Society for Experimental Biology

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The Society for Experimental Biology is a learned society which was established in 1923 at Birkbeck College in London to “promote the art and science of experimental biology in all its branches”. The Society has an international membership of approximately 2000 biological researchers, teachers and students. Unlike many biological societies, the Society caters for both botany and zoology.

The main activities of the Society are the production of scientific meetings, the publication of relevant research and the promotion of experimental biology through its education and public affairs programme.

The Society organises one large meeting each year plus a number of smaller meetings, both on its own and in collaboration with others. Its publications include three major peer-reviewed scientific journals: the Journal of Experimental Botany co-published with Oxford University Press , The Plant Journal co-published with Blackwell Publishing, and Plant Biotechnology Journal (published in cooperation with the Society of Applied Biologists and Blackwell Publishing. The Society also promotes awareness of its subject to the general public and at different levels within the education system.

The work of the Society rests on the efforts of unpaid officers and committee members who determine policy and strategy. The Society is administered by a small secretariat from its Head Office in Southampton and an additional office in Lancaster. The journals of the Society have Editorial Offices in Lancaster, York and Bristol.

The Society is funded through income from publications, investments and member subscriptions.

[edit] References

Erlingsson, Steindór J., "The rise of experimental zoology in Britain in the 1920s: Hogben, Huxley, Crew, and the Society for Experimental Biology" (University of Manchester 2005)

Erlingsson, Steindór J., "The Early History of the SEB and the BJEB." Society For Experimental Biology Bulletin, March, pp. 10-11, 2006 .

[edit] External links