Software engineering

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Software engineering is the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software.[1] It encompasses techniques and procedures, often regulated by a software development process, with the purpose of improving the reliability and maintainability of software systems.[2] The effort is necessitated by the potential complexity of those systems, which may contain millions of lines of code.[3]

The term software engineering was popularized by F.L. Bauer during the NATO Software Engineering Conference in 1968.[4] The discipline of software engineering includes knowledge, tools, and methods for software requirements, software design, software construction, software testing, and software maintenance tasks.[5] Software engineering is related to the disciplines of computer science, computer engineering, management, mathematics, project management, quality management, software ergonomics, and systems engineering.[6]

In 2004, the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics counted 760,840 software engineers holding jobs in the U.S.; in the same time period there were some 1.4 million practitioners employed in the U.S. in all other engineering disciplines combined.[7] Due to its relative newness as a field of study, formal education in software engineering is often taught as part of a computer science curriculum, and as a result most software engineers hold computer science degrees.[8]


[edit] Ambiguity and controversy

Typical formal definitions of software engineering are

  • "the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software".[9]
  • "an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production"[10]
  • "the establishment and use of sound engineering principles in order to economically obtain software that is reliable and works efficiently on real machines"[11]

The term has been used less formally:

  • as the informal contemporary term for the broad range of activities that were formerly called programming and systems analysis;[12]
  • as the broad term for all aspects of the practice of computer programming, as opposed to the theory of computer programming, which is called computer science;[13]
  • as the term embodying the advocacy of a specific approach to computer programming, one that urges that it be treated as an engineering discipline rather than an art or a craft, and advocates the codification of recommended practices.[14]

Some people believe that software engineering implies a certain level of academic training, professional discipline, and adherence to formal processes that often are not applied in cases of software development. A common analogy is that working in construction does not make one a civil engineer, and so writing code does not make one a software engineer. The notion that the field is mature enough to warrant the title "engineering" is disputed.[citation needed] In each of the last few decades, at least one radical new approach has entered the mainstream of software development (e.g. Structured Programming, Object Orientation), implying that the field is still changing too rapidly to be considered an engineering discipline. Proponents argue that the supposedly radical new approaches are evolutionary rather than revolutionary.[citation needed]

Individual commentators have disagreed sharply on how to define software engineering or its legitimacy as an engineering discipline. David Parnas has said that software engineering is, in fact, a form of engineering.[15][16] Steve McConnell has said that it is not, but that it should be.[17] Donald Knuth has said that programming is an art and a science.[18] Edsger W. Dijkstra claims that the terms software engineering and software engineer have been misused, particularly in the United States.[19]

[edit] Regulatory classification

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics classifies computer software engineers as a subcategory of "computer specialists", along with occupations such as computer scientist, programmer, and network administrator.[20] The BLS classifies all other engineering disciplines, including computer hardware engineers, as "engineers".[21]

The U.K. has seen the alignment of the Information Technology Professional and the Engineering Professionals.[22]

Software engineering in Canada has seen some contests in the courts over the use of the title "Software Engineer"[23] The Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (C.C.P.E. or "Engineers Canada") will not grant a "Professional Engineer" status/license to anyone who has not completed a recognized academic engineering program.[citation needed] Engineers qualified outside Canada are similarly unable to obtain a "Professional Engineer" license.[24]Template:Request citation

Some of the United States of America regulate the use of terms such as "computer engineer" and even "software engineer". These states include at least Texas[25] and Florida[26]. Texas even goes so far as to ban anyone from writing any real-time code without an engineering license.

[edit] Education

About half of all practitioners today have computer science degrees. A small, but growing, number of practitioners have software engineering degrees. In 1996, Rochester Institute of Technology established the first software engineering Bachelor's degree program in the United States but did not obtain ABET until 2003, the same time as Clarkson University, Milwaukee School of Engineering and Mississippi State University.[27] Since then, software engineering undergraduate degrees have been established at many universities. A standard international curriculum for undergraduate software engineering degrees was recently defined by the CCSE. As of 2004, in the U.S., about 50 universities offer software engineering degrees, which teach both computer science and engineering principles and practices. The first software engineering Master's degree was established at Seattle University in 1979. Since then graduate software engineering degrees have been made available from many more universities. Likewise in Canada, the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) of the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers has recognized software engineering programs in engineering faculties such as McMaster University, the University of Waterloo, the University of Ottawa and the University of Western Ontario, the University of Calgary, the University of Victoria, École Polytechnique de Montréal, McGill University the ETS in Montréal and the Université Laval in 2006.[28][29][30][31][32]

In 1998, the US Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) established the first doctorate program in Software Engineering in the world.[citation needed] As of the beginning of 2006, thirteen students had graduated from the program and assumed senior-level leadership roles in the Department of Defense research and development community.[citation needed] Additionally, many online advanced degrees in Software Engineering have appeared such as the Master of Science in Software Engineering (MSE) degree offered through the Computer Science and Engineering Department at California State University, Fullerton.

