SOC medium

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The first user of SOB medium, and its derived SOC medium, was Hanahan. It stands for SOB = "Super Optimal Broth". SOC had the 'B' in SOB changed to 'C' , for catobolite repression, reflective of the added glucose. [1] [2] SOC medium is a nutritionally rich bacterial growth medium, perhaps the second-most widely used medium for culture of Escherichia coli in molecular biology after lysogeny broth (LB).[3]

[edit] Formula

  • 20 g Bacto-tryptone
  • 5 g Bacto-yeast extract
  • 0.5 g NaCl
  • 2.5 mL 1M KCl
  • 1000 mL ddH2O to

Total volume = 1000 mL[4]

[edit] pH adjustment

For maximum effectiveness, the SOC medium should be adjusted to a pH of 7.0:

  • Use 10 N NaOH to neutralize pH of medium at 7.0
  • Autoclave medium to sterilize
  • Add 20 mL of sterile 1M glucose[5]
  • Adj. to 20 mM MgSO4[6]

[edit] References
