Soeng Hyang

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Soeng Hyang

Birth name:  Barbara Trexler
Other name(s): Barbara Rhodes
Born: 1948
Place of birth: Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Religion: Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism
School(s): Kwan Um School of Zen
Title(s): Soen Sa Nim
Teacher(s): Seung Sahn
Predecessor(s): Seung Sahn Soen Sa Nim


Soeng Hyang Soen Sa Nim (b. 1948), birth name Barbara Trexler (later Barbara Rhodes née Trexler), is Guiding Dharma Teacher of the international Kwan Um School of Zen and successor of the late Seung Sahn Soen Sa Nim. She was a founding member of the Providence Zen Center—now located in Cumberland, Rhode Island. Soeng Hyang received inga from Seung Sahn Soen Sa Nim in 1977 and full Dharma transmission in 1992. She has two daughters and currently lives in a same-sex relationship. Seong Hyang has worked as a registered nurse and hospice caregiver, the latter of which she remains actively involved in.[1][2]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Ford, James Ishmael (2006). Zen Master Who? A Guide to the People and Stories of Zen. Wisdom Publications, pp. 101-102. ISBN 0861715098. 
  2. ^ Skinner, Rosemary, et al. (2006). Encyclopedia of Women And Religion in North America. Indiana University Press, p. 644. ISBN 0253346851.