Sociology of architecture

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Sociology of architecture is an uncommon term that describes the sociological study of either:

  • the built environment
  • the occupation of architect

Architecture is basically constituted of the aesthetic aspect, the engineering aspect and the social aspects. The built environment which is made up of built spaces and the activities of people are inter-related and inseparabe. It is for us to understand this interelationship and put it down appropriately on paper. Social institutions are many and these social institution sometimes need building or spaces to function from. The way the building are designed to fulfil the needs of these social institutions /social requirements can be said to be the comliance of social aspects in architecture.

[edit] Construed as the sociology of the architect

The literature is scant in this area, and associated with the American researchers Robert Gutman, Herbert Gans, Dana Cuff, Sherry Ahrentzen, and Linda Groat; most of whose work was conducted from 1980 to 2000. Their most active successor is the Australian researcher Garry Stevens.

[edit] References

  • Bernhard Schäfers, Architektursoziologie, Opladen (Leske + Budrich) 2003 ISBN 3-8252-8254-6
  • Paul Jones, The Sociology of Architecture: Constructing Identities, Liverpool University Press 2008 (forthcoming)
  • Heike Delitz, Architektur als Medium des Sozialen. Ein Vorschlag zur Neubegründung der Architektursoziologie, in: Sociologia Internationalis Bd. 43, 1-2/2005, 1-25
  • Heike Delitz, Die Architektur der Gesellschaft. Architektur und Architekturtheorie im Blick der Soziologie, in: Wolkenkuckucksheim - Cloud-Cuckoo-Land - Vozdushnyi zamok. Internationale ZS für Theorie und Wissenschaft der Architektur, 10. Jg. H. 1 (Sept. 2006): »From Outer Space: Architekturtheorie außerhalb der Disziplin« (
  • Joachim Fischer/ Michael Makropoulos (Hg.), Potsdamer Platz. Soziologische Theorien zu einem Ort der Moderne, München 2004
  • Anthony D. King (ed.), Buildings and Society: Essays on the Social Development of the Built Environment, London 1980
  • Guy Ankerl, Experimental Sociology of Architecture. A Guide to Theory, Research and Literature, Mouton de Gruyter Publ. (The Hague, Paris, New York)549 p. 1983 ISBN 90-279-3440-1 (paper) Hardcover ISBN 90-279-3219-0.
  • Herbert Schubert, Empirische Architektursoziologie, in: Die alte Stadt 1/2005, 1-27
  • Olivier Chadoin, Etre architecte : les vertus de l'indétermination - de la sociologie d'une profession à la sociologie du travail professionnel, Presses Universitaires de Limoges, 2007.
