Sonja Hegasy

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Dr. Sonja Hegasy is vice director for external relations of the Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO)[1] in Berlin. She holds degrees in Islamic Studies and Political Science. She received her PhD in 1997 at Free University of Berlin. Currently she is heading a research project about remembrance culture in the Arab World.


[edit] Published works

[edit] Articles

  • "Popular Diplomacy". In Auswärtiges Amt (ed.) Dialogue with the Islamic World, Berlin 22-30. [2]
  • "Young Authority: Quantitative and Qualitative Insights into Youth, Youth Culture, and State Power in Contemporary Morocco" In The Journal of North African Studies, Volume 12, Issue 1 March 2007 , pages 19 - 36.[3]

[edit] Books

  • Changing Values among Youth. Examples from the Arab World and Germany (ed. with Elke Kaschl), Berlin: ZMO-Studien, 2007

[edit] References

  1. ^ ZMO - Home - News
  2. ^
  3. ^ Young Authority: Quantitative and Qualitative Insights into Youth, Youth Culture, and State Power in Contemporary Morocco - The Journal of North African Studies

[edit] External links