Steve McConnell opines that because most universities teach computer science rather than software engineering, there is a shortage of true software engineers.[33]

ETS University and UQAM were mandated by IEEE to develop the SoftWare Engineering BOdy of Knowledge SWEBOK which has become an ISO standard describing the body of knowledge covered by a software engineer.

[edit] Other degrees

In business, some practitioners have MIS degrees. In embedded systems, some practitioners have electrical or computer engineering degrees, because embedded software often requires a detailed understanding of hardware. In medical software, some practitioners have medical informatics, general medical, or biology degrees.[citation needed]

Some practitioners have mathematics, science, engineering, or technology degrees. Some have philosophy (logic in particular) or other non-technical degrees.[citation needed] And, some have no degrees.[citation needed] For instance, Barry Boehm earned degrees in mathematics.

[edit] Profession

[edit] Employment

See also: software engineering demographics

Most software engineers work as employees or contractors. Software engineers work with businesses, government agencies (civilian or military), and non-profit organizations. Some software engineers work for themselves as freelancers. Some organizations have specialists to perform each of the tasks in the software development process. Other organizations required software engineers to do many or all of them. In large projects, people may specialize in only one role. In small projects, people may fill several or all roles at the same time. Specializations include: in industry (analysts, architects, developers, testers, technical support, managers) and in academia (educators, researchers).

There is considerable debate over the future employment prospects for Software Engineers and other IT Professionals. For example, an online futures market called the Future of IT Jobs in America attempts to answer whether there will be more IT jobs, including software engineers, in 2012 than there were in 2002.

[edit] Certification

Certification of software engineers is a contentious issue.[citation needed] Some see it as a tool to improve professional practice.[citation needed]

Most successful certification programs in the software industry are oriented toward specific technologies, and are managed by the vendors of these technologies.[citation needed] These certification programs are tailored to the institutions that would employ people who use these technologies.

The ACM had a professional certification program in the early 1980s, which was discontinued due to lack of interest.[citation needed] As of 2006, the IEEE had certified over 575 software professionals.[34] In Canada the Canadian Information Processing Society has developed a legally recognized professional certification called Information Systems Professional (ISP).[35]

[edit] Impact of globalization

Many students in the developed world have avoided degrees related to software engineering because of the fear of offshore outsourcing (importing software products or services from other countries) and of being displaced by foreign visa workers.[36] Although government statistics do not currently show a threat to software engineering itself; a related career, computer programming does appear to have been affected.[37][38] Often one is expected to start out as a computer programmer before being promoted to software engineer. Thus, the career path to software engineering may be rough, especially during recessions.

Some career counselors suggest a student also focus on "people skills" and business skills rather than purely technical skills because such "soft skills" are allegedly more difficult to offshore.[39] It is the quasi-management aspects of software engineering that appear to be what has kept it from being impacted by globalization.[40]

[edit] Comparing related fields

Many fields are closely related to software engineering; here are some key similarities and distinctions. Comparing SE with other fields helps explain what SE is and helps define what SE might or should become. There is considerable debate over which fields SE most resembles (or should most resemble). These complex and inexact comparisons explain why some see software engineering as its own field.

[edit] History

Software engineering has a long evolving history. Both the tools that are used and the applications that are written have evolved over time. It seems likely that software engineering will continue evolving for many decades to come.

[edit] 60 year time line

[edit] Current trends in software engineering

Software engineering is a young discipline, and is still developing. The directions in which software engineering is developing include:

Aspects help software engineers deal with quality attributes by providing tools to add or remove boilerplate code from many areas in the source code. Aspects describe how all objects or functions should behave in particular circumstances. For example, aspects can add debugging, logging, or locking control into all objects of particular types. Researchers are currently working to understand how to use aspects to design general-purpose code. Related concepts include generative programming and templates.
Agile software development guides software development projects that evolve rapidly with changing expectations and competitive markets. Proponents of this method believe that heavy, document-driven processes (like TickIT, CMM and ISO 9000) are fading in importance[citation needed]. Some people believe that companies and agencies export many of the jobs that can be guided by heavy-weight processes[citation needed]. Related concepts include Extreme Programming and Lean software development.
Experimental software engineering is a branch of software engineering interested in devising experiments on software, in collecting data from the experiments, and in devising laws and theories from this data. Proponents of this method advocate that the nature of software is such that we can advance the knowledge on software through experiments only[citation needed].
Model Driven Software Development uses (both textual and graphical) models as primary development artifacts. By means of model transformation and code generation a part or complete applications are generated.
Software Product Lines
Software Product Lines is a systematic way to produce families of software systems, instead of creating a succession of completely individual products. This method emphasizes extensive, systematic, formal code reuse, to try to industrialize the software development process.

