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Somby is a common Sami surname (Of the Sami people). The name has most likely been made as a Norwegian language adapted variation based on the sami town of Sombio (or Sompio) in the Kemi region of north Finland. The name has probably also risen from the personal male name like Sompia, Sompi, Sombie, Sombe, Sombby, Sombi, Sumby and Sobbe. The name has been used as a family name written as Sombio, Sompio, Sombi and Somby.
Somby is the most common form today. It occurs basically in the north-Norwegian communities of Kautokeino and Karasjok, but also in other northern-Scandinavian regions. The ancestor of the Somby family is Oloff Persson Sombio, registrated in Kautokeino from 1697 to 1707.
[edit] Source
Kautokeinoslekter, by Adolf Steen. Renewed by Ola Aarseth (1986)