefit from the current strengths of an MGS education by being part of the overall school body, sharing in much of the mainstream's activities.

SBC started in 2005 with a batch of Primary 4 and Secondary 1 pupils. At the end of Secondary 2, the top 40 mainstream pupils will be invited to join SBC in Secondary 3.

[edit] Aims

To develop scholarliness as a habit of mind beyond the achievements of scholarship: by cultivating in each pupil a passion for learning and nurturing academic rigour; thorough, critical and accurate, the Sophia scholar is articulate, independent and motivated by curiosity and a thirst for discovery and knowledge.

To develop the attitude of reaching beyond the classroom and across a borderless world: by growing the perspectives of pupils through varied and wide experiences outside the curriculum, and building the skills needed to innovate and respond to change and progress.

To develop a strong sense of compassion and resolve that looks beyond self: by developing an enduring community spirit driven by the urge to serve society and nation, the moral integrity to do what is right, and the maturity to be a responsible citizen and leader.

In the Sophia Blackmore Class, MGS girls will be challenged to Master, to Grow and to Serve in the fullest sense. The girls will be encouraged to realise their potential to the fullest and to emerge Godly women of Excellence with a heart of Love”.

[edit] Requirements for Direct School Admission to MGS - SBC

  • Primary 4, 5, 6 school results
  • a personal portfolio of any awards and achievements, co-curricular and performing arts activities, leadership and community involvement programmes, special talents and project work
  • a personal statement
  • a teacher’s recommendation
  • sit for the Higher Ability Selection Test (HAST). There is an administrative fee of $50 per applicant for the Higher Ability Selection Test.

HAST is a skills-based screening test that includes reading comprehension, mathematical reasoning and abstract reasoning.

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