The Future of Software Engineering conference (FOSE), held at ICSE 2000, documented the state of the art of SE in 2000 and listed many problems to be solved over the next decade. The FOSE tracks at the ICSE 2000 and the ICSE 2007 conferences also help identify the state of the art in software engineering.

[edit] Software engineering today

The profession is trying to define its boundary and content. The Software Engineering Body of Knowledge SWEBOK has been tabled as an ISO standard during 2006 (ISO/IEC TR 19759).

In 2006, Money Magazine and rated software engineering as the best job in America in terms of growth, pay, stress levels, flexibility in hours and working environment, creativity, and how easy it is to enter and advance in the field.[41]

See also software engineering economics.

[edit] See also

Main lists: List of basic software engineering topics and List of software engineering topics

[edit] References

  1. ^ “IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology,” IEEE std 610.12-1990, 1990, quoted at the beginning of Chapter 1: Introduction to the guide Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (February 6, 2004). Retrieved on 2008-02-21.
  2. ^ Pecht, Michael (1995). Product Reliability, Maintainability, and Supportability Handbook. CRC Press. ISBN 0-8493-9457-0. 
  3. ^ Pehrson, Ronald J. (January 1996). "Software Development for the Boeing 777". CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering. , "The 2.5 million lines of newly developed software were approximately six times more than any previous Boeing commercial airplane development program. Including commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) and optional software, the total size is more than 4 million lines of code."
  4. ^ Dijkstra, Edsger W; transcribed by Mario Béland (1993-12-03; transcription last revised 2004-11-23). There is still a war going on (manuscript Austin, 3 December 1993). E. W. Dijkstra Archive. The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences. Retrieved on 2007-02-17. “When the term was coined in 1968 by F.L. Bauer of the Technological University of Munich, I welcomed it.”
  5. ^ Table 1 in Chapter 1,Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (February 6, 2004). Retrieved on 2008-02-21.
  6. ^ Table 2 in Chapter 1,Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (February 6, 2004). Retrieved on 2008-02-21.
  7. ^ Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, USDL 05-2145: Occupational Employment and Wages, November 2004, Table 1.
  8. ^ Software Engineering. Retrieved on 2008-02-01.
  9. ^ “IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology,” IEEE std 610.12-1990, 1990.
  10. ^ Sommerville, Ian [1982] (2007). "1.1.2 What is software engineering?", Software Engineering, 8th ed., Harlow, England: Pearson Education, P. 7. ISBN 0-321-31379-8. “Software engineeering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production from the early stages of system specification to maintaining the system after it has gone into use. In this definition, there are two key phrases:
    1. Engineeering discipline Engineers make things work. They apply theories, methods and tools where these are appropriate [. . .] Engineers also recognise that they must work to organisational and financial constraints. [. . .]
    2. All aspects of software production Software engineering is not just concerned with the technical processes of software development but also with activities such as software project management and with the development of tools, methods and theories to support software production.”
  11. ^ "Software Engineering" (1972). Information Processing 71: 530-538. North-Holland Publishing Co.. 
  12. ^ Akram I. Salah (2002-04-05). Engineering an Academic Program in Software Engineering. 35th Annual Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium. Retrieved on 2006-09-13.: "For some, software engineering is just a glorified name for programming. If you are a programmer, you might put 'software engineer' on your business card—never 'programmer' though."
  13. ^ Mills, Harlan D., J. R. Newman, and C. B. Engle, Jr., "An Undergraduate Curriculum in Software Engineering," in Deimel, Lionel E. (1990). Software Engineering Education: SEI Conference 1990, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, April 2-3,.... Springer. ISBN 0-387-97274-9. , p. 26: "As a practical matter, we regard software engineering as the necessary preparation for the practicing, software development and maintenance professional. The Computer Scientist is preparing for further theoretical studies..."
  14. ^ David Budgen, Pearl Brereton, Barbara Kitchenham, Stephen Linkman (2004-12-14). Realizing Evidence-based Software Engineering. Retrieved on 2006-10-18.: "We believe that software engineering can only advance as an engineering discipline by moving away from its current dependence upon advocacy and analysis...."
