User:Sonja Diig

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zh 這個用戶的母語中文
cmn 這個用戶的母語北方話
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
yue-1 呢個用戶可以用簡單粵語進行交流。
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HKU This user studies or studied at
The University of Hong Kong.
This user is an undergraduate student majoring in Chemistry.
Location & Origin
This user is a
Citizen of the Galaxy
and nothing else matters.
This user is a Descendant of the Dragon.

[edit] Interests & others

This user is interested in astronomy.
This user would want to know what a black hole looks like from inside, but doesn't want to discover it by themselves.
\scriptstyle \frac {\partial^2 \Psi} {\partial t^2} = \nabla^2 \Psi This user is interested in Mathematical physics
This user is interested in
This user is interested in psychology.
This user knows the side effects of ingesting dihydrogen monoxide.
Do you?
This user is interested in chemistry.
almost all This user is interested in interest.
This user enjoys music by Johann Sebastian Bach.
This user plays the piano.
This user enjoys Chinese traditional music.
Pi ≈ 3.14159265358979323846264

33832795028841971693993751058 20974944592307816406286208998 62803482534211706798214808651 32823066470938446095505822317 25359408128481117450284102701 93852110555964462294895493038 19644288109756659334461284756 48233786783165271201909145648 56692346038610454326648213393 60726024914127372458700660631 55817488152092096282925409171 53643678925903600113305305488 20466521384146951941511609

\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}{x^n \over n!} This user loves problem solving.
This user knows how to travel 1 mile due south, due east, then due north and end up where they started. [1]
HP This user WAS a Harry Potter fan.
This user enjoys reading anything.
0 This Wikipedian is 0 years, 0 months, and 0 days old
on June 15, 2008.
This user is confused by every aspect of life, including his/her own confusion.
:( This user wishes there were more userboxes on Wikipedia.