Social firm
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A Social Firm is a business created for the employment of people who have a disability or are otherwise disadvantaged in the labour market. The commercial and production activities are undertaken in the context of a social mission, with profits going back into the company to further its goals. A significant number of the employees of Social Firms will be people with a disability or disadvantage, including psychiatric disabilities. The firms grew out of disillusionment with mainstream businesses, and the failure to recognise or enable everyone's potential. All workers are paid a market-rate wage or salary that is appropriate to the work. All employees are intended to have the same employment opportunities, rights and obligations.
For more information about Social Firms see the website of Social Firms UK, the UK's national support agency encouraging the development of Social Firms: Social Firms UK In recognition of the growing interest in Social Firm development in countries all over the world now, Social Firms UK launched the International Social Firms Alliance (ISFA) in March 2007. ISFA is an online area where people and organisations can meet virtually to discuss common interests and share good practice. For more information visit ISFA
Social Firms Australia (SoFA) is a not- for- profit organisation developing social firms in Australia. SoFA is committed to improving the quality of life as well as the social and economic integration of Australians living with a psychiatric disability. For more information visit Social Firms Australia
[edit] History
The original social firms were established in the 1980s. Firms in Europe started to prosper and employ increasing numbers of people with a disability. Schemes, and coordinating organisations, became more established and numerous in the 1990s.
[edit] See also
- Social enterprise
- Disability rights
- Social Inclusion
- Social model of disability
- Psychiatric rehabilitation
- Recovery model
- Social Psychiatry
- RepaNet
[edit] External links
International Social Firms Alliance
European Confederation of social firms and co-operatives (CEFEC)