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Smerds (Smerd sing.) (Cмерды pl., cмерд sing. in Russian) were feudal-dependent peasants in Russia and some other Slavic countries. Sources from the 11th and 12th centuries mention smerds’ presence in Kievan Rus (e.g. Russkaya Pravda) and Poland.

Smerds in Kievan Rus' were peasants, who had been gradually losing their freedom (partially or completely) and whose legal status had differed from group to group. Unlike the slaves, the Smerds had their own property and had to pay fines for their delinquencies. Legally, the Smerds never possessed full rights; the killing of a Smerd was punished by the same fine as the killing of a kholop. The property of the deceased was inherited by the knyaz. Russkaya Pravda forbade torturing the Smerds during court examination without the consent of the knyaz.

During the 12th and the 13th centuries the Smerds were mentioned in a number of sources, narrating about the events in Halych-Volynia and Novgorod. It appears that during this period the term Smerd encompassed the whole rural population of a given region. Sources of the 14th and 15th centuries tell about the Smerds of Novgorod and Pskov as peasants-proprietors, who possessed lands collectively (communes) or individually and had the right to freely alienate their own allotments. However, their personal freedom was limited: they were forbidden to seek for a new master or princely patronage. The knyaz could not accept complaints from the Smerds on their master. Also, the Smerds had to perform certain duties called dani or raboty (дани, работы, or tributes, assignments) to the benefit of the city as a collective feudal master.