  15. ^ Parnas, David L. (1998). "Software Engineering Programmes are not Computer Science Programmes". Annals of Software Engineering 6: 19–37. , p. 19: "Rather than treat software engineering as a subfield of computer science, I treat it as an element of the set, {Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering,....}."
  16. ^ Parnas, David L. (1998). "Software Engineering Programmes are not Computer Science Programmes". Annals of Software Engineering 6: 19–37. , p. 20: "This paper argues that the introduction of accredited professional programmes in software engineering, programmes that are modelled on programmes in traditional engineering disciplines will help to increase both the quality and quantity of graduates who are well prepared, by their education, to develop trustworthy software products."
  17. ^ McConnell, Steve (August 2003). Professional Software Development: Shorter Schedules, Better Projects, Superior Products, Enhanced Careers. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-321-19367-9. , p. 39: "In my opinion, the answer to that question is clear: Professional software development should be engineering. Is it? No. But should it be? Unquestionably, yes. "
  18. ^ Knuth, Donald (1974). "Computer Programming as an Art". Communications of the ACM 17 (12): 667-673.  Transcript of the 1974 Turing Award lecture.
  19. ^ Dijkstra, Edsger W; transcribed by Mario Béland (1993-12-03; transcription last revised 2004-11-23). There is still a war going on (manuscript Austin, 3 December 1993). E. W. Dijkstra Archive. The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences. Retrieved on 2007-02-17. “When the term was coined in 1968 by F.L. Bauer of the Technological University of Munich, I welcomed it. [. . .] I interpreted the introduction of the term “software engineering” as an apt reflection of the fact that the design of software systems was an activity par excellence for the mathematical engineer. [. . .]. As soon the term arrived in the USA, it was relieved of all its technical content. It had to be so for in its original meaning it was totally unacceptable [. . .] In the mean time, software engineering has become an almost empty term, as was nicely demonstrated by Data General who overnight promoted all its programmers to the exalted rank of “software engineer”!”
  20. ^ U.S Department of Labor and Statistics The 2000 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) System: 15-0000 Computer and Mathematical Occupations
  21. ^ U.S Department of Labor and Statistics The 2000 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) System: 17-0000 Architecture and Engineering Occupations
  22. ^ 'British Computer Society' - "BCS is licensed by the Engineering Council to award Chartered Engineer status (CEng) and Incorporated Engineer status (IEng);" [1]
  23. ^ 'Professional Engineers of Ontario' - "Quebec Engineers win court battle against Microsoft"[2]
  24. ^ Council for Access to the Profession of Engineering
  25. ^ IEEE Software: "What do you mean I can't call myself a Software Engineer?"
  26. ^ Florida Statutes: Chapter 471: Engineering
  27. ^ ABET Accredited Engineering Programs (April 3, 2007). Retrieved on 2007-04-03.
  28. ^ PEO. CEAB accredits first software programs. Retrieved on 2007-04-10.
  29. ^ CCPE. Software Engineering Syllabus - 2004. Retrieved on 2007-04-10.
  30. ^ University of Victoria. Full Accreditation granted to our Software Engineering Degree (BSEng) Program!. Retrieved on 2007-12-09.
  31. ^ McGill University. Full Accreditation has been granted to our Software Engineering Degree (B.S.E.) Program!. Retrieved on 2008-04-10.
  32. ^ Université Laval. Accréditation par le BCAPI. Retrieved on 2008-01-05.
  33. ^ McConnell, Steve (July 10, 2003. Professional Software Development: Shorter Schedules, Higher Quality Products, More Successful Projects, Enhanced Careers. ISBN 978-0321193674.
  34. ^ IEEE Computer Society. 2006 IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY REPORT TO THE IFIP GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Retrieved on 2007-04-10.
  35. ^ Canadian Information Processing Society. I.S.P. Designation. Retrieved on 2007-03-15.
  36. ^ As outsourcing gathers steam, computer science interest wanes
  37. ^ Computer Programmers
  38. ^ Software developer growth slows in North America | InfoWorld | News | 2007-03-13 | By Robert Mullins, IDG News Service
  39. ^ Hot Skills, Cold Skills
  40. ^ Dual Roles: The Changing Face of IT
  41. ^ Kalwarski, Tara; Daphne Mosher, Janet Paskin and Donna Rosato (2006). Best Jobs in America. MONEY Magazine. CNN. Retrieved on 2006-04-20., "MONEY Magazine and researched hundreds of jobs, considering their growth, pay, stress-levels and other factors. These careers ranked highest. 1. Software Engineer..."

[edit] Further reading

[edit] External links