Social network aggregation

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Social network aggregation is the process of collecting content from multiple social network services, such as MySpace or Facebook. The task is often performed by a social network aggregator, which pulls together information into a single location[1], or helps a user consolidate multiple social networking profiles into one profile.[2] Various aggregation services provide tools or widgets to allow users to consolidate messages, track friends, combine bookmarks, search across multiple social networking sites, read rss feeds for multiple social networks, see when their name is mentioned on various sites, access their profiles from a single interface, provide "lifestreams", etc.[2]

Social network aggregation services attempt to organize or simplify a user's social networking experience[3], although the idea has been satirized by the concept of a "social network aggregator aggregator."[4]


[edit] Concept

FriendFeed and Spokeo are examples of social network aggregators. Social network aggregation platforms like Mybloglog, a Yahoo property, Plaxo, Jaiku or others, allow members to share their other social network activities like Twitter, Youtube, Stumbleupon, Digg, and other major platforms.

One can also integrate their blog posts and comments in the aggregation platform. Everything is shown in real time to other members who subscribe to a particular community, which eliminates the need to jump from one social media network to another, trying to keep an eye on one's interests. [5]

The aggregation is done by an API application. For the API to be able to access a users actions from another platform, the user will have to give permission to the social aggregation platform, by specifying user id and password of the social media to be syndicated. This concept is similar to open id.[6]

In March 2008, The Economist reported that social network services are only beginning the move away from "walled gardens" to more open architectures. Some sites are working together on a "data portability workgroup", while others are focussing on a single sign-on system called OpenID to allow users to log on across multiple sites. Historically the trend from private services to more open ones can be seen across many internet services from email and instant messaging to the move that early online service providers made to become websites.[7]. The OpenSocial initiative aims to bridge the member overlap between various online social network services.[8]

[edit] Overlap between multiple social network services

Many users have accounts on several different social networking sites.[7] In November 2007, Alex Patriquin of reported on the member overlap between various online social network services:[8]

Members of Bebo
  • 65% are MySpace members.
  • 25% are Facebook members.
  • 3% are Hi5 members.
  • 2% are Friendster members.
  • 1% are LinkedIn members.
  • 1% are Ning members.
  • 0% are Orkut members.
  • 0% are Plaxo members.
Members of Facebook
  • 64% are MySpace members.
  • 9% are Plaxo members.
  • 4% are Bebo members.
  • 2% are Friendster members.
  • 2% are Hi5 members.
  • 2% are LinkedIn members.
  • 1% are Ning members.
  • 1% are Orkut members.
Members of Friendster
  • 49% are MySpace members.
  • 23% are Facebook members.
  • 6% are LinkedIn members.
  • 5% are Bebo members.
  • 4% are Hi5 members.
  • 2% are Ning members.
  • 1% are Orkut members.
  • 0% are Plaxo members.
Members of Hi5
  • 69% are MySpace members.
  • 24% are Facebook members.
  • 7% are Bebo members.
  • 4% are Friendster members.
  • 2% are Orkut members.
  • 1% are LinkedIn members.
  • 0% are Ning members.
  • 0% are Plaxo members.
Members of LinkedIn
  • 42% are Facebook members.
  • 32% are MySpace members.
  • 8% are Friendster members.
  • 8% are Ning members.
  • 4% are Bebo members.
  • 3% are Orkut members.
  • 3% are Plaxo members.
  • 2% are Hi5 members.
Members of MySpace
  • 20% are Facebook members.
  • 3% are Bebo members.
  • 1% are Friendster members.
  • 1% are Hi5 members.
  • 0% are LinkedIn members.
  • 0% are Ning members.
  • 0% are Orkut members.
  • 0% are Plaxo members.
Members of Ning
  • 44% are MySpace members.
  • 35% are Facebook members.
  • 19% are LinkedIn members.
  • 6% are Bebo members.
  • 6% are Friendster members.
  • 2% are Orkut members.
  • 2% are Plaxo members.
  • 1% are Hi5 members.
Members of Orkut
  • 29% are MySpace members.
  • 26% are Facebook members.
  • 8% are LinkedIn members.
  • 7% are Hi5 members.
  • 4% are Friendster members.
  • 3% are Bebo members.
  • 2% are Ning members.
  • 1% are Plaxo members.
Members of Plaxo
  • 54% are LinkedIn members.
  • 48% are Facebook members.
  • 34% are MySpace members.
  • 14% are Ning members.
  • 8% are Friendster members.
  • 5% are Bebo members.
  • 4% are Orkut members.
  • 2% are Hi5 members.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Rachael King (2007-06-18). When Your Social Sites Need Networking. BusinessWeek. Retrieved on 2008-04-10.
  2. ^ a b Stan Schroeder (2007-07-17). 20 Ways To Aggregate Your Social Networking Profiles. Mashable. Retrieved on 2008-04-10.
  3. ^ Beth Snyder Bulik (2007-06-18). "Upstart websites aim to consolidate social networking". Advertising Age. “The latest trend in the space is aggregation-websites...[which] all present variations on the theme of organizing or simplifying a consumer's social-networking experience.” 
  4. ^ Brian Briggs (2008-03-17). Social Network Aggregator Aggregator Launched. BBSpot. Retrieved on 2008-04-10.
  5. ^ Social Aggregation: defragment your online life
  6. ^ David Jennings (2005-08-03). Aggregation of data across social networks. Retrieved on 2008-04-10.
  7. ^ a b Everywhere and nowhere. The Economist (2008-03-19). Retrieved on 2008-04-10.
  8. ^ a b Alex Patriquin (2007-11-12). Connecting the Social Graph: Member Overlap at OpenSocial and Facebook. blog. Retrieved on 2008-04